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Jan 9, 2020

Board Attendees: Hal Goodell, Naomi Grant, Kyle Larsen, Howard Stapleton, Miguel Martinez, Pia Beetham and Rob Moore in attendance.

Meeting Called to order at 7:02 pm

Minutes from the Nov 2019 Meeting are approved. Dec 2019 meeting was cancelled.

Public Comments: John Reece would like to see public speakers come to the FICRA Meetings. He suggests a water commissioner speak about recent changes.

Miguel thanks everyone (5 guests) for attending this evening.

President’s Report: Miguel reports there are plans to have guest speakers to attend/present at 6:30 pm before FICRA Meetings in the future. He is looking for suggestions. 

  • Water Commissioners
  • Art Jarvis – PSD schools
  • GHFD
  • Pierce County Health Dept – Flu season
  • PenMet Parks – Facilities
  • PC Sheriffs Dept – theft reports, traffic etc.

Treasurer’s Report: Hal Goodell

BANK BALANCES: Hal reports

Checking: Dec 1: $17,368.11 Dec 31: Cleared Balance: $12,653.51

Money Market: Dec 1: $30,896.94 Dec 31: Cleared Balance: $30,916.62

Pay Pal: Dec 1: $875.70 Dec 31: Balance: $923.64

End of year net Income for 2019 is $4.000, actual was ($1690). Hal explains this is from dues and donations.

Unfinished Business: We are looking for a person (or people) to replace Lisa Stapleton as manager of communications/publicity, i.e. Facebook, and FICRA Flash (20 hrs/month total). If anyone is interested, contact Howard or Miguel. Miguel feels we need a survey to discover which way members read about FICRA events.

A representative from the museum suggests a joint survey of FI residents. Bridge sign is difficult to read, but FI Museum is much easier to read when driving. Pia to help with a survey effort.

Committee Reports:  Christmas Tree Lighting went very well. The numbers system worked out well for those waiting to have Santa photos. Many families left after photos. Fireside was not as well received by families with small children. Kyle suggests adding crafts or project for young children. Rob proposes a “theme” for next year to be “Candy Canes”, and he has more LED lights for next year, and he will also be putting them on timers. Thank you to the Bradens and Moores for their efforts in decorations this year.

Social Activities: Party with a Purpose (PWP) is being planned. Miguel would like to know what help the FICRA Trust needs from FICRA. Naomi reports that volunteers are needed. She has a generic list currently. Howard also suggests that it is better for everyone to sign up early. Miguel would like to see a comment on social media 3 days/week to help promote the PWP. Most social media users are on between 7 pm and 9 pm. Kyle will schedule posts prescheduled, with assistance of Miguel with photos.

Membership: Naomi reports no updates currently. Hal reports membership is up to 345. He feels we should send out another renewal letter soon. Miguel asks if members would be willing to canvas FI. Willingness, but to be further considered in summer.

Senior Activities: Ray excused

New Business: What information do we want distributed in the next 12 months. The media publicity person needs to better plan the next mailings. Paper 3 times/year, March, November and August. Emails on 1st of every month.

Miguel to contact prospective people to be speakers at each meeting this year.

Jim reports that the budget from 2020 needs to be reviewed and put it together.

Another idea to publish in newsletter is that the fire dept is making red house number signs to be posted on the road, cost $12, improves ease of locating your home in the event of an emergency. 

Meeting Adjourned at 8:03 pm

Next Meeting is Feb 13, 2020

Respectfully submitted (by Gina Olson) for Secretary Naomi Grant