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FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes 
Thursday, May 12, 2022, 8:00PM 
Nichols Community Center, Fox Island, Washington 

2022-2023 FICRA Trust Board
Arlyn LawrencePresident
Wes KingVice President
Candy WawroSecretary
Hal GoodellTreasurer
Craig McLaughlinDirector

FICRA Trust Board 

May 12, 2022 

Nichols Community Center Auditorium 

Attendees:  Arlyn Lawrence (President), Wes King (Vice-President), Hal Goodell (Treasurer), Candy Wawro (Secretary), Craig McLaughlin (Director) 

Meeting called to order at 8:18 pm 

Public Comments:  Miguel Martinez spoke on behalf of Karen Craven who had to leave.  Karen would like to make a poster (at her expense) of the children’s artwork completed at last year at the FICRA Fair and display it at this year’s fair.  Arlyn suggested it be displayed for the full month of August within the Nichols Center. Board will ultimately decide appropriate placing of the collage. 

Approval of April Board minutes:  Craig made the motion to approve the Board minutes for April and Wes seconded it.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer’s Report (Hal Goodell):  

Checking Account:  Was $45,291.66 for April; now $46,143.04 (minus payments of $2,20762 for equipment purchases to be reimbursed by State Grant and additions of $3,059.00 for deposits for a total cleared transaction of $851.38).  May’s balance is $48,143.04. 

Trust Savings Account:  Was $633.21 for April; now $633.24 ($.03 deposits/credits) 

Building Trust PayPal Account:  Was $897.19 for April; now $1,670.20 (additions include rental income ($700), citizen’s patrol donation ($100), minus fees of $26.99.  May balance is $1,670.20 

Trust Capital Checking:  Was $3,578.13 now $24,178.13 (includes money transfer from Capital Money Market of $20,600 for payment of phase 2 windows) 

Trust Reserve Checking:  Was $319.98 for April; now $319.98 for May 

Trust Money Market (General, Capital, Reserve EP and CP):  Was $313,095.18 for April. Now $292,559.09 for May.  (Minus transfer of $20,666.47 transfer to capital checking for phase 2 window payments and deposits of $130.38 for a total cleared transaction of $20,536.09).  May’s balance is now $292,559.09. 

Trust General Money Market:  Was $180,075.19 for April.  Now $180,139.10 for May (includes interest of $63.91). 

Trust Capital Money Market:  Was $46,870.22 for April.  Now $28,270.22 (includes a minus $20,600 for payment).  May’s balance is $$20,270.22 

Trust Reserve Money Market:  Was $44,530.13 for April; now $44,530.13 for May 

Trust Emergency Preparedness Restricted Money Market:  Was $21,591.59 for April, now $21,591.59 for May – no change. 

Trust Citizens’ Patrol Restricted Money Market:  Was $20,028.05 for April, now $20,028.05 for May – no change. 

A request was made by Hal to re-allocate $500 that were funds that were not going to be used for the field test and irrigation study) to pay for irrigation around the NCC building and gazebo.  A motion was made by Arlyn to approve the motion and was seconded by Craig.  Motion carried.  The preliminary work on the NCC and gazebo irrigation was $2600 (higher than expected).  Hal asked that $2100 be allocated from the Trust.  A motion was made by Arlyn to adjust the funds and was seconded by Craig.  Motion carried.  Hal requested to move $208.82 from Trust checking to Capital checking to clear out this balance.  Motion made by Hal and seconded by Craig.  Motion carried.  A note was made to potentially set up balance of Emergency Preparedness grant as a receivable to remind us that the money is out there.  Currently, we are charging expenses to Capital Assets fund and later reimbursed by the grant.  

Committee Reports:   

Building & Grounds (Jim Braden): Major Projects:  

The Capital Expenditures report has active & proposed (mostly capital) projects with priorities indicated in red Priority column. The status of each project is indicated on the last column of the report.   This month’s highlight is Phase 1 of the irrigation system (gazebo), which is complete.  The west wall windows are complete except for minor paint touchup on the outside by Chosen Wood Windows. The shades are, finally, totally installed.  Two more A/C contractors are due in 5/17 to prepare bid.  Preparing mowing contract once new contractor secures license, etc. 

We have also repaired the lathe and plaster walls in the classrooms and the auditorium (the walls in the hallways and kitchen have already been done).  The next step is the priming and paint in those rooms which, because of plaster walls, is a bit more complicated than originally anticipated.  Painting may be delayed more than the few days first anticipated. 

Nature Center: Work parties are active keeping invasive plants under control.  The Committee is working with Candy on getting some advertising out inviting folks to visit the Nature Center and to assist with upkeep when needed.  

Citizens’ Patrol:  The Citizen’s Patrol will have a recommendation for the Board to approve for sending to our insurance broker to ensure coverage for the folks involved in the new procedures. We hoped to have that for this meeting but didn’t get it quite done.  We will send that to the Board for consideration when it is ready. The hiring of Sheriff Deputy for select extra patrols is still above normal for us until we get advice from the Sheriff Department of a positive change in trend. 

Emergency Preparedness (EP):  We have yet to verify, for sure, the Cascadia Rising II event timing – supposedly in the Fall of 2022.   The Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) exercise of April 30th went well.  Lessons were learned by all.  More tools were identified that will improve our communication during a major emergency.  We are scheduled to mail a paper newsletter, soon, to all Fox Island residents with focus on informing those who don’t yet have a Block Coordinator of what they should be doing to prepare for and execute emergency response. 

Fox Island Amateur Radio Club (FIARC): The repeater is in service and is being used regularly on the Sunday radio nets. Some new communication processes are being evaluated as alternative and supplemental methods of communication for our Emergency Response. 

Craig made a mention that we need to have the sports fields G-max tested for hardness.  The harder the field, the more potential for injury.  Craig to investigate more fully and report back to the Board next month.  Craig also to talk with Jim Braden about accelerating already-approved expenditures. 

FICRA Report:  Miguel Martinez discussed the intent to dissolve FICRA with responsibilities and roles to be assumed by the Trust with one Board, instead of two, as presently done.  Also, he discussed the branding topic.  He suggested there was no reason to delay the work moving forward.  The design was presented to the Trust Board and was further discussed with Gina Olson as a possibility for introduction at the FICRA Fair on our t-shirts.  Gina said she would bring the suggestion back to her committee.  Miguel mentioned that due to the success of the FICRA committee, membership jumped from 364 to 391 and that they gained 20 members in less than a month.  He attributes this jump to more consistent social media usage and membership tables at all events.  He hopes to continue to add volunteers to the upcoming events and is launching the Cheers to Volunteers get together in hopes of adding those volunteers to the upcoming event line-up.  The get together is slated for May 25th from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. 

Unfinished Business:   

FI Scholarship:  Arlyn noted that she would like to add a Fox Island Scholarship to the Gig Harbor High Schools’ scholarship notebook.  Each high school senior is given a scholarship notebook for scholarships available.  We need to explore an effective way to solicit donations, advertise, connect with our high schools, and solicit community involvement.  Craig said he would also like to part of that endeavor. 

PenMet Parks:  Craig mentioned that he and a Fox Island group met recently to discuss the verbiage on the proposed website.  He suggested if islanders had questions, we should direct them to the website  The initiative to have Fox Island parks (DeMolay Sand Spit and the Fox Island Fishing Pier) returned to Fox Island oversight continues.  Craig mentioned that a flyer was being printed to inform our public of the initiative and will go in the mail shortly. 

Routine Cleaning:  At present the Nichols Center is deep cleaned monthly at $40 per hour per person (usually two people).  Renters must clean after each rental.  Sometimes additional cleaning is needed such as the floors needing to be washing instead of just mopped.  Presently, our rental coordinator has taken on this volunteer task.  So far, we have had only good reviews from our rental clients.  Miguel asked what it would take to have cleaners come in after every event.  Should we be charging an extra “cleaning fee”?  Discussion ensued as to whether this benefits the Trust or not.  If there is a cleaning fee, will renters be as diligent to clean up after their usage?  Will this be even more work (and cost) for the extra cleaning that we must pass onto our clients?  Will this added cost inhibit future rentals? As we complete a market study on rental rates, we should seek further information from other venues.  The topic of adding a dumpster was also discussed so renters do not have to take trash home with them.  Unfortunately, adding a dumpster also attracts islanders’ extra garbage, even if it is locked.  In the past, islanders have simply added bags near the dumpster, if locked, attracting critters as and becoming an eye sore as well.  Hence, given past practice, there is reluctance to add a dumpster for normal usage other than the fair.   

Labor Day Concert: Craig has booked with the Brothers Four. A question arose as to whether it should be child/family friendly event.  Wes made a motion that the concert should be family friendly.  Candy seconded that motion.  Motion carried.  Craig proposed seeking bids for a large stage at the back of the building versus using the side porch so families could spread out more.  Craig to explore the possibility and cost. 

Arlyn made a motion to adjourn at 9:40 pm.  Hal seconded the motion.  Motion carried.