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FICRA Board Meeting Minutes 3-10-2022

Fox Island Community & Recreation Association 
Board Meeting Minutes 
Thursday, March 10, 2022 7:00PM 
Nichols Community Center, Fox Island, Washington 

2022-2023 FICRA Board of Directors
Miguel MartinezPresident
Lindsey JensenVice President
Aileen JonesSecretary
Hal GoodellTreasurer
Candy WawroDirector
Matt DesjardinsDirector
Wes KingDirector


Board Attendees:  Hal Goodell, Candy Wawro, Weston King, Miguel Martinez, Aileen Jones, and Lindsey Jensen, Arlyn Lawrence, Jim Braden  

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm   

FICRA Board Elections: Arlyn asked interested candidates to introduce themselves 

Miguel: (President) On island since 2016, the past president for the last two years, married, two children 

Lindsey: (Vice-President) On island since 2015, wants to reconnect islanders since covid, married, four children 

Hal: (Treasurer) As treasurer, his job is to keep boards aware of costs.  Been on island since 1987. Retired 

Aileen: (Secretary) Been here since 2017.  Thought it would be great to get involved. Married, retired.   

Candy: (Director) On island since 2018.  Desires to be an integral part of the community. Former educator and school administrator.  Married, retired  

Matt: (Director) On the island since 1998.  His handprint is around the gazebo as a child.  Married, two children.  Grew up here. 

Arlyn asked three times if there are any candidates from the floor.  No candidates were recognized.  Given the candidates above, Arlyn asked for a motion to approve the candidates above. Motion made by Miguel and seconded by Wes to install new Board. 

New Audit Committee:  Diane Abney, Jennifer Beard and Jean Broughton excused.  Joan Wallace on island 37 years.  Joan was instrumental in establishing the original FICRA board and its bylaws.  Call for candidates from the floor (thrice) – none recognized.  Arlyn asked for a motion to install the audit committee. Motion to install audit committee made by Aileen and seconded by Lindsay.  

Approval of Feb. 10 FICRA Board minutes:  Aileen made a motion to accept the February minutes and Hal seconded such motion.  February FICRA minutes approved. 

Public Comments:  None 

President’s Report:   

Focus is to get to know each other again given the hiatus from Covid and Covid restrictions.  Miguel pledged to be open and honest about budget with no hidden agendas.  He further stated that there will be lots of conversations with Board members on email chain or zoom prior to the Board meetings to move through topics quickly and efficiently.     

Treasurer’s Report: 

Checking: 34,106.29 

Savings: 25 

Money Market:  31,169.74 

PayPal:  1156.47 

Current membership: 362, expired 20-21: 141, expired 19-20: 102 

Reminder that funds from dues goes toward the FICRA events. 

Unfinished Business: 

Events calendar:  Candy will put dates and events on the FICRA calendar. Board members or community members that wish to help on any event should contact Miguel.  Miguel will forward the name and contact to the lead Board member on that event.  Scheduled FICRA events are listed below with anticipated budget: 

Magical Strings – March 18th beginning at 7:30 pm ($800) As of March 10th, there were 56 tickets sold with more anticipated 

Easter Egg Hunt April 15th beginning at 10:00 am ($1000)   

Wire Sculpture Make and Take – May 13 (no cost to FICRA – paid event) 

June Summer Solistice – Tuesday, June 18st ($1500)  

Summer Concert – July 8th ($1500)  

Summer Concert – July 22nd (1500)  

FICRA Fair – Saturday, August 13th (Trust budget) 

Ice Cream social – August 30th ($500) 

September FICRA Friday – September 16th (no cost to FICRA – paid event)  

Trunk or Treat with Voyager October 29th ($500)  

FICRA Friday – Nov. 11th ($500) 

Christmas Tree – December 4th ($2000)  

FICRA Friday – January 13th ($500)   

Sports Equipment:  Necessary equipment that is still needed are balls, batting net, pitching net, pitching machine, etc.  The list is about $850.  Also needed are soccer equipment of balls, nets – $1500.  Equipment to eventually be loaned out on a reservation system.  Craig asked if we thought about a donation drive and wish list. Hal asked for a formalized plan.  Wes to compile list that can be published in the Flash and on social media.  Miguel asked for a $1000 for startup.  Jim Braden reiterated not to have too many activities that consume all our time.  Wes to get list out.  Lindsey to publish Amazon “wish list” on FICRA social media page.   

Miguel asked for a Budget Ratification:  Aileen made the motion and Lindsay seconded.  Vote taken and was unanimous.   

New Business: 

FI Action with PenMet:  An Island group wants to disengage from PenMet and form a Fox Island Park district separate from PenMet to further protect the DeMoley Nature Sandspit and the Fox Island Pier.  Hal suggested that FICRA and FICRA Trust remain neutral.   Craig mentioned that to ask us to support it without having seen it (the full informative packet) is not in our best interest.  Wes mentioned that we need to know if we are restricted legally with our current tax status from political discourse and was this topic “political” in the legal sense.  Howard Stapleton (President of the Trust) stated that individual Board members can do as they please to support or not support the idea but that the C-7 status of the Trust could be in jeopardy with support.  FICRA is a C-3 status and has different restrictions.  Hal mentioned that this topic could cause division within the community.  He further suggested we need to protect the FICRA and FICRA Trust so that the whole community feels included in both FICRA and FICRA Trust activities.  Action tabled. 

Meeting adjourned 8:08 pm