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Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Ray Kittelberger, and Hal Goodell.  Gina Olson excused.

Meeting opened by Jim Braden at 8:20 PM immediately after the FICRA Meeting conclusion.

Minutes:  The Minutes of the October 18th, 2018 meeting were unanimously approved.

President’s report:  Jim reports Jan 26, 2019 Party with a Purpose theme is set as “An Evening at the Odyssey Club”.   We are still shopping for an auctioneer.  The Par Course on the Sports Field now has three sites completed – one by Ian Murphy and two by Brandon Bowker as their Eagle Scout projects.  Jim will be taking all the signs we have on the property and have them redone. Another Eagle Scout candidate would like to do the signs for the Sports Field Par Course for his project.   Jim is thrilled with the Eagle Scouts making these their volunteer projects.  Jim asked if anyone remembers who the Christmas Tree Lighters were for 2015 and who the Grand Marshall was for2017.  

The Fall Cleanup went well.  We had almost 40 participants as thanked in the November FICRA flash newsletter.

Jim still has on his to-do list to install all new signs at the NCC in addition to the new signs for the Sports Field Par Course.  He also is still working on getting new contracts for the various regular users of the NCC to be sure they understand the rules and to help with the liability responsibility.  And he is working to get written procedures for our basic processes like the capitalization process in Treasurer’s Report, below.

Consent Calendar Items:   Motion approved to pay Pacific Rim $500 for the NCC lead paint process to use with volunteers doing the repainting of the NCC.

Treasurers Report:

Trust Checking account:  Oct. 1 Balance: $83,852.08         Oct. 31 End Balance: $81,913.69

Trust Capital Checking:  Oct. 1 Balance: $8,325.12   Oct. 31 End Balance: $1,785.71

Trust Reserve Checking:  Oct. 1 Balance: $27,230.17          Oct. 31 End Balance: $27,230.17

Trust Money Market:  Oct. 1 Balance: $1,642.89      Oct. 31 End Balance: $1,643.17

Trust Savings:  Oct. 1 Balance: $112.09                     Oct. 31 End Balance $112.09

Trust PayPal:  Oct. 1 Balance: $9.342.72                    Oct. 31 End Balance $9,167.34

There was discussion on capitalization and the level at which capital additions were put onto the depreciation list.  Land and land related items are not depreciated.

Discussion also held on rewriting the handling of designated funds.  The agreed process is:  When designated funds are not consumed at the end of a project, those funds will be transferred to Trust Checking Account.  For ongoing items, the designated funds are transferred back to the Trust Checking Account at fiscal year end.

Committee Reports:

Nature Center: Ed Burrough excused. NC meeting minutes are posted to the website.

Finance Committee: Jim reports that there are still accounting projects in process. A thorough report is forthcoming.  The 2019 budget is due to be reported to the Board at the January, 2019 meeting.

Citizen Patrol: Ray Kittelberger: It was another quiet month.  Our Sheriff Deputy has followed up on the many noise complaints of off-road vehicles.  That has tentatively been resolved.

Emergency Planning: Doug, Ray, Bob and Jim are still working on a video that will focus on what should happen in the “neighborhoods” during an emergency.  This video will be made available to FI residents to learn what their preparation for, and role should be during, an emergency.  The new Ham Radio Club is going well. There will be more advertising to get more local HAMs involved. New Club Call sign is WA7FI.

Building Committee:  See the notes on painting and Fall Cleanup, above. 

Audit Committee:  Final signatures were completed on the 2016 Audit response and turned in to the Audit Committee.  Nominal corrections to our accounting process were agreed to.

Nominating Committee:  No news.

Special Committees:

FIARC (Fox Island Amateur Radio Club):   Is now conducting the Sunday Fox Island Emergency Net practice broadcasts.  More local HAMs are joining.

Party with a Purpose:  See comments above.  Hal will secure the Special Occasions permit and order the wine glasses )same as last year’s model) with our new logo on them.

Unfinished Business:

NCC painting – see notes above.

Volunteers – Ray is receiving names of persons interested in volunteering.  There is still some work to do on streamlining the collection of volunteer names and the needed follow up on contacting them.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:08 PM.  Next meeting is on December 14th, 2018

Respectfully Submitted by Jim Braden for Gina Olson, Secretary