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Thursday, July 12, 2018


Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Hal Goodell, Miguel Martinez, Rob Moore and Howard Stapleton were in attendance.  Naomi Grant and Chad Gottschalk were absent and excused.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Howard Stapleton.

Minutes from the June 14, 2018 FICRA Board Meeting were approved with no changes.

Public Comment:  None

President’s Report:  None.

Treasurer’s Report: Hal Goodell reported the following figures for the month of June, 2018:

  • FICRA Checking Beginning balance  $18,975.81       Ending balance      $17,463.54
  • FICRA Money Market Beginning balance    18,675.74       Ending balance        18,679.58
  • FICRA PayPal Beginning balance         68       Ending balance             188.44
  • Membership 307 for 2017-2018, 66 for 2018-2019, 137 from 2016-17 not renewed as of 7/12/2018.  There are 373 current members

Jim asked if the 307 member number for 2017-2018 include the 2018-2019 renewals.  Hal responded no.  The total current number is 373 paid members.

Unfinished Business:

  • Online Membership Search – The online search form will be deployed as soon as the next updated membership list is available.
  • 2018 FICRA Directory – Howard and Jim have been working on the 2018 directory. Listing information is being updated, but it is a continuous process keeping this information current and there will always be some errors.  George Weis has been helping Jim and Howard with listings and graphics from prior year books.  There are approximately 1,200 listings in the book which have been accumulated over a period of time.  The new directory will be published in time for the FICRA Fair.  Miguel asked how the book was being used and if we had considered not publishing a physical book or providing the information online.  Tony Moore noted that many residents were not comfortable with newer technology.  Gina Olson stated that the printed directory is an island tradition and represents the culture.  Miguel suggested that the directory continue as a long‑term project.

Committee Reports:

  • Social Activities
    • Miquel reported that the Summer Solstice event went well. Feedback from attendees included comments like “worthwhile” and “great intro to the field.” The review on the shuttle service was mixed.  40-50 persons used the shuttle.  Approximately 130 people attended the event.  He is not sure if the shuttle was effective.  Jim prefers that there is no parking on the new field.  Hal reported that shuttle service will be offered from Fox Island Alliance parking lot for the FICRA Fair at an estimated cost of $800-$1000.  Bob Bowser suggested that we consider renting a 12‑passenger vehicle from Enterprise and using our own drivers.
    • Miguel is offering a mini-soccer camp for kids starting next week. He will require sign-in and out, but no formal registration.  He has a couple friends offering to help.  The camp will be offered Wednesdays and Fridays from 5:30-7:30 pm.  The information has been posted on FICRA’s Facebook page.
    • Another individual has offered to host Yoga exercise at the NCC for donation.
  • Membership – Miguel reported that Naomi went through the FICRA membership list and compared it with information obtained from google and tax parcel records from Pierce County. Miguel is hoping we can do a “call night” similar to a mailer “folding night” to contact new members after the FICRA Fair and invite them to an Ice Cream Social.  This orientation/informational meeting would be held about two weeks after the Fair.  Hal reports that “membership cards” could be printed from Costco with an estimated 2 week timeline.  A design has been selected.

New Business:

  • Follow-up on Audit Committee Report – Jim recommends that the Board address the completed Audit report. Jim is planning to set up a meeting with both boards.
  • FICRA Flash Printed Flyer – Jim made several suggestions for the flyer that will be distributed in summer. The Museum is taking the “lead” on the Garage Sale, selling maps, and having food available.  The information for the Garage Sale should be moved to the 2nd page on the flyer.  Ray Kittelberger did not know if they will be using the NCC as a site, but suggested that the building be opened for restroom use.  Jim asked that the field activities be moved to the front of the flyer, i.e. “Soccer camp for FI kids”.  Howard suggested that if space was needed, the recurring weekly events might be dropped.
  • Postponement of Next Board Meeting – The Board unanimously agreed to move the next Board Meeting back one week, since the previously scheduled meeting is 2 days before the FICRA Fair.

 The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 pm.  The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 16, 2018 (3rd Thursday).

Respectfully submitted by Gina Olson for Chad Gottschalk.
