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Mar 9, 2017


Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Gina Olson, Ray Kittelberger and Mimi Miller.


Meeting opened by Tony Moore at 7:02 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance


Volunteers asked to sign in for the record.


Minutes:  The Feb 9, 2016 meeting minutes have been posted on-line, and were unanimously approved as corrected (brochure count).


President’s report: Tony Moore

The basement of the NCC Jim reports has remained remarkably dry compared to years prior, so efforts have been showing success. Tony reports oil usage appears to be 50% higher for heat for this winter season, and tank did not last entire year (filled March 8).


Consent Calendar Items: None


Treasurers Report: Mimi Miller.  Unclear why Trust Checking beginning balance for Feb is not the same as Jan Trust Checking end of month balance.   Jim to look into whether cleared balance and beginning balance are reason, and will make this one of the Finance Committee agenda items.

Trust Capital Checking: 

Feb 1 Balance: $19,731.77      Feb 28 Balance: $19,731.77

Trust Reserve Checking: 

Feb 1 Balance: $20,480.17 Feb 28 Balance: $20,480.17

Trust Checking account:

Feb1 Balance: $31,592.89 ($29,268.68)   Feb 28 Balance: $33,952.39

Money Market:

Feb 1 Balance: $1,911.28       Feb 28 Balance: $1,911.28

Trust PayPal: 

Feb 1 Balance: $3,836.21 Feb 28 End Balance $3836.21

Trust Savings: 

Feb 1 Balance: $78.93             Feb 28 End Balance $86.81


Approval of 2017 Budget:: There are some changes which will need to occur prior to approval as the January fundraiser results are in, and, the incoming FICRA president has some plans requiring a change to the FICRA budget, therefore the budgets will be revised and voted on next month. This will also be a Finance Committee agenda item.


A suggestion has also been made to discuss how money will be invested (another Finance Committee agenda item).


Committee Reports: 

Citizen Patrol: Stan Weston reports only 2 crimes in 2 months (1 vandalism, 1 mail theft) “…this is what we have worked for over the last 15 yrs.”  Stan reports compared to GH which had 202 crimes reported in last 2 months, we are doing well.  Also, John Jolibois, Assistant to Derek Young, has requested information regarding how much money is spent for and how many hours/year CP hires off duty PC deputies to cover FI.  It has been expressed as a “study in value” therefore, the board as decided to invite Derek Young to any future board meeting to further explain the County plan, intent for, or use of this information. Ray says the rate is set by the Sheriff Department lieutenant at $55 dollar/hour.

Emergency Planning: Ray Kittelberger.  County Roads Dept to give update on the status of the bridge, and in combination with this, Ray would like to have a FIEP and CP update beforehand.  We will invite Lt Rusty Wilder to be here at 5:30 pm to meet with CP volunteers.  There will be a FIEP display, tools, equipment display to show residents what has been accomplished so far and ask for more donations at that time to raise funds to further more FIEP efforts.  In prep for May 2nd meeting, Next Tues March 14, the EP team will meet and do a prep for this meeting. Side note: Abby and Ray were at PEP-C Meeting.  There was a representative from the WA St Nat Guard, named Col. Braun who laid out the response which is preplanned by WA NG for regional emergency, commissioned by FEMA. The scenario includes a 9.0 Earthquake, 5 min duration, with 7.0 aftershocks, 20’-80’tsunami, 15 mile inland, with all schools, hospitals, senior living facilities W of I-5 incapacitated, most bridges and roadways with severe damage, esp due to land liquefaction, 33-50% of police and fire response at best. Likely 20% of population will lack food and hydration.  And likely fuel, propane and nat gas not available with ruptured pipelines.  When this information is translated into our FIEP plan, it is apparent we ARE addressing the areas of major concern.  AGAIN, self sufficiency will be the corner stone. Abby has invited WA NG rep. to over view our plan and to give advised on prepositioning of supplies or resources.  We have for example, already pre-purchased Fuel at the FI Deli/market. Jim adds that there are no reports from the county in follow up to the FEMA exercise Cascadia Rising – likely because their data results were an overall disappointment requiring extensive study and recommendations. We need to continue to prepare for FI, as there will be no county support for a long time.  Most resources go to high density population areas first. Psychological first aid class was attended by Ray, Abby and Jean.

Building Committee: Jean Peterson reports that there are plans to repaint the exterior of the NCC building this summer, and has been researching paint colors.  She will meet with her team and review color choices and present them to the board for approval. This to occur after repairs and cleaning the exterior siding.  Jim reports that fixing up the play fields is a early spring/summer job. He is also working on hiring a contractor to acquire the electrical permit for the garage.  The capital Projects report will need to be reviewed and evaluated again too (another Finance Committee agenda item).

Nature Center: Ed Burrough reports the NC is very wet.  They planted 100 trees/plants (including red osier dogwood, western red cedar, scouler willow, flowering currant, cascara, and some maiden hair ferns) last Saturday in a swampy area to combat the weed grass matting and crowding out other plants.  The trees are planted to shade out the invasive non-native grass. Will continue to work, making progress!


Special Committees: 

Audit Committee: None.  No report, pending elections.

Nominating Committee:  Jim has an organization chart and nominees for various positions, and leadership positions for committees.  This can be discussed when each organization meets.   Nominees were again presented by the Nominating Committee: Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Gina Olson, Ray Kittelberger, and Mimi Miller.   Election is April 13th..


Unfinished Business:  

Capital Projects: Jim has sent out letters for “Buy a Brick” and those that contributed $250 or more at the Auction have been notified to give specific wording for their bricks: 3 lines 20 spaces.

Planning Calendar: Howard reports Lisa has created an Island wide calendar. Board members need more training on how to use this, and work using Word Press “Plug Ins.” This is a platform or tool he wants to use for the website.  He is looking for a board member or other FICRA member/person to volunteer to learn about “how to use tools for websites.” He says this is 2 months away.  Let him know if you are interested.

Update Brochure: Howard says the brochures have been ordered, and 500 ct should be here in about 2 weeks (approved at February meeting).

NCC Siding: see above building report.


New Business:

Zoning for Nature Center: Tony reports that changes were made recently to the Nature Center zoning and this is further being explored to protect it as a park status and prevent or protect it from any unplanned future development.  Philip Craven is working on this.


Next meeting is on Apr 13, 2016


Meeting Adjourned at 8:16 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by Gina Olson,  FICRA Trust Director
