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Nov 10, 2016


Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Gina Olson, Ray Kittelberger and Mimi Miller in attendance.


Meeting opened by Tony Moore at 7:07 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Volunteers asked to sign in for the record.


Minutes:  The Oct 13, 2016 meeting minutes have been posted on-line, and were unanimously approved.


President’s report: Tony Moore:  No report.


Consent Calendar: 

Jim Braden raised the insurance premium increase issue to consider covering, more completely, the cost of NCC building replacement.  We currently are insured for $350,000.  The cost to rebuild the NCC in the event of a disaster has been reassessed to be $720,000.  The change would increase the premium by $2,000 to $7000/year, total, for FICRA and the Trust.  Mimi made a motion to increase to the higher premium at this time.  Motion seconded by Ray. Unanimously approved by board.


Treasurers Report: Mimi Miller

Trust Capital Checking: 

Oct 1 Balance: $4,428.67 Oct 31 Balance: $25,794.16

Trust Reserve Checking: 

Oct 1 Balance: $9,730.17 Oct 31 Balance: $9,730.17

Trust Checking account:

Oct 1 Balance: $39,797.43  Oct 31 Balance: $15,469.59

Money Market:

Oct 1 Balance: $1,911.28       Oct 31 Balance: $1,911.28

Trust PayPal: 

Oct 1 Balance: $1783.63 Oct 31 End Balance $909.43

Trust Savings: 

Oct 1 Balance: $78.93 Oct 31 End Balance $78.93

Discussion held over whether moving money specifically allocated for the sport field to the money market account or keeping it in the capital checking. To be resolved at a later date.


Committee Reports: 

Crime Watch: Ray Kittelberger, for Stan Weston. Crime Watch reports on 1 theft of a motorcycle. Deputy gave warnings only for speeding.  There are 6 house checks underway. 3 more to happen soon.  Deputy, when on duty, will be moving through the “house check” route as instructed.  The “Tip of The Month” for Dec will be tip regarding eBay or Craigslist sales safety measures. Fox Island Mutual water Company will be checking on tanks and US Post office mail theft can be reported to hotline.  Mail theft has increased lately.  When the Flag is up, new reports are available to call in. A Grey Subaru with license plate letters AU is suspected to be “casing” the island. We have performed a total of over 800 hrs of official home checks, and another 600 hrs of follow up checks. Donations for home-checks have totaled $850 through October. There are different types of home checks: Weather/storm, Drive by, Standard house check (inspection). There is a report which is given to each client/home owner.

Emergency Planning: Ray Kittelberger.  Nov 1st was a FIEP follow up meeting from June 8th where certain needs or opportunities where identified.  There is a report which is ready to be sent to the county. This details where there needs to be staff strengthening on FI, and what the county can expect, and what we need from them.  Ray emphasized that each volunteer position in FIEP needs a “back up” person/volunteer. The county drill has shown that Pierce County’s recommendation of 3 days of water/food is determined insufficient for isolated locations.  A more appropriate time is likely 3 weeks minimum for us.  We are requesting more information from the county on that.


Jim has been working with Michelle Caldier and Jan Angel’s offices to assist with obtaining state capital funds.  Applications are submitted, however, Jim has been told that the State of WA has a “rough year” ahead.  The county has much to gain by having FI prepared for an emergency.  Jim is continuing to stay in contact with county officials regarding the bridge project staying active.


Building Committee: Jean Peterson.  Evening in Venice event planning is in progress. Focus is on fun and enjoyable evening.  The donations that come have no clear expectations, partly due to planning committee getting a late start. The budget this year should not reflect anticipated income that was seen last year. New volunteers are gaining experience. The proceeds will be for improvement of south side parking lot drainage and the sport field. Discussion regarding “Buy a Brick” fund raiser, and how that fits in. More discussion needed on that.


Nature Center: Ed Burrough Chairman.  The Nature Center remains dynamic and unchanged.  Ed says currently they are working on a section of trail which is slippery mud, wet, and rather steep. They plan to put in steps of cedar.  It’s more involved than just trail management.  They are talking about or considering putting in native plant identifiers, which will bring in an education aspect.  Hopes to cover maybe 12 plants, and decisions about how best to do this. They are working on an article to submit to the Fox Island Living Magazine, if the board approves.


Special Committees: 

Audit Committee: Meeting held on Wed, Oct 2.  The budget was discussed.  The committee continues to do a great job, and thorough review.  One area the audit committee itself feels it needs improvement is to get the meeting with the Boards done earlier in the year. Overall, good progress on taking care of needs.

Nominating Committee:  No report.


Unfinished Business:  

Auction: see above, building committee report.

Sport Field: Bob and Jim to get together to review how to proceed and plan for this.

Planning Calendar:  Training after Christmas or first week in Jan.  Meeting or training sessions to be scheduled at the NCC.

Publicity: Brochure updates have been made. New photos have been added to 2 separate brochures representing FICRA Trust (the building) and FICRA (the events).  Howard to circulate once more.


New Business:

Club or Pack 27 wants to plant a small Cedar Tree 3 yrs or 3 feet tall, and they want to plant it at the NCC as a service project.  After consultation with building committee chair and others that a cedar in the front may not be the best location.  Consideration of where to plant it to be handled by e-mail.

ARL (Agricultural resource land) notice has been received by FICRA and other residents on FI.  ARL to R10 changes have been noted.  Our Nature Center is one such property.  The open space tax agreements will not be affected by the ARL to R10 re-designation.


Meeting Adjourned at 8:31 PM.  Next meeting is on Dec 8, 2016


Respectfully Submitted by Gina Olson, Director
