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Nov 10, 2016


Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Hal Goodell, Howard Stapleton, Mimi Miller, and Bob Bowser.  Denise Parrish, excused.

Minutes from the Oct 13, 2016 meeting approved.

President’s Report: Jim is working on updating the wall plaques, needs help in recalling who lit the Christmas tree in 2012, 2013 and 2014.

Consent Calendar: No items.

Treasure’s Report: 


FICRA  Checking: 10-01 Bal: $41,943.23  10-31 Balance:$42,151.79

Money Market  10-01 Balance: $18,625.92 10-31 Balance: $18,627.50

PayPal Balance: 10-01 $0.00 10-31 Balance: $23.97

Membership for 2017 is at 293.  Membership from 2015-16 was 190.

Premium for NCC building insurance to change in budget.  Remaining capital will decrease from $4000 down to $0, and therefore in balance.  But will have no added $ for new capital projects.

The 2017 revenue number for Party With a Purpose to change to $15,000, and expenses will be reduced.

Committee Reports: 

Social Activities Committee: Jim Braden.

Quilting and gardening group is meeting 1st and 3rd Thursdays.  Jim to recommend rate based on the number attending once settled in.

Membership Committee: Bob Bowser.  Bob has plans to contact previous members from list to renew.

Publicity Committee: Jim Braden reports that Lisa Stapleton continues to improve the communication processes.  The paper Flash has to have information for Lisa soon, including about Tree Lighting, January Fundraiser, etc.

Special Committees: None

Unfinished Business:

Christmas Tree Lighting/Concert Event: Fire truck for Christmas Tree lighting is pending.  Committee is secured. Sleigh is ready for assembly, Santa is coming. Things are coming along nicely. $200 for Santa, and confirm price for Wickline performance, typically $100/person.

New Business: 

Bridge Update: no new update due to the recent elections.  Jim is continuing to pursue relationship with Caldier and Angel to press for the bridge. Dave McHugh suggests considering a “shovel ready program.”

Next Meeting is Dec 10, 2016.  


Respectfully submitted by Gina Olson, for Denise Parrish, Secretary
