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April 14, 2016


Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Hal Goodell, Uwe Krohn, Bob Bowser, and Howard Stapleton present.  Denise Parrish, Mimi Milller, excused.


Minutes from the Mar 10, 2016 meeting, unanimously approved.


President’s Report:  Jim Braden – no report.


Consent Calendar: None


Treasure’s Report: Hal Goodell


FICRA Checking  3-1 Balance:  $31,940.30 3-31 Balance:$32,531.70

Money Market  3-1 Balance: $18,615.01    3-31 Balance: $18,616.59

PayPal 3-1 Balance:  $124.72 3-31  Balance: $0


Current Membership 2015-16: 400    Past Due Members Total: 112


Committee Reports

Social Committee report: 

Jim reports that if we do more social activities, we will get a larger base of people involved.  The Magical Strings Concert was great.  The cleanup was very well attended, in part because it was social and there was food.  We need  to look for niche activities that different age groups would like to take part in.


Membership Committee: Bob Bowser

Bob says 400 was great!  Will aim to 450 next year.


Publicity: Jim Braden reports Lisa is doing a great job as always.  She keeps the Ficra FB site up to date and publishes the Ficra Flash.  She is creative, energetic and continues to make the Flash and newsletter attractive with photos, and details. She just needs us to supply the facts, names, and basic words!   She and Howard are working on making our website better and better.


Student Speaker Contest Committee: 

Bellermine, Annie Wright, Charles Wright, Henderson Bay and GHHS have been contacted.  No FI residents currently attend PenHS.  Subject is “How would you promote Volunteerism on Fox Island?”  Applications date deadline is April 30th.


Ray says it has been frustrating.  There were applications out to the schools in early Jan, and unfortunately there have been no hits or interest. The deadline may have to be extended.  Ray plans to drive around to the schools this week with written documentation.  There is $1000/ year available for scholarship to FI 11th and 12th grade students.  We host a FICRA Student Speaker Contest to determine the award.



New Business: 

Derek Young will be here next Tuesday April 19th for a public Question/Answer Forum.

Casper Baby Pants is scheduled for Sept 17th, and Uwe is going to contact Laura Genton/ Little Foxes group chair to help coordinate the details of advertising.


Jean feels we need a good activities director.


Motion approved to Adjourn at 8:55 PM.


Next Meeting is May 12, 2015.  


Respectfully prepared by Gina Olson for Denise  Parrish, Secretary