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Feb 11, 2016


Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Gina Olson, and Hal Goodell in attendance. Ray Kittelberger excused.

Meeting opened by Jim Braden at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Volunteers asked to sign in for the record. Extra agendas are on the table.

Denise Parish is in attendance.  She is running for the position of FICRA secretary.  Judy Kanick is also is in attendance.  Judy will join the Audit Committee for 2015.  Judy will be the lead if so elected by the committee, replacing Gisela Paz.


Minutes:  The Jan 14, 2015 meeting minutes were approved.


President’s report: Jim Braden

The list of accomplishments from 2015 has been compiled and listed. There are over 100 volunteers who helped make this possible.  FICRA and the Trust are grateful to all (and apologize if any names were missed).

Lesson Learned: A tree from the NCC property broke off, and was blewn onto a private home owners property and did slight damage to a camper.  After securing a third bid, the appropriate trees were removed at a cost under the amount approved by $400.  The lesson: If a neighbor writes about a concern of trees falling onto his/her property, it is important to keep the tree in question properly managed and healthy.

The School House Rock event /fundraiser was a great success, and fun.  There were new people who attended showed interest in being involved in FICRA and the Trust.  Please let Jim know if there are any photos available from the event to be archived and added to the newsletter for future.

The intern status: UW Tacoma Campus students, no replies so far.

Lost and Found will be added to the website to help return items that have been left in the playground or the NCC after events.

Wish list  has small jobs folks can do on their own.  We need to highlight that in our newsletters and make it easy to find on the website.  Examples are: removing debris from playground and repairing walkway brickwork.


Consent Calendar:

Approval of $100 parting award to Jennifer Bush.

Approval of PEO starting rate for monthly rental ($25).


Treasurers Report: Hal Goodell

Trust Capital Checking: 

Jan 1 Balance: $6,814.48 Jan 31 Balance: $4,873.10

Trust Reserve Checking: 

Jan 1 Balance: $10,750.00 Jan 31 Balance: $10,750.00 

Trust Checking account:

Jan 1 Balance: $17, 570.65     Jan 31 Balance: $29,656.57

Money Market:

Jan 1 Balance: $1,911.28   Jan 31 Balance: $1,911.28

Trust PayPal: 

Jan 1 Balance: $679.10 Jan 31 End Balance $3,729.75


The Reserve Account is for building and property major maintenance/repairs as forecasted by the Reserve Study.  $10,750 to be transferred to that account for 2016.

A small accounting error from the last 2 month has been changed. It was less than $40.

The Budget for this year includes a “usage fee” for FICRA to be paid to FICRA Trust for use of the facilities.  The amount has yet to be finalized at a joint Boards meeting.

Audit from 2014 is complied with.


Committee Reports: 

Crime Watch: Stan Weston reports the annual 2015 report from sheriff has been submitted. There was 37% less crime than 2014.  Crime tip: Don’t leave your possessions in your car, ouside.  Tony would like to see a graph showing the last 5 years of lowering crime trend would be good for Fox Island residents to see. Stan will work on it.

Emergency Planning: Bob Bowser.  (Ray Kittleberger, excused). KGHP radio has met with Emergency Preparedness committee and plans to broadcast information updates during an emergency.  June 8th and 9th there is planned a region-wide emergency preparedness exercise planned called Cascadia Rising Event.  Block Capt (30 attended of 63) all met for meeting on Jan 19th. Med supplies have been given to FI from the County due to our initiative in getting organized for an emergency. March 5th Abby (our rep to, and board member of, PEP-C) states Gig Harbor Fire and Medic One will be having a Health Fair Screening Day. Anyone can attend.


  1. Building Committee: Jean Peterson.  No report, however notes a mystery solved.  Windows placed in Auditorium in 1987-88 when Mike Hoover was the president of FICRA. Spring Clean up scheduled for Saturday, April 16th.  A shadow box was approved to have flag framed, has been delayed due to fire at the shop building it.


  1. Nature Center: Ed Burrough absent. No report.


Special Committees: 

Audit Committee: See above

Nominating Committee:  Board members have been given a list or forecast of candidates for the open positions. A request for volunteers to fill open positions has been posted on website and newsletter.  A candidate is still needed for the FICRA President position.


Unfinished Business:  

  1. Planning Calendar: There is a lot more to do. Howard is working on a date two weeks from now to get everyone together to learn how to work on Gmail accounts, access repository (archives).
  2. “Student Speaker” Contest:   Now a FICRA event

Rental Rates: Further review of local rental rate comps is needed.  The Plan is to raise the rental rates to market value and reflect the additional cleaning and maintenance.


New Business:


Sport Field Development: The Sports Field renovation committee is considering cost, plans, needs, etc.

Siding Repair: There is damage to SW corner siding which needs to be repaired.  A description needs to be made for bids or survey for repairs.  $200 proposed for this, has been unanimously approved. This will be taken from capital account per reserve study. Jean feels the SE corner needs attention too (soffit/gutter).

The South Parking area needs excavation investigation due to water continuing to be a problem in the NCC basement during heavy rains.

Please pass along an new photos from the NCC which reflect the renovations for use in upgrading the NCC brochure. The brochure is viewable on line and is advertising to potential renters.


Next meeting is on Mar 10, 2015


Meeting Adjourned at 8:10 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by Gina Olson, Secretary
