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Jan 14, 2016


Board Attendees: Uwe Krohn, Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Hal Goodell, Gina Olson, Howard Stapleton, and Bob Bowser


Uwe opened the meeting at 8:34 pm with a greeting.


Minutes from the Dec 10, 2015 meeting, approval postponed to February 11 meeting.  Uwe to review.


President’s Report:  Uwe Krohn

Uwe wants this to be a year of “Thank Yous” for any and all donations to FICRA.  Lisa will help out if we get information to her. Hal can send info to Lisa who will send out a thank you letter or email to each.  It is very important to him to give deserved recognition to those who volunteer and give donations.

Casper Baby Pants concert is booked out until/through August. We need a volunteer to chair this event if it is going to happen this year.


Consent Calendar: No items.


Treasure’s Report: Hal Goodell


FICRA  12-01 Checkbook: Bal: $31,607.36  12-31 Balance:$31,839.03

Money Market  12-01 Balance: $18,610.37     12-31 Balance: $18,611.95

PayPal Balance: 12-01 $0 12-31  Balance: $62.21


Current Membership 2015-16: 359    Past Due Members Total: 133


Committee Reports

Social Committee report: 

Upcoming Event is Easter Egg Hunt. Uwe and Gisela will be putting this on.  They will be asking for volunteers to set up, serve coffee, and then clean up.  Date Change: Sat March 19th at 10 am sharp! Last year 1300 eggs purchased.  This year he plans to purchase 1500 eggs, containing candy and toys. Event for Fox Island kids!

Karen Craven reports that Musical Strings are interested in coming again.  Uwe has asked her to contact them, set up a date. Karen would lead the publicity.  Lisa volunteers to help.  Suggestion for addition to Living Fox Island Magazine.  Volunteers needed. Projected Date, A Sunday March 20th (after St. Patrick Day). Lisa will talk to Betty Perry. $20 admission.


Membership Committee: Bob Bowser reports 362 members currently. Notice to be sent to past members, and Lisa is waiting for the list.  Letter has been drafted.


Publicity: Jim Braden reports Lisa is doing a great job as always.  Lisa states Janet Steiner from Fox Island Living would like to attend a meeting about how best to coordinate with Fox Island events.


Unfinished Business: 

T-Shirts are in planning by Gina Olson.  Budget proposal is for $2000, with projected sales at $2500, for goal of $500 profit. Design to be based on submitted Art of PJ Eaton.  Competitive bids to be obtained in next 2 months.


New Business: 

Howard and Lisa would like to host a Cake Bake Event.  They have done this in the past with other groups.  There are categories of cakes, judging with prizes and possibly an auction in the end which could be a fundraiser. Cakes are not eaten, but taken home.  Tony Moore will confirm that this membership exclusive event voids the selling of home-made foods. Board likes this idea. Possibly in April or June.


John Reese suggested FICRA holding a Christmas lights decoration contest.  John will develop this idea.


Uwe would like to see the NCC Hallway plaques updated.  He would like to see FICRA Trust President list be added. Tony Moore to help obtain records.


Motion approved to Adjourn at 9:21 PM. Next Meeting is Feb 11, 2015.  


Respectfully submitted by Gina Olson, Director
