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Dec 10, 2015


Board Attendees: Tony Moore, Jim Braden, Gina Olson, Hal Goodell and Ray Kittelberger in attendance.

Meeting opened by Jim Braden at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Volunteers asked to sign in for the record.

Special attendees: Marty Harvey from the Chapel recognized in attendance.  Lauren Ho, with Medical Reserve Corp in connection with Pierce County Health Dept, is here to explain her mission: There will be 10 nursing students from PLU in Fox Island communities to assess medical needs in order to know what sort of needs there will likely be in case of an emergency.  They will be going out (door to door, wearing identifying vests) on Thursdays in January 2016 to make medical household assessments. She is available to contact if anyone is interested in helping her. They will be using a CDC method of survey per “clusters” of regions on Fox Island, so not every household will be visited. There are 4 “clusters” on Fox Island per Lauren. They will leave fliers at houses where no one is home. Jim asks that she give us specific dates she will be doing this so that we can help her. Jim asked that we advertise this on the FICRA website. She will be working with Abby Schofield. Bob Bowser will work with her too as this can benefit FICRA membership efforts.


Minutes:  The Nov 12, 2015 meeting minutes were approved


President’s report: Jim Braden

  1. FICRA Christmas Tree Lighting was well attended despite the weather. The sing-a-long Wickline concert was mid-way when the power went out.  The attendees “lit up” their camera flashlights, and the concert singers continued well without amplification. Great cheers erupted when the lights in the Auditorium came on, after Jim Braden and Doug Nelson fired up the generator! Jim used this unfortunate power outage to thank those who have donated to the EP planning efforts, and remind others of what is already being done.  This is just the sort of problems or greater emergencies that EP committee is gearing up to ready Fox Island for!
  2. Fox Island Living Magazine (editor Janet Steiner) has recorded the story of the kitchen restoration and took some photos of the Bldg committee members for the January edition.  She is also covering the Crime Watch Organization for the February edition. This coverage will be very helpful in advising our residents about the Trust and its activities.


  1. There will be a Celebration of Life service for Sylvia Powell.  Long time active resident of Fox Island.



  1. Our Brochure needs an overhaul. Jim has spoken with wedding renters, and feels we need new photos.  Anyone interested in doing this should speak with Jim.
  2. Jen Bush has resigned from her position as NCC rental coordinator.  We thank her for her/contribution.  A new person named Julie Bowker will likely be hired to replace her.  Julie currently cleans the NCC, does the cleaning at the Chapel, and has experience as a Wedding Planner.  She will be sent a contract, after board reviews, and assuming everything works, she will be offered the position.  She is a resident of FI.


Treasurers Report: Hal Goodell

Trust Capital Checking: 

Nov 1 Balance: $18,439.02 Nov 30 Balance: $2,296.91

Trust Reserve Checking: 

Nov 1 Balance: $10,750.00 Nov 30 Balance: $10,750.00

Trust Checking account:

Nov 1 Balance: $20,275.80     Nov 30 Balance: $24,195.11

Money Market:

Nov 1 Balance: $1,911.28   Nov 30 Balance: $1,911.28

Trust PayPal: 

Nov 1 Balance: $1,940.20 Nov 30 End Balance $1,019.25


Hal notes that $900 needs to go back into PayPal, as this was removed twice accidentally.  Hal is working with Mimi to get it replaced.

Summary of Capital Expenditures. Kitchen upgrade renovation is complete and payments have been made. We were under budget by $1709.  Framing of Communication in the basement has been completed. The full summary report is on file.


Committee Reports: 

Crime Watch: Bob Bowser/Ray Kittelberger for Stan Weston. There was one house burglary.  It was unfortunately tied to the public notice of this family’s attendance at a loved one’s funeral.  Please take caution in reporting your plans (e.g. newspaper obituaries) to be away from home.  Crime Watch has purchased Jackets/Hats with Crime Watch Logo for better identification of the Citizen Patrol. Ray and Bob are modeling the new gear (hat and jackets). Photo for posting taken. Deputy McDonald attended Crime Watch Meeting to give counsel about things the Citizen Patrol can and should vs should not do.  Crime is down 40% this year from last year. Hal states that $7,732. donations to date have been received for Crime Watch. There continues to be concern regarding speeding, and some violations written. It was requested that we concentrate on speeding with the Sheriffs we pay – particularly during morning commute hours.   The presence (visibility) of many off duty officers living on FI is helpful deterrent to crime, too.


  1. Emergency Planning: Ray Kittleberger

Ray reports that Emergency Preparation is making the communication room in the NCC basement.  Bob has provided structural drawings.  Doug Nelson is leading the effort with structural work. The estimated date of completion and fully operational is May 2016.  Neighborhood group meeting with Neighborhood Capt Training is set for Tues Jan 19th at 4 pm and again at 7 pm.  Peggy Lovelford from Pierce County will be in attendance.


  1. Building Committee: Jean Peterson excused

Jim reports that kitchen is complete.  Budget was $26,283, and Actual Cost totaled $24,574.


  1. Nature Center: Ed Burrough.  There has been significant creek rise from heavy rains.  There will be ladies doing an evaluation of the creek in May or June by Pierce Conservation District members.  Testing on stream takes about 1.5 hrs and is to evaluate nitrates, phosphate, water temperature, and turbidity, which will be logged into Pierce Conservation District data base.  They alert us of changes like a sudden spike in dissolved oxygen (DO).  Ed and Philip have done studies in past which have been boringly similar.  There is no test for organic material. One test done with volume, but this stream is so tiny, it cannot be measured. Falling leaves can effect oxygen levels, too.


Special Committees: 

  1. Audit Committee: Paperwork from Audit has been scanned and Gisela asks if documents should be put into Google Doc.  It was decided to have it logged in our paper files and also put on Google doc for accessibility. Jim will take hard copies for file.


Unfinished Business:  

  1. Planning Calendar: There is a lot more to do. Howard is working on the Jan Auction and to create a calendar schedule. Domaine names are being managed as described in past meetings.
  2. School House Rock, Jan Auction “Party with a Purpose”:   Howard and Lisa are hard at work making preparation and Lisa stays that planning is going well.  A post card will be sent out the first of Jan.  Howard has a PayPal site set up for payments, and mail payments can be sent to Po Box 25 to FICRA Building Trust.  Glasses arrive tomorrow.  Posters are set at Zog’s and the Post Office and in the Bulletin Board at Store.  Uwe suggests contacting Kalli Ostner for making a sign if possible. Jim states major contributors are in contact and Lisa needs the price of specific items that are smaller parts of our goal, so that these can be auctioned at cost. Hal would like to see an architect draft a poster of the long term appearance of the NCC yard/field, that could be each year have a portion of it completed. Bob will pursue that.
  3. Intern Status: Jim has been in contact with University of Wa to find a student volunteer to work, for college credits, within their non-profit management program to assist us.  There would be no pay.  A minimum of 5 hrs/week for 3 hrs of credit.  We might elect to offer some pay for work/recognition if this becomes something that proves of appropriate value.


New Business:

  1. Selection of Capital project as poster project for School House Rock (see School House Rock, above).
  2. Rental Rates: Jim asked Jen to contact Betty Perry about her impression of our rental rates. She has come back saying that our rates should be raised, and maybe by $150 for non-members.  Jim will be working with Finance Committee.  We need to, as a board, discuss how to handle rental cost and also member/non-member rate decisions.
  3. Student speaker contest: Ray states two things that are the goals.  1. Post it early. 2. Combine the Student Speaker Contest with a Membership Meeting.  It was decided to not combine with other Island Organizations.  There is an award paid to the winner of the Student Speaker Contest, which intended to not off-set any other scholarships received. Student Speaker contest “run early” will drive a bigger audience. This was discussed at a leadership conference earlier in the year.  Committee of Howard and Ray currently. Bob asked to join committee.  Other suggestion is award before Graduation – May or earlier.  Hal says make sure not to pick a date that conflicts with school calendar. Contest to include HS Juniors and Seniors.  Contestants must have outline submitted in advance.  Possible topic: What does patriotism mean to you? (must be non-political and non-religious) Other suggestions: What comprises Neighborhood watch?  What contribution to society to you plan to contribute with your education?  Open to all Fox Island resident students. Judged by a panel of 3 judges. Score card. Considering more than one prize. John Reese adds that the Sand/& Soil is offering two $500 this year.
  4. Web site hosting & domain costs: Howard states that website registration cost will be a bit lower.
  5. Discussion of Pest control company reliability.  Jamison Smith/Terminex is doing this work currently and having some trouble with electronic record keeping.  Hal states the person sent out here in Aug was a new employee, who said he would start leaving notices, made address updates, and input our email addresses. However the notices left were unreadable, and had mistakes in information listed.  Jim suggests trying another company for a trial period.  The payment is due soon so Hal and Tony will organize with the company that has been used at Museum.

Jim Braden and Kitchen Committee honored by Trust and FICRA Boards.  “Hereby, let it be said, that the Board of Directors of the FICRA Building Trust and FICRA, recognize and appreciate the hard work and dedication of the FICRA TRUST president, Jim Braden, in overseeing the construction of the restored kitchen at the Nichols Community Center,

and, Carolyn Braden for her work on the Kitchen Selection Committee, and her patience in supporting

Jim, do hereby grant them admission as Principal and Vice-Principal (first dance) to The School House Rock,

and a 2016 Fox Island sweatshirt of their choice as ordered fat the 2016 Fair, or in stock, and further let it be said that the other members of the Kitchen Selection Committee, namely Jean Peterson and Dee Ann Cline, are granted admission to The School House Rock and also a 2016 Fox Island sweatshirt for their dedication to the kitchen restoration.”


Next meeting is on Jan 14, 2015


Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by Gina Olson, Secretary
