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Sep 10, 2015


Board Attendees: Uwe Krohn, Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Hal Goodell, Gina Olson, Howard Stapleton and Bob Bowser


Uwe opened the meeting at 8:26 pm .

Minutes from the Aug 13, 2015 meeting approved.  Motion by Braden, and second by Bowser.


President’s Report:  Uwe Krohn

Christmas Tree lighting is next planned event, and we need volunteers for this.  The Wickline Family is set to perform again.  More details to come.  Olsons will be donating the tree for this year. During the Nichol Center kitchen remodel, “Mens Coffee” will be relocated for a couple of months. A schedule will be forth coming to attendees via email list.


Consent Calendar: No items.


Treasure’s Report: Hal Goodell


FICRA  08-01 Checkbook: Bal: $27,240.72  08-31 Balance:$32,849.74

Money Market  8-01 Balance: $18,604.15     8-31 Balance: $18,605.73

PayPal Balance: 8-01 $191.76 8-31  Balance: $96.19


Hal reports a deposit was made to Trust in error for Ficra, but he is working to resolve this and update to reflect true balance is forth coming.

Current Membership: 280, with 184 2014/2015 past due members not yet renewed

Motion made to raise the cosign requirement for checks from $500 to $501 and allow any board member to co-sign any payment amount of $501 or more.  Motion seconded, and unanimously approved.


Committee Reports:


Special Requests: Sean and Luke have attended the meeting tonight to propose a High School Dance event at the NCC.   Luke sent an email to Jim Braden regarding possibility, precedence, historical info, security, and requesting further advice, or recommendations, on this proposal.  They have attended similarly hosted teen dance events in Olympia and Key Peninsula Civic center which they report were well attended.  They would like to plan one event at this time.  The Board requested a detailed plan, info from Key Pen Civic Center and Olympia relevant to this, and suggested “shoe free” dance, and consider hiring a PC sheriff to manage attendance, parking, noise, security, etc.


Michael Daniel, another attendee and FI resident, has a similar but separate proposal.  He would like to have an adult dance from 7-9 pm on Fridays. This would be a recurring event without food, or beverages. The $5 entrance fee for FICRA or Crime Watch donation.  He wants it to be “all volunteer.”  He has been helping put on dances for a couple years, and he wants to host this so he can have a local place to ballroom and traditional dance. He would consider lessons, or expanding to added rooms for square dancing if there is interest.


Membership Committee: Bob Bowser. He will be individually contacting the previous members who have not renewed.  Aim is for 460 members in 2016. Uwe suggests a vinyl banner be made which says “FICRA DUES AUGUST 1 to JULY 31”  Hal says that there are waves of dues paid after advertising “reminders,” and Ficra Flash postings. “Thank you” should always be emphasized, as it is well received. Tony suggested a visual graph or “thermometer” be made and posted designating membership levels.


Publicity: Jim Braden reports Lisa Stapleton (with Howard) is continuing to do a tremendous job at keeping the website and Ficra Flash fresh and relevant.


FICRA Fair Shirts: Gina Olson is soliciting FI residents to submit design ideas for next years shirt design.  Parameters detailed in E-flash mailing.  Nov 15th is the deadline for submission.  Vote to occur at Auction in Jan.  Winner to be given a free shirt as prize along with recognition.   Board indicated full support of Gina’s plan.


Motion approved to Adjourn at 9:10 PM.


Next Meeting is October 8, 2015.  


Respectfully submitted by Gina Olson, Director
