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March 12, 2015


Board Attendees: Tony Moore, Jim Braden, Gina Olson and Hal Goodell.  Ray Kittelberger excused.

Meeting opened by Jim Braden at 8:05 PM.


President’s report: Jim Braden

Derek Young (our new County Council Rep) plans to visit FICRA representatives to discuss items of concern to FI residents.  Suggestions welcome.  A preliminary list of items of concern has been prepared, including safety fencing, speeding/traffic, and cameras.

Ficra Flash process has been in review.  Lisa Stapleton has taken control of our newsletter with success. She needs articles to be written and submitted to her for publication.

Suggest a Planning meeting be set so that future items can be advertised routinely, Annual schedules are on the Event Calendar and in the FICRA phone book, but each year specific content needs to be added to allow enough lead time for advertising. Highlight of special events recommended.  This can be tailored via Ficra Flash.

Tony Moore discussed twice year mailing done by Museum at reduced rates. George Jones and Hal to pursue.

Trust Bylaws need to be amended, mainly to address the addition of the Emergency Preparation Committee and funding of same.

Emergency Planning is developing well. This needs to be added as a part of the Trust. Funding for the main communication room needs to be discussed and a planning meeting needs to be scheduled for that among other issues.

Draft of 2014 accomplishments has been created. Partially for data keeping, but also will show all the activity and repairs that are not easily seen by members at a glance. This item to be part of Ficra Flash, possibly.

Scouts have completed the Display Case and it has been installed. Approved by bldg committee.

A key pad combination lock to be considered for the NCC. This system allows multiple persons to have coded entry and it keeps a record of the coming/goings of individuals/groups.

Notice to Renters: A letter is to be sent reminding the groups who use the NCC to clean up after themselves.  This includes having to pay fees for not removing trash after use.

Bridge sign use. We have honored requests to use it from other organizations. Rotation is good for keeping it “alive.” Ficra is willing to allow the use of this bridge sign and would appreciate reciprocity with other F.I. organizations.


Minutes:  The Feb 12, 2015 minutes were approved as amended.


Consent Calendar:  No items.


Treasurers Report: Hal Goodell

Checking account:

February 1 Balance: $48,287.57   February 28 Balance: $45,752.76

Money Market:

February 1 Balance: $12,852.63   February 28 Balance: $12,853.62

Taxes have been filed. Books are coming together. Capital projects and Reserve Study reports included.


Crime Watch: Stan Weston reported that there were zero incidents to report for February. Sheriff’s deputy has new reporting measures which have taken effect, and only felonies to be reported. Off Duty PC sheriff has been patrolling Fox Island via Crime Watch for last 10 years but having trouble securing replacements.  Board should consider raising the rates paid to off-duty Sheriffs.

Mike Gordon continues to monitor the Crime Watch number message line, and filters what can be added to incident report.  The FICRA FaceBook page is not a location for “reporting” or speculating on crime  We use only our 549-7744 hotline for factual/helpful crime-related information.


Emergency Planning: Jim reported that Emergency Planning is going strong.  Info or minutes from last meeting are posted on


Building Committee: Jean Peterson, excused. Carolyn Braden states they have 3 bids for floors and 3 bids for cabinets for the kitchen.  Some changes have been made so some new bids are needed.  Final numbers will be presented at the next meeting.  The strategic planning and coordination of subcontractors is the next big challenge. Bldg committee to meet with board as soon as the total cost is tied down.

April 11th is Spring Clean Up: 9 am to 12 noon.


Nature Center: Ed Burrough. The Nature Center is in spring transformation. Last weekend 35 native trees were planted: Cascara, Black Hawthrorn, Cottonwood and Western Red Cedar.  There has been 75% success rate in past plantings. Sponsorship of a Photo contest is planned at the Nature center for kids, the pictures will be displayed at the Fair and then Fair -goers to vote, and a winner to be announced.


Audit Committee: No report.


Nominating Committee: Trust Election is April 9th


Unfinished Business:  Video Cameras: Jim reported that the security camera system has been purchased, sans monitor for the moment, and will be installed over the next few months.  The light dimmers were installed.  No complaints.


Furnace study: Jim reported that the furnace study is on the back burner.


New Business: Jim indicated that he will be hiring help to dig the final basement sump.  And, we will be getting started on installing the Emergency Planning communications room in the basement.  Jim will follow up on getting that done.


Next meeting is on April 9, 2015


Meeting Adjourned at 8:04 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by Gina Olson, Secretary
