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October 2014 FICRA Nature Center Committee Meeting Minutes

Fox Island Nature Center Committee meeting

Oct 15, 2014

Attending:  Ed Burrough, Nan Feagin, Philip Craven (temp. sec.)

Old Business – the committee needs to confirm that the email from Ann Boeholt describing the wetlands and the map showing her sample sites has been filed with FICRA permanent records – investigation into the prior ownership history of the Nature Center property continues, perhaps to discover buildings that may have existed there, prior activities (such as logging dates), whether ever there were fish, etc. – design for a sign-in sheet cover-box is pending a visit to the Morse Nature Center – techniques for control of reed canary grass and Himalayan blackberry (both of which choke out native plants and discourage wild animals) were discussed, based on publications of the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board and the O.S.U. Extension Service:     “hand-grubbing roots and crowns [of blackberries] is extremely labor intensive but can be effective if done thoroughly.” The other methods discussed seemed to have more serious shortcomings, such as mowing or cutting, bulldozing, herbicides, etc.     mowing reed canary grass twice yearly (in early to mid-June and early October)” may be a valuable control method, since it removes seed heads before seed maturation and exposes the ground to light, which promotes the growth of native species”.  Prescribed burning and herbicides have a more temporary effect. – potential new, younger committee members were discussed

New Business – next work party is Oct. 18 -Nov 12 is next meeting (2nd Wed) – Nov 15 is the work party