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FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes 1-9-2014


January 9, 2014

Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Mimi Miller.   Ray Kittelberger & Tres Walker, excused.

President Tony Moore opened the meeting at 8:25 pm.

Minutes from the December 12, 2013 board meeting were unanimously approved.

Consent Calendar: No items

Treasure’s Report:


TRUST  Checkbook: 12-1 Balance:    $11,887.57        1-1 Balance: $11.437.59

Money Market 12-1 Balance:  $10,837.84                          1-1 Balance: $10,838.77


2013 BUDGET                                                                               ESTIMATED YEAR END

Net Income: $2,149                                                                     $8,000

Committee Reports: 

CrimeWatch:  Jim Braden reported that more persons have joined the Citizen Patrol.  He reported that the Patrol has secured school bus schedules and has prioritized that effort – often going to the stop just before the bus arrives to check conditions.  There are still burglaries sporadically on Fox Island.  Folks are encouraged to keep an eye out for their neighbors and to be sure to lock garages and houses, especially when they leave.

Jim reported that the Emergency Planning Team is growing members and a development organization has been roughed out with assignments given and action underway.  The Emergency Planning Team will next meet late January to review progress.

Building Committee:  Carolyn reported that the Christmas decorations were put up for the Christmas Tree lighting event and have since been taken down (the lights across the front of the NCC will remain through the January 25 Wine & Cheese event).

Nature Center:  Philip reported that work continues on the Nature Center including making the walking trails safer with chicken wire on wood surfaces.  The recent winds have felled a few trees in the Nature Center.

 Special Committees:  No reports

Unfinished Business:  Jim reported on the final budget status at the FICRA meeting.  The Trust Board approved the 2014 budget (revision 5 dated 12-13-2013).

New Business:  The new Bylaws were voted in unanimously by the Board and members in attendance.

The Finance Committee has developed the preliminary 2014 Budget which was presented to the Board for consideration.  The Board will attempt to vote the Budget into service at the January meeting.

The Nominating Committee effort was reported by Jim at the FICRA Board meeting (refer to those minutes).

Jim explained that there was a person interested in starting a yoga class at the NCC.  The Board agreed that Jim could work to get that started and, if successful, the Board would work on a rental agreement.

Jim indicated Jennifer Bush’s interest in conducting an open house at the NCC to attract renters.  The Board agreed to have Jim pursue that.

Next meeting is Thursday, February 13, 2014.

Motion to adjourn passed at 8:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Jim Braden, Secretary