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Oct 12, 2017


Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Gina Olson, Mimi Miller and Ray Kittelberger in attendance.


Meeting opened by Jim Braden at 7:40 PM after completion of the FICRA Meeting.

Volunteers asked to sign in for the record.


Minutes:  The Sept 14, 2017 meeting minutes unanimously approved.


President’s report: 

The board would like to thank Karen and Philip Craven for their time and talent in contributing to the “Kids Paint the Block House” event.  Everyone had a good time and it is now a colorful display of art for all to enjoy.

John Ohlson, Scout Leader, informed us that the Boy Scouts of America will be allowing ladies to join the Cub Scouts.  There will be female dens and male dens, but the Packs will be where all join together.

The Pen Met Parks has an event in Sept, Open House to update residents on what things we want improved and expanded. Jim has the solicitation from them if folks want to input.  Please reply by Oct 23rd.


Consent Calendar Items: 

Decision to proceed with the sport field improvement unanimously approved.  Dates of activity are scheduled for Oct 16th through the 31st.  They will be scraping the sod, laying new topsoil, leveling, and hydro seeding (swapped for the holding pond) the grass.  There will also be a walking trail around. There is no permitting process due to only resurfacing.  No holding pond will be installed.


Treasurers Report: Mimi Miller.

Trust Checking account:

Sept 1 Balance: $39,649.99  Sept 30 Balance: $40,383.07

Trust Capital Checking:

Sept 1 Balance: $19,831.77     Sept 30  Balance: $ 17,965.80

Trust Reserve Checking: 

Sept 1 Balance: $20,480.17 Sept 30 Balance: $20,480.17

Trust Money Market:

Sept 1 Balance: $1,640.16       Sept 30 Balance: $1,640.16

Trust Savings: 

Sept 1 Balance: $91.82  Sept 30 End Balance $91.82

Trust PayPal: 

Sept 1 Balance: $2,168.38  Sep 30 End Balance $3,362.70

Excess in the Checking will be moved into Capital, Money Market, and Hal suggests they consider changing to a checking that earns interest.  Jim asks Mimi to hold off until the Finance Meeting.  Tony reminds Jim that the oil tank needs to be checked, refilled before the end of the year.


Committee Reports: 

Finance Committee: Jim has created a flow chart of Trust Revenue Routing. Incoming money comes from dedicated donations, fund-raising, general donations, or Non-capital specific donations. From the Trust Checking Acct, the money moves out to designated functions, to the Trust Reserve Fund Account, or into the Trust Capital Checking Acct for the approved Capital improvement projects. These items are approved on the Capital Project Expenditure report, after the Board of Directors decides to fund or approve specific projects. This is a brief explanation of what the Finance Committee is working on.  Tues the 17th is the next Finance Meeting, 7 pm. They are working also on Capital Budget and the NCC Rental rate assessment. Ray suggests that the Committees start working on their budget proposal for 2018.

Citizen Patrol: Stan Weston reports Sept was a bad month.  The Sheriff’s office “raw” report yields the following: One theft of motor & boat, one burglar/theft of Utility trailer.  There was A Grey Ford Explorer involved in a single car accident.  A White male reported to be walking down middle of street into traffic high.  One theft of outboard motor stored in the front yard. Two vehicles were reported to be doing donut turns in the Sand Spit parking lot. Loud party called in with underage persons using drugs. Inboard motor boat has had twice attempted theft. There was a burglary on Island Blvd 700 block, no forced entry.  We are still 35% below last year in overall crime.

Emergency Planning: Ray Kittelberger reports 1. August 31st visit to FIEP Air National Guard with discussion regarding how to get supplies to the Island by Air, and pick ups from the Island. Doug Nelson has received information, specs on drop off and pick up, and working to finalize sites with NG of where this might be feasible on FI.  2. On Sept 30th the PEP-C Fair was at Gig Harbor High School. Many Emergency providers were in attendance.  Doug Nelson put together a Power Point presentation on how to start your own Em Prep Team.  Three volunteers signed up to help with FIEP from that event.  Abby, Doug, Jim, Bob, and Ray were all there.  Jim adds that psychological first aid for emergency response (handling problem persons during an emergency) and the attendant security are both issues that need more planning.  The County has received the application for reimbursement of funds for the emergency fuel reserve storage at the Store.  The Store has been paid for the fuel. Jim spoke at the Pierce County Counsel meeting regarding FIEP and the Bridge project.  He says that the county has been continuing their engineering steps to repair/replace the bridge.

Building Committee: Jean Peterson, excused.  Jim reports that the weather is turned to rain.  With no reply from any painter, the repainting of the NCC is on hold until next Spring.

Nature Center: Ed Burrough.  Excused. No report.

Audit Committee: Tony, Joan and Leslie are preparing to meet.

Nominating Committee: Jim reports is that he and Ray have discussed the future of the board members.  They would like to get more persons, somewhat younger, who are willing to step in and bring fresh ideas.  They would, also, like to encourage current and past volunteers to stay in an advisory capacity, rather than retiring and no longer actively involved. If leaving board members can stay in an advisory role, it may be helpful. Tony suggests a mentorship approach.


Special Committee: Saturday Night Fever (January Auction Event) is scheduled for Jan 27th.  George Metzger is planning the light show.


Unfinished Business:  

Letter head – still in planning.

Advisory Positions – see Nominating Committee above.


New Business – None


Public Comment – Mike Gordon suggested that the Citizens’ Patrol Committee is doing well covering its expenses this year and he would like to see any excess put into offsetting any money that the Trust has had to put into the shortfall of Citizens’ Patrol (Crimewatch) Committee in the past.  The Board replied on the impracticality of that, and, that the Trust makes up for any shortfall for all of the Committees.  The Trust policy is for each of the Committees to do what they can to fund their responsibilities.  The Board also looks to be sure it carries funds to cover the Citizens’ Patrol Committee’s early year expenses as they far exceed the revenues at the beginning of the year (hiring of Sheriff Deputy, primarily).


Dave McHugh suggested that the new Sports Field be named the Jim and Carolyn Braden Field due to their financial contributions toward that project.  Jim thanked Dave for the suggestion but indicated that the successes of FICRA and the Trust are due to the collective efforts of the many volunteers over the last 7 years and that he believed the best name for the field would be “Volunteer Park”.  That names was well received by the Board members.


Next Board meeting is on November 9, 2017


Meeting Adjourned to Executive Session at 8:45 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by Gina Olson,  FICRA Trust Secretary
