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April 13, 2017


Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Gina Olson, Ray Kittelberger and Mimi Miller in attendance.


Meeting opened by Tony Moore at 7:01 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance

Volunteers asked to sign in for the record.


President’s report: Tony Moore turned the meeting over to the Nominating Committee.


Nominating Committee Chair Jim Braden (representing the nominating committee) called the election to order.  The election is for five Board positions.  The officer positons will be selected by the new Board after the election.  Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Mimi Miller, Ray Kittelberger and Gina Olson are nominated for election.  There were no additional nominations from the floor after 3 calls.  Motion to elect them by acclamation made by Joan B and seconded, and all nominees unanimously approved. Positions are now newly filled as the following: Jim Braden (President), Tony Moore (Vice President), Mimi Miller (Treasurer), Ray Kittelberger (Director), and Gina Olson (Secretary).   Further Joan Broughton, Tony Moore and Leslie Murphy were nominated to the Audit Committee.  No nominations from the floor.  Mimi moved vote by acclamation, Hal seconded, and there was a unanimous vote accepting all nominees. The election/nominating process approved a motion to adjourn.


Minutes:  The March 9, 2016 meeting minutes have been posted on-line, and were unanimously approved, (with small correction to name “Jean” to “Joan” )


Consent Calendar Items: None


Treasurers Report: Mimi Miller. Hal and Mimi to get together as soon as possible to move excess balance from the PayPal Account to FICRA account. Funds considered for investing at Sound Credit (keeping with the same institutions has value) will consider short term CD, as interests rates are expected to rise soon. Dave McHugh suggests 2-3% interest rates are available at Ally Bank and this should be considered.


Trust Capital Checking: 

Mar 1 Balance: $19,731.77      Mar 31 Balance: $19,731.77

Trust Reserve Checking: 

Mar 1 Balance: $20,480.17 Mar 31 Balance: $20,480.17

Trust Checking account:

Mar 1 Balance: $31,120.84   Mar 31 Balance: $33,975.68

Money Market:

Mar 1 Balance: $1,911.28       Mar 31 Balance: $1,911.28

Trust PayPal: 

Mar 1 Balance: $3,836.21 Mar 31 End Balance $4,272.56

Trust Savings: 

Mar 1 Balance: $86.81             Mar 31 End Balance $86.81

FICRA TRUST 2017 Budget (see posted document): Approved by the board unanimously.

Balances to be posted are now going to be the “cleared balance” to keep the numbers at the close of the previous months to be the same as the beginning of the next month.


Committee Reports: 

Citizen Patrol: Stan Weston reports good news. Number of incidents 50% less so far this year compared with last year this time.  The type of incidents for March are theft of items from car, 1 fraud, and 1 act of vandalism. April so far has seen motors stolen from boats.  Home checks are becoming more popular. 673 home check visits completed so far this year, compared to 204 completed last year this time.  There are 5 people are on the home-check team. A pheasant attacked a jogger on Island Blvd and Bow Road. A man reported to be aged 60-70 yrs old bothering children around 7th Ave at the bus stops have been reported with no other specifics. A simple logo has been developed “CP.”  The new logo can be used in the FI phone directory.  Hal wants to continue to see CP stay closely knitted to FICRA Trust so that the 501c(3) status is not compromised.

Emergency Planning: Ray Kittelberger. May 2nd Bridge update event from the county from 5:30-7:30 pm.  Jim to MC. County Guests are invited to discuss the process for the bridge planning and funding.  Bridge engineering is happening, but there is still going to be some unanswerable questions of cost/expense.  Doug Nelson returning on April 18th and there will be a walk through, with tables for CP, FIEP, and tables with be sent up at the entrance. Each team is working on their own presentation.

Building Committee: Jean Peterson reports a project test form for paint “shades” for the classrooms like the ones in the main hall.  Last summer flower show during fair was very warm, and the people and flowers were all wilting.  Jean proposes that shades would make the room more comfortable temperature, light and privacy. Hunter Douglas has many types: roller, insulating. Costs to be examined. $1557 + likely.  Jim adds Tim Wilson has been hired to repair soffets and gutters before painting. Well house in the back yard is difficult predicament.  However to decommissioning it (a hand dug well 8 feet square, and is filled with water) would cost a lot per legal requirement. Recommission is expensive and there will be resistance to this from county.  This item is on hold.


Sport field rehab is still in process.  A golf company has a bid approx.. $50,000 to strip lawn, place drains, create path, lay top soil, sod.  There is another interest from Bill Peregrine to give us more advise or alternatives.  Electrical companies are busy, so the movement of electricity from main NCC to garage is still in process.

Nature Center: Ed Burrough reports that the paths are passable!  Work parties continue to keep the trails walkable. There are less skunk cabbage flowers, and higher greens.  Plans to plant have been completed with 112 new plantings, and all are budding out. There continue to be Nature Center Notes in the minutes posted. Improvements in walking surface safety continues.


Audit Committee: No report, election done as noted above. Jim thanks them all for their important and valued work.

Nominating Committee:  Jim would like to see more people on the committee to help in the future – asks for volunteers.

Finance Committee: Jim Braden reports.

Rental advertising is $200-300 for Advertiser Betty Perry.  We have no way, yet, to measure benefit of this advertising.  New rental coordinator (Kristen Moriarty) will be asking how renters have learned of the NCC for rental to further the investigation  Jim will check on collecting for Ads for directory.  The list of current advertisers on the website will be collected on by Howard. Tax letters have been sent out.


Jim reports he has been working on policies and procedures binder.  For example, we need to establish policy for differentiating between rentals that are serving the community as opposed to those using building for private purpose (i.e. establish a policy of how best to approach the different rates for different rental situations). A current example: a Ficra member would like to use the facility for Yoga classes, and this is something that will serve the community, although the person does accept donations.


Peninsula School District Superintendent, Rob Manahan, is interested in visiting Fox Island.  We will look for an opportunity for him to do so where he will have a chance to interact with parents.  Jim is working with Jan Angel and Michelle Caldier on the Emergency Preparation grant request.  The $17,000 request has passed the House and the Senate, so we are “still alive,” and now must survive the final combined budget of the two houses.  We have already had $7,000 approved for fuel. Jim is developing the fuel contract with Andrew Herzog at the Fox Island Store.


Unfinished Business:  

Capital Projects: Nothing new

Planning Calendar: Jim:  Howard and Lisa continue to develop the Fox Island calendar. Continued education on the g-mail processes is needed for the Directors.

NCC Siding: see above building report.


New Business:

Letterheads for correspondence are needed.  The plan is to try to get one that would be universal for our correspondence and advertising.

Plant Sale: May 6th starting at 12 noon.  Help is needed Friday before.


NCC Spring Clean up: April 22nd 9 am to 12 pm


Next meeting is on May 11, 2016


Meeting Adjourned at 8:18 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by Gina Olson,  Ficra Trust Secretary
