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April 9, 2015


Board Attendees: Tony Moore, Jim Braden, Ray Kittelberger and Hal Goodell.  Gina Olson excused.

Meeting opened by Jim Braden at 8:47 PM.


Jim opened the meeting with the election of directors.  After the reading of candidates and the soliciting of nominations from the floor (none made) a motion was passed to elect the Nominating Committee’s slate by acclamation.  The directors are:  Jim Braden, Ray Kittelberger, Tony Moore, Hal Goodell, and Gina Olson.


President’s report: Jim Braden reviewed the planning meeting held April 2 which resulted in issues in the consent calendars of FICRA ($15 dues) and the Trust.  The letter to NCC renters/users on cleanup/lockup after use, has been revised and is being sent out,  Jim, Tony and Uwe met with County representative Derek Young and assistance John Jolibois to discuss how they can help improve pedestrian safety on Fox Island among other issues.


Minutes:  The March 12, 2015 minutes were approved.


Consent Calendar:  Consent Calendar items for the Trust were approved except that the laptop computer purchase was handled independently.  Approved: development of planning calendar, trial run of keyless door lock, and Pen Light ballot vote for incumbents.


Treasurers Report: Hal Goodell.  The Board approved the purchase of a laptop computer for the Treasurer position including a backup, carry case, and keyboard/mouse.  That expense, not to exceed $600, will be posted in a new category in the budget labeled: Unbudgeted expenses with the items itemized.  The Board approved the separation of accounts for the Reserve Study and the Capital Projects to make identification of those accounts separate from the operating budget and easier to identify.

Checking account:

March 1 Balance: $45,717.47*   March 31 Cleared Balance: $50,343.13

*March 31 cleared balance was $45,752.76

Money Market:

February 1 Balance: $12,853,62   February 28 Balance: $12,854.71


Crime Watch: See the FICRA minutes for April 9.


Emergency Planning: Jim reported that Emergency Planning’s initial capital requirements are coming together.  In the Board planning meeting discussion was started on getting an Emergency Preparation fund raising effort started.  Jim has reviewed the Red Cross shelter qualification questionnaire with Chris Badger (our advisor from West Pierce County Fire and Rescue) and will help the churches complete that.  Ray reviewed the minutes of the last Emergency Prep Committee meeting which included the HAM operators plan to meet in April.  The minutes from that meeting are posted on


Building Committee: Jean Peterson, excused. Carolyn Braden states they are zeroing in on cost and timing for the kitchen.  They will set a meeting up with the Board towards the end of April.  The target window is now some time in the Fall of 2015. The strategic planning and coordination of subcontractors is the next big challenge.  April 11th is Spring Clean Up: 9 am to 12 noon.   The visit with Derek and John from the County yielded information on grants being available for historic facilities.  We are on both the National List of Historic Places and the County’s Register of Historic Places, so we would qualify for applying for a grant.  Jim will pursue with the County.


Nature Center: Ed Burrough. The Nature Center is in spring transformation. Last weekend 35 native trees were planted: Cascara, Black Hawthrorn, Cottonwood and Western Red Cedar.  There has been 75% success rate in past plantings. Sponsorship of a Photo contest is planned at the Nature center for kids, the pictures will be displayed at the Fair.   The next work party at the Nature Center will be April 18th, the typical 3rd Saturday in the month, starting at 9 AM.


Audit Committee: No report.


Nominating Committee: Election completed.


Unfinished Business:  Video Cameras:  Jim reported that the security camera system has been purchased, sans monitor for the moment, and will be installed over the next few months.



New Business:

  1. Jim reported that the Alliance church wants to use the NCC (grounds only) June 28th. Jim suggested no charge to them.  Jim will write a letter of agreement addressing liability, limit of use, and losing their reservation if a paying rental is acquired before June 1.
  2. The plan is for everyone to meet at the June Board meeting to turn in their edits of the phone book so we are better prepared to publish an accurate book for 2015. Jim will send a notice out on this (e-mail and news flash).
  3. Ray suggested we have a writing followed by a speaking presentation by candidates for the FICRA Trust scholarship. He suggests allowing juniors as well as seniors participate.  The subject he suggests is: Emergency Preparation by a family which is synergistic with our emergency preparation effort.  Ray, Howard Stapleton, and Jim will make up the committee to do this.


Next meeting is on May 14, 2015


Meeting Adjourned at 9:54 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by Jim Braden for Gina Olson, Secretary
