Fox Island Community & Recreation Association
Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 12, 2022 7:00PM
Nichols Community Center, Fox Island, Washington
2022-2023 FICRA Board of Directors | |
Miguel Martinez | President |
Lindsey Jensen | Vice President |
Aileen Jones | Secretary |
Hal Goodell | Treasurer |
Candy Wawro | Director |
Matt Desjardins | Director |
Wes King | Director |
FICRA Board Minutes
May 12, 2022 meeting called to order at 7:04pm
Attendees: Miguel, Martinez, President, Lindsay Jensen, Vice-President, Hal Goodell, Treasurer, Wes King, Director, Matt Déjeuners, Director, Candy Wawro, Director, Aileen Jones, Secretary (excused)
Approval of April 14, 2022, FICRA Board Minutes: Hal made a motion to approve the April 14, 2022 minutes and Wes King seconded. All Board members approved.
Public Comment(s):
Karen Craven discussed producing a poster of children’s drawings done at done at last year’s FICRA Fair. She would like to have the poster displayed at the Nichols Community Center during this year’s Fair. Miguel agreed to take the poster to the Trust Board following our meeting to get their permission since the Fair is a Trust activity to allow Karen to not have to attend both Board meetings. She agreed. Gina Olson presented options to the Ficra Board for this year’s T-shirt designs. Gina presented three options for consideration (a fourth option was added later in the meeting). One design showed the Fox Island Bridge with a slogan “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” Wes mentioned the point that if the bridge were to fail, this would not be appropriate. The discussion from other Board members is that the slogan was more a “tongue and check” phrase versus a political discourse about the bridge repairs. Gina asked the Board members to rate each of the initial three designs with a 1, 2, or 3 with the indication that a 1 was a first choice and 3 a last choice. Board members did as she asked with any reveal of the “winning” design.
President’s Report:
Miguel noted that the FICRA Board has taken on numerous activities over this year. He added “we need all hands-on deck” to be successful. He also noted that last month when members had a planning meeting at Zogs, it was quite successful and invigorating. He further noted that the planning process can get overwhelming especially if we continue to worry whether the entire island likes our choice of activities. He reassured members that each activity planned so far, was greatly appreciated by our community at large.
Treasurer’s Report (Hal Goodell):
Checking Account: Was $34,268.34 for April; now at $30,445.48 (purchase of sports and event equipment of of $4,552.86)
Savings Account: Was $25 for April; now $25 for May
Money Market: Was $31,173.71 for April; now $31,177.55 ($3.84 interest)
PayPal Account: Was $1,068.87 for April; now $1,783.45 (Dues $100, Wine & Wire $646, and PayPal fees -31.42)
Total Membership to date is 391 which is up considerably from last year. Hal recommended that those who renew their membership now should be graced the membership for May, June, and July so that their membership dues would count for the 2022-2023 year as well as the 2021-2022. This only includes 20-30 people. We have done this in the past. Hal made a motion to approve new and renewed membership for the 2021-2022 to 2022-2023 membership year. Lindsey seconded the motion. Miguel took a vote. Motion carried. Hal further added that 6 new memberships were received at the Alliance Church carnival.
Committee Reports:
Communications/social media (Candy): Candy noted that the next event of Wine and Wire has sold out all slots available. Reminders sent next week. Invites sent for the Cheers to Volunteers get together on May 25, 2022, to those individuals who indicated on their membership forms that they were willing to volunteer for FICRA functions.
Cheers to Volunteers (Lindsey): Lindsey noted that she had received ten rsvp’s so far. Lindsey will send out a reminder next week. Lindsey to order charcuterie boards from Basil and Brie. Hal mentioned that there was wine in the basement from our last Party with a Purpose that we should use.
Summer Solstice (Miguel): Miguel would like to initiate a kickball game between FICRA and Zogs (as done in a previous year). Further, he is working on a taco food truck and the Thirst Responder (bar truck). He is in the process of booking music. He also suggested a corn hole tournament. Advertisement to take place on social media and email flash. Miguel sent board members a project management spreadsheet for their consideration as we move forward in events. He will share it on Goggle documents.
New Business:
There is the intention of Board members to merge FICRA articles of organization within the FICRA Trust organization. We cannot take a vote until next month, therefore, the following motion was duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted:
A meeting of the FICRA Board shall be called on no less than 10 days’ notice given to all the members of FICRA to consider a resolution to dissolve FICRA as an entity upon the following three conditions:
- The FICRA Trust Board shall amend its Bylaws to expand the authorized number of Directors to incorporate the FICRA Board members who are not already on the FICRA Trust Board;
- FICRA shall take all such steps to dissolve as a legal entity; and
- Any remaining assets held by FICRA at the time of dissolution shall be distributed to the FICRA Trust.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm