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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Board Attendees:  Naomi Grant, Jim Braden, Hal Goodell, and Gina Olson. Howard Stapleton is excused.

Meeting opened by Naomi at 8:10 pm. 

Minutes:  Minutes from the May 2019 meeting were approved. The April 2019 Election Meeting minutes were approved.

President’s Report:  Naomi, sitting for Howard, reports no report this month.

Consent Calendar Items:  None.

Treasurer’s Report:  Hal Goodell provided the report

Trust Checking account: May 1 Balance: $114,021.44, May 31 Balance: $115,405.61

Trust Capital Checking: May 1 Balance: $4,083.69, May 31 Balance: $4,083.69

Trust Reserve Checking: May 1 Balance: $1,541.00, May 31 Balance: $1,541.00

Trust Money Market:  May 1 Balance: $33,636.14, May 31 Balance: $33,636.71

Trust Savings: May 1 Balance: $137.12, May 31 Balance $154.38

Trust PayPal: May 1 Balance: $2,980.09, May 31 Balance $3,475.00

Income from plant sale was significant: $8,307.00, cost $280.00. Net 1/3 to each of 3 clubs, $2,675.34. Some income and payments are starting in preparation for FICRA Fair and booth rentals.

Standing Committee Reports:

  • Nature Center:  Ed Burrough, excused. Nature Center Minutes are posted on-line.
  • Finance Committee:  Jim reports no new report.
  • Citizen Patrol:  Jim reports no significant events.  Things are in good shape. They are $2500 behind in receipts versus expenditures, but this is similar to where they were last year.  Vacation watch is slow.  August (FICRA FAIR) will likely bring more donations.  Deputy is patrolling the boat ramp.  Bureau of Land Management (who owns the property) has been approached to post a sign requesting “No Fires.” Hal reports there is one request for payment of invoice of $843.59 (logo magnets for vehicles and event giveaways) which is not a budgeted item. Jim will investigate and report back by next meeting. The old signs were not sticking to the doors, new signs were needed. Jim motions to approve for the payment of logos and promotional items at a total of $843.59. Unanimously approved.
  • Emergency Planning:  Jim reports things are going well. We have 60 block coordinators. County is continuing to be supportive making maps for FIEP.  Ray is at an important Fire Department Presentation at City Hall discussing city growth concerns, and fire prevention where homes are near heavy forest/brush.  Eric Waters may be approached to bring that presentation to Fox Island.
  • Building Committee:  Jim reports he continues to water in the back field to keep the grass green until the Summer Solstice party. There will be an investigation of potential over all costs to possibly consider, at some time in the future, irrigation of the field.  Alex Morgan (Eagle Scout candidate) has raised $160 of the approximately $450 project cost, and will be therefore eligible for $250 donation, in his project of making NCC new signage. Jim made a motion to approve this $250 for Alex, unanimously approved.
  • Audit Committee:  In process still.
  • Fox Island Amateur Radio Club:  There is an event at Fort Flagler June 22. Excellent presentations at club meetings and National Organizations, ARRC and ARES are providing healthy information.  Typically 12-13 people connect on the Sunday night 7 pm Fox Island Club net.

Unfinished Business:  

  • Vote on Amended and Restated Bylaws: Bylaws as Amended and Restated have been unanimously approved by Board and Members in attendance.

New Business:  

Gina reports the FICRA Fair shirts are coming along well.

Jim reports the Fox Island Ramblers are still in the N classroom practicing and giving music lessons on Tuesday mornings. And anyone is welcome to join them.  Dave Lester (separate group) would like to host a “jam session” for any musicians every Wed 6-8 pm.  BSA Troop 727 (the girls Troop) is also going to meet on Wed nights. Discussion ensued on how busy we should make the NCC schedule and the general concern of noise impacting neighbors.  Jim will test the proposal by observing the first few sessions with no promises of continuing the schedule.

The meeting adjourned at 8:58pm.  The next meeting is July 11, 2019.

Respectfully submitted by Gina Olson, Secretary.