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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Hal Goodell, Chad Gottschalk, Naomi Grant, Miguel Martinez, Rob Moore and Howard Stapleton were in attendance.

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Howard Stapleton.

Minutes from the March 8, 2018 FICRA Annual Member and Board Meeting were approved with no changes.

Public Comment:  Dave McHugh asked why the Nichols Center wasn’t rented more often and noted that there were no urinals in the men’s restroom.  He also asked if we were aware of any impacts that might result for FICRA from the new federal tax changes.

President’s Report:  Howard Stapleton thanked Rennie Walker, her son Max and all of the other volunteers that helped organize and staff the Easter Egg Hunt this year.

Treasurer’s Report: Hal Goodell reported the following figures for the month of March, 2018:

  • FICRA Checking Beginning balance  $22,672.82       Ending balance    $21,775.80
  • FICRA Money Market Beginning balance    18,661.52       Ending balance      28,667.51
  • FICRA PayPal Beginning balance         07       Ending balance           590.57
  • Membership 353 for 2017-2018 as of 4/11/18, 141 from 2016-17 not renewed

Committee Reports:

  • Social Activities – Lisa Stapleton reported on the following items:
    • The band for the Sadie Hawkins dance proposed for Fall charges $1,000 for their appearance. Some of the performers grew up on Fox Island.  Lisa is working with them to see if a lower cost is possible.
    • A Summer Solstice event is being proposed for June. The activity would be for all ages, including food, music and games.  A band is expected to cost around $400; other costs have not been worked out yet. The Board expressed interest in pursuing this.
    • Board members expanded the activities discussion to include Item 8A on the original Board Agenda.
    • Lisa discussed creating an expanded Social Activities Committee with a Board Member as chair and Chad Gottschalk volunteered to fill this role. Joan Broughton mentioned that Social Activities is a standing committee and FICRA Bylaws state that members are appointed by the Board.  An item will be included on the May agenda to confirm the Social Activities Committee membership.
  • Membership – Hal reported that he is still working on follow‑up communications to FICRA Members to encourage renewals. Board members noted that as Treasurer and organizer for the annual FICRA Fair, Hal has a significant amount of work that might me assigned to other members.  Hal pointed out that Membership was originally attached to the Vice President position and Miguel Martinez indicated that he would be willing to fill this role.  An item will be included on the May agenda for the Membership Committee membership.

Unfinished Business:  None

New Business:

  • Guidance on Online Membership Search – Howard distributed a sample screen print of an online membership website search screen intended for FICRA members to see the current status of their membership renewal. The screen/search was developed to respond to frequent questions about membership status directed to the Treasurer and others.  The current screen provides information if a member enters their last name and house number.  The sample screen can be password protected to minimize risk to member data while we are considering options.  Board Members have been asked to look at the information and provide guidance on whether this information should be made available online, and if so, what would be provided.
  • Listing Fox Island UCC Office Manager Position – Lisa indicated that the Fox Island UCC has position for a part time Office Manager and asked if it would be appropriate for this to appear on the FICRA Facebook page. The consensus is that the page can include other information from other Fox Island community organizations.
  • Citizens’ Patrol Home Check Request – Howard distributed a sample of an online form that Citizens’ Patrol wants to include on the website for Home Check requests. The form is currently being tested and should go live within the next two weeks.
  • Permanent Sign for New Sports Field – Miguel indicated that he was in contact with someone who owns a sign company and is willing to donate a permanent sign for the new sports field.
  • Public Transportation for Fox Island – Several members expressed a desire to pursue public transportation options for Fox Island, similar to the PT Trolley, which currently serves uptown and downtown Gig Harbor. Howard will follow up with Pierce County Transit to determine how the service is funded and whether similar arrangements would be available for Fox Island.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 10, 2018.

Respectfully submitted by Howard Stapleton.

FICRA Board Meeting Minutes 4-12-2018