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July 13, 2017


Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Gina Olson, and Ray Kittelberger in attendance. Hal Goodell filling in for Mimi Miller.


Meeting opened by Jim Braden at 7:03 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance

Volunteers asked to sign in for the record.  Grant applications in process make record of volunteer hours of great value.


Minutes:  The June 2017 meeting minutes approved.


President’s report: Jim reports that the Fox Island Directory update is underway.  The Grand Marshall position is still open.  Jim is asking for suggestions.


Consent Calendar Items: None


Treasurers Report: Hal Goodell for Mimi Miller.


Trust Capital Checking: 

June 1 Balance: $20,731.77     June 30  Balance: $19,831.77

Trust Reserve Checking: 

June 1 Balance: $20,480.17 June 30 Balance: $20,480.17

Trust Checking account:

June 1 Balance: $35,724.05   June 30 Balance:$37,081.15

Money Market:

June 1 Balance: $1,640.16       June 30 Balance: $1,640.16

Trust PayPal: 

June 1 Balance: $5,547.93 June 30 End Balance $1,396.13

Trust Savings: 

June 1 Balance: $497.82 June 30 End Balance $91.82


Transferred one-third of Plant Sale income to the Garden Club.  Directors and officers insurance premium has been paid in July, so has not yet been noted on June financials.

Money Market funds have mostly been moved into the Capital projects account.

Jim presented the Trust Reserve Study document showing the cycle of repairs needed, and funds alotted.  All this is to keep funds and projects transparent.


Committee Reports: 

Finance Committee: No report. Mimi is on vacation, and as she has the records from 2016, therefore the audit will begin when she returns.

Citizen Patrol: Stan Weston reports that crime report is good.  There were only 4 incidents total on Fox Island in the last month.  Gig Harbor continues to have a higher crime rate respectively.  Key Peninsula also continues to have a high rate, with specifically 65 burglaries in the last 6 months.  The PC Deputy that is directed by Citizens Patrol has been busy helping manage the youth gatherings at the Boat Launch.  Deputy has been giving out more tickets due to higher volume of drivers speeding. There have been noise complaints at the Sand Spit. Islanders are encouraged to call 911 for noise complaints secondary to large and informal gatherings at the Boat Launch/ Tow Island. Stan says the deputy will continue to patrol and make presence to dissuade the gatherings getting out of control.


Emergency Planning: Ray Kittelberger reports that King TV 5 initiated an impromptu interview of FIEP on Fox Island.  Jim asked Ray and  Doug Nelson to represent FICRA Trust. It was a 1.5 hr interview.  Ray and Doug gave them an update on The Plan, the organization, and a tour of the communication room. This will air on July 25th on King 5 News.


PEP-C has invited FIEP to attend their fair on Key Pen. Kroger representative/head of distribution center in Puyallup spoke at PEP-C Meeting.  His message reinforced that there will be no ‘corporate’ help as infrastructure will likely severely limit movement of goods.  It is MOST important that each individual and family prepare food, water and emergency supplies for any emergency. He reported that people shopping in a crisis event tend to first grab water, firewood, then bread and milk.


Building Committee: Jean Peterson, reports that the shades have arrived and will be installed on July 22nd. They are working on a Grant from the Cheney Foundation, who are receptive to our projects, for window restoration/replacement.  Helen Betit is an experienced grant writer and has assisted in writing the grant which will be submitted once upcoming estimates are in.

Nature Center: Ed Burrough reports that there is fruit setting as the blossoms are dropping.  Trails are open and dry.  There continues to be a work party on every 3rd Sat of the month.  It is looking good! Come check it out.


Audit Committee: No report, see above.


Nominating Committee:  No report


Special Committees: 

Ficra Fair: Hal Goodell reports it’s coming along.  Red Hook to donate 2 kegs of beer again, $300 value. There are many new applications for vendors, and more expected from the regulars.  Hal is working on the Permit/license for food and alcohol. There is a new form and it is $60 per location. Hal has purchased new “Square” readers for Credit Card payments, and it also has chip reader and Apply Pay capability.


All Island Garage Sale: Sept 9th.  Museum has finalized the application form, and it will be on the web site in 2 days. Howard has been working on this on-line application as well as posters to further advertise.  Last year there were 50 homes sites, 12 at the Museum and 6 here at the NCC. This is a fundraiser for the Citizen Patrol, and last year earned $1,100. George Weis is working on the site maps, which will give some specific items and all locations.


Unfinished Business:  

Power to the Garage Project.  The ditch is filled in and there is soon to be power to the garage.


The field renovation plans are underway, will likely start in the fall. The parking lot needs to be graded.


The Block House mural contest is going to be advertised so that they can audition for the painting of the Block/Well House at the Fair.  Then, have a ice-cream social around September for doing the painting.


The Youth sponsored Photography Show is off the list for this year’s Fair.


There are now a lot of on-line accessible applications and forms thanks to Howard’s creativity and efforts.


Letter head is still in development.


Rental Advertising.  Betty Perry would like to meet to update the NCC for further advertising.  She charges $270 a year for her services, and Jim recommends we meet with her, to further understand what she can do for us. Howard suggests she would like to do more, and she should be able to develop some tracking information. Tony suggests that we should invite the Chapel to this meeting as well. Jim will set this meeting up.


New Business:

Display Policy: The past president John Ohlson from 2001-2010 has a plaque that was presented to him in gratitude, and he has requested that it be mounted in the NCC.  The attendees. building committee, and Board members, after discussion, feel it was given to him as a gift, and do not feel that the plaque intent was for NCC display. This request was denied.  There will be further discussion for policy on wall displays.


Next meeting is on Aug 10, 2017


Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by Gina Olson,  Ficra Trust Secretary