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May 11, 2017

Board Attendees: Howard Stapleton, Jim Braden, Denise Parrish, Mimi Miller, Deb Pishek and Lesley Murphy were in attendance.

The meeting was called to order at 9:00pm by Howard Stapleton.  Hal Goodell’s absence was excused.

Minutes from the April 13, 2017 Board Meeting were approved.

President’s Report:  Howard thanked all the volunteers that assisted with the Easter Egg Hunt including the star volunteer Max Walker (the Easter Bunny).  With all of the volunteers willing to provide assistance and advice, it is much easier for newcomers to host events and it is a lot less work.  Howard encouraged others to host an event with help from all of the outstanding FICRA volunteers.

Treasurer’s Report: Mimi Miller

  • FICRA Checking 1 balance- $37,725.69       Apr. 30 balance- $38,597.00
  • FICRA Money Market 1 balance- $18,635.20       Apr. 30 balance- $18,637.50
  • FICRA Pay Pal 1 balance- $721.51            Apr. 30 balance- $745.48
  • Membership 329 for 2016-2017 + 50 already renewed for 2017-2018

Committee Reports:

  • Publicity Committee
    • Lisa Stapleton has requested that articles be submitted for the FICRA Flash by the 25th of the month so she can send it out for review before publishing.
    • Lisa recommended that we make improvements to the bridge sign.
  • Social Committee – Lisa has followed up with the participants from the Student Speaker Contest to set up some events for students on the island. She is waiting to hear back from the students.
  • Membership Committee – Lisa suggested consideration of a combined membership ($75/annually) that would give residents membership in FICRA, the Chapel, and the Museum. There was discussion on this matter but no further action at this time pending input from Hal.

Unfinished Business:

  • Gina Olson has begun working on t-shirts that will be sold at the FICRA Fair. She has a few designs and would like to show them to a few people for their ideas.  She plans to get three bids for the work.  One of the potential bidders, a Fox Island resident, has also volunteered to help sell t‑shirts at the fair.  There was a brief discussion on whether this could present a conflict of interest; the consensus is that it should not present a problem.  With all other factors being roughly equal, there is a Board preference to go with a local supplier.

New Business:

  • FICRA Board Resolution 2017‑001 for the Purchase of Updated Equipment to Process Credit Card Transactions (Attachment 1) was approved unanimously without discussion.
  • Joint FICRA/Trust Board Policy 002 on Capitalization of Tangible Property Expenditures (Attachment 2) was approved unanimously without discussion.
  • A proposed Joint FICRA/Trust Board Policy on Communications (Policy 001) was distributed for input and discussion. The item was deferred for further discussion and approval at a future meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:18pm.  The next meeting will be on June 8th.