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March 9, 2017

Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Hal Goodell, Denise Parrish, Howard Stapleton, and Mimi Miller were in attendance.  Bob Bowser and Uwe Krohn were excused.

The meeting was called to order at 8:16 by the Nominating Committee’s Jim Braden.

Nominating Committee: The slate of new officers was presented by Jim Braden and was opened for nominations from the floor.  No other nominations were presented.  The slate was elected by acclamation.  Carolyn Braden and Juanita Bjork were in attendance to count the votes, if needed.

The new Board approved by vote of the Members is:

  • President – Howard Stapleton
  • Vice President – Hal Goodell
  • Secretary – Denise Parrish
  • Treasurer – Mimi Miller
  • Director 1 – Deb Pishek
  • Director 2 – Lesley Murphy
  • Immediate Past President – Jim Braden

The following individuals were appointed to the Audit Committee by the Board:

  • Joan Broughton, Tony Moore, Lesley Murphy

Jim welcomed Howard to take over as President.  Howard called the meeting of the new Board to order.

Minutes from the February 9, 2017 meeting were approved.

President’s Report: Howard would like to see FICRA adopt a break-even ($0 net surplus) budget for 2017.  This is consistent with FICRA’s status as a non-profit and current financial position that does not require the organization to increase reserves or pay down debt.  In addition, we would like to offer new events for 2017 based on surveys of island residents to determine what activities people would like to see.

Treasurer’s Report: Mimi Miller

  • FICRA Checking Feb. 1 balance – $38,217.41, Feb. 28 balance- $38,050.57
  • FICRA Money Market Feb. 1 balance – $18,632.19, Feb. 28 balance- $18,633.62
  • FICRA Pay Pal Feb. 1 balance – $347.65, Feb. 28 balance- $395.59
  • Membership – 321 for 2016-2017 as of 3/9/17. As of 3/9/17, 172 members from the 2015-16  year have not renewed.

Committee Reports:

Social Committee – Lisa Stapleton sent a survey to individuals receiving the E-Flash requesting that they identify activities FICRA should sponsor. 45 people responded. The top areas of interest are: educational presentations, concerts, wine tasting, movie nights, and community potlucks.  Lisa is looking into companies that will do complimentary wine tastings.  She has also contacted Harbor Wild Watch, West Sound Wildlife, and Aging Smart.  Aging Smart has already responded. Based on the feedback, an event has been scheduled for Saturday, March 18th that will combine a member/guest potluck with a concert by the Magical Strings. Lisa asked if there are any volunteers that would like to help with this event.

Jean Peterson presented a potential speaker for a presentation on low-maintenance landscaping. A proposed time for this event is April 5th at 7:00 pm; April 12th is an alternate date.

Carolyn Braden spoke with Janet Steiner. Janet is happy with the Fox Island calendar idea.  Carolyn would like to see something happen for Halloween. Several ideas were suggested, including a parade of costumes, Trunk or Treat, haunted house, and a bonfire.

Membership Committee: Hal has graciously volunteered to lead this effort.

Publicity Committee: Lisa has distributed posters and posted a bridge sign for the Magical Strings concert.  She will do the same for the Plant Sale.  The upcoming printed (hard copy) FICRA newsletter was also discussed.

Unfinished Business:

Student speaker contest – Ray reported that a final communication has been sent to the schools. No entries have been submitted to date.

New Business:

Bridge Update – Jim continues to attempt to contact those involved with little response. He had a conversation with Michelle Caldier, but she was not encouraging.  The state is struggling with the budget. Craig Shaner will give us an update on May 2nd.

Jim also mentioned that we would like to host the Superintendent of Peninsula School District, Robert Manahan, to discuss bussing, emergency preparedness, the Speaker Contest, and our Scouting program.

Upcoming Events:

Easter Egg Hunt – April 15th, Contact Jim if you are able to help.

Clean Up – April 22nd 9-2.  Please contact Carolyn if you can volunteer so she knows how much soup to make.  We should also put this into the paper newsletter, on the FICRA web page and share it to Fox Island News.

The Meeting was adjourned at 9:02pm. The next meeting will be April 13th.
