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Feb 9, 2017


Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Gina Olson, Ray Kittelberger and Mimi Miller in attendance.


Meeting opened by Tony Moore at 7:02 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance


Volunteers asked to sign in for the record.


Minutes:  The Jan 12, 2016 meeting minutes have been posted on-line, and were unanimously approved.


President’s report: Tony Moore

Dave Hamlin (brings furniture to sell and donates at the Fair) made a brief presentation.  He has been making patio furniture for 21 yrs and sold 1200 pieces.  He has helped with many fundraisers.  He suggests that we host a patio furniture sale, and he thinks he can bring in $4000 – and he will donate 1/2 the money to FICRA, and pay all the taxes.  He suggests that if we advertise it, it will be successful. FICRA will consider this generous offer and try to coordinate it with the Spring cleanup event.


Emergency Planning Team is further developing the radio and communication component of FIEP (Fox Is Emergency Preparedness).  The next step is proposed to form a licensed Fox Is Ham Radio Club.  Doug Nelson explains that about 14 persons are certified.  Communicating in an emergency will be primarily done by HAM radio.  More radio operators are needed and a Club would have its own call sign, and may encourage more Island HAM folks to get involved.  A motion to have the Emergency Prep Team pursue development of a club was unanimously approved.


Tony thanked all those that helped to make the Jan Auction Evening in Venice a success.  He says that there were a lot who came together to make it happen, despite a late start.  The Auctioneer is retiring soon, so this will be a challenge for next year.  We appreciate his work greatly.


Consent Calendar Items: None


Treasurers Report: Mimi Miller

Trust Capital Checking: 

Jan 1 Balance: $8,678.67 Jan 31 Balance: $19,731.77

Trust Reserve Checking: 

Jan 1 Balance: $20,430.17 Jan 31 Balance: $20,480.17

Trust Checking account:

Jan 1 Balance: $25,365.48    Jan 31 Balance: $31,592.89

Money Market:

Jan 1 Balance: $1,911.28       Jan 31 Balance: $1,911.28

Trust PayPal: 

Jan 1 Balance: $1,296.93 Jan 31 End Balance $3,836.21

Trust Savings: 

Jan 1 Balance: $78.93             Jan 31 End Balance $78.93


Committee Reports: 

Citizen Patrol: Ray Kittelberger, for Stan Weston.  Year-end report from PC indicates total number of crimes for 2016 on FI (55) happens to be the exact same number as 2015.  However , the property crimes were down 21%, vandalism up 33%. Major crime of theft and burglary down substantially!  Increase in “crime” was drug use/possession and fraud/theft of credit cards. A very good report for the year.  We have 13 citizen patrol members now, and they are working well together.  Lastly, mail theft continues to be a problem. Stan to report on Jan next month.

Emergency Planning: Ray Kittelberger.  There are plans to form a Ham Radio club (see above).  Cascadia rising drill led EP Team to work on backup personnel for several positions – including Block Captains.  Bob Bowser has no back up at this time.  New infrastructure team has been formed with Fox Island Mutual Water Co.  There is planning for a special event in May, possibly to be coordinated with a bridge update from the county.  Also to include the Lt from the Sheriff’s Dept, and the fire Dept if available. Jim continues to spearhead contacts with the county personal, and Ray to contact FD#5 and sheriff dept. The RedCross has certified the NCC, FIAC and FIUCC as shelters in an emergency.  The Red Cross contact person who had promised supplies has left that position, so a new contact is yet to be established from Americorp.  The supplies promised will be dependent on this new contact.  Also FD#5 has red house numbers available for purchase to post at the street, which make finding residences much easier. We will encourage all to consider posting these which cost $12.50/ per letter. Also HELP/OK signs need improvements, increase numbers, and possibly water proofing.

Building Committee: Jim Braden and Jean Peterson.  Jean continues to press for replacement and restoration of the windows.  Jim toured the NCC with Tim Wilson addressing building maintenance (soffit repair, window sill repair, and preparation for painting).  Next goal is to repaint building – the first major job out of the Reserve Account.  Jean would like to form a committee to decide color choices of paint. The power outlet for the projector is going into the auditorium ceiling, soon. Speakers are also planned.  Howard recommends installing wifi cable at he same time.


After the terrible rains we have had recently, Jim is happy to report the basement is holding up very well.  The work to prevent water has been mostly a success, but more work is still needed. The parking lot is in need of re-grading soon. Electrical company  and volunteers to install electricity from the NCC to the storage/garage soon.


Nature Center:  Philip Craven is working to ensure that the NCC is protected as something similar to a park status, to protect it from being changed or sold in the future.


Special Committees: 

Audit Committee:  Judy Kanick is stepping down.  Joan, Tony, Leslie have all agreed to be on the Audit Committee.


Nominating Committee:  The team has been at work to identify candidates for the Trust Board and Audit Committee.  April 13th is election date. There are 5 positions on the Trust Board and when the new Board convenes after the election it names its officers.  The nominating committee has the list of nominees ready and has presented it tonight:  Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Mimi Miller, Gina Olson, and Ray Kittelberger for the Board and for the Audit Committee: Joan Broughton, Tony Moore, and Lesley Murphy.


Unfinished Business:  

Capital Projects: Jim has sent out letters for “Buy a Brick” to those that contributed $250 or more at the Auction and they have been notified to provide their message for the brick (3 lines, 20 spaces per line).

Planning Calendar: Howard states that the planning calendar is only as helpful as those who are trained and ready to utilize it.  Lisa is working on an Island wide calendar.

Update Brochure: Howard has been working on this, and has done a lot of planning/work.  The FICRA brochure to focus on events, photos of people.  FICRA Trust brochure is focused on building and grounds to those that are interested in renting.  Motion passed to buy 500 of each using 100 lb paper at about $110.


Welcome packets formed by us, and left at the Post Office will have the new brochures placed in it.  Phone books also considered to be added.

NCC Siding: see above Building Committee report


New Business: None


Next meeting is on Mar 9, 2016


Meeting Adjourned at 8:14 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by Gina Olson,  FICRA Trust Board Member

