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February 9, 2017


Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Howard Stapleton, Mimi Miller, Hal Goodell, Denise Parrish, and Bob Bowser. Uwe Krohn, excused.


Minutes from the January 12, 2017 meeting approved with corrections to Board members.

President’s Report: No items.

Consent Calendar: No items.


Treasure’s Report: 


FICRA  Checking: 12-31 Balance: $37,862.47  1-31 Balance: $38,211.31

Money Market:  12-31 Balance: $18,630.61 1-31 Balance: $18,632.19

PayPal Balance: 12-31 Balance: $155.89 1-31 Balance: $347.65

Membership for 2017 is at 310.  Un-renewed membership from 2015-16 is 181.

The budget for 2017 was held in abeyance and is now scheduled for approval at the March 9th Board meeting.


Committee Reports: 

Social Activities Committee & Publicity Committee:  Jim thanked Lisa Stapleton for helping us stay ahead of things for these two committees.  The Publicity Committee will send the bridge surveys out that are described below.


Membership Committee: Much discussion on changing the membership cycle to calendar year.  Motion passed to keep the cycle date as is (Aug.1 to July 31) but to get reminders out to delinquent members and have an invitation sent ahead of the Fair to all residents inviting them to come to the Fair and become a member.  The phone calling process is also a possibility.


Special Committees:

Nominating Committee:  The Nominating Committee submitted the slate for the March 9 election: President: Howard Stapleton, V.P. Hal Goodell, Treasurer: Mimi Miller, Secretary: Denise Parrish, Director: Deb Pishek, and Director: Lesley Murphy.  Jim Braden will occupy the Immed. Past President position.  Audit Committee:  Joan Broughton, Tony Moore, and Lesley Murphy.


Unfinished Business: 

The student speaker contest on April 11.  Ray Kittelberger has followed up with personnel at the high schools.  Publicity for the event includes reminders in the ficra flash : Feb, Mar, and April, Fox Island Living magazine March and April, and FICRA’s facebook and Fox Island News.


New Business: 

Bridge Update: Jim is continuing to pursue relationships with Representative Caldier and Senator Angel to press for the bridge.  He has talked to County Engineer Kraig Shaner who has sent us the upgraded survey by a professional survey firm to learn maritime concerns on a new bridge design (mainly bridge boat pass-through height and width).  We will get the survey to local boaters.  They want the returns by March 6, 2017.


Adjourned at 9:15 PM.  Next Meeting is March 9, 2017.


Respectfully submitted by Denise Parrish, Secretary
