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New FICRA Board Elected for 2012-13

Congratulations to the new members for the FICRA Board! We look forward to a great year of events, activities and community spirit here on Fox Island.

The Annual Membership Meeting was held on March 1, 2012 at the Nichols Center to a  full auditorium of Islanders.  The slated candidates were presented and unanimously elected to their positions.  It was a great night full of community spirit!

The new officers are:

President: Jim Braden

Vice President: Jeffery Goodwin

Secretary: Patty Metzger

Treasurer: Mimi Miller

Director: Tony Moore

Director: Hal Goodell

Past President: Lynne Goodwin

FICRA was especially pleased to have Hal Goodell step in and run for the 2 year trustee position when slated candidate Max Ostner found out he would be unable to run.  Thank you, Hal, and to all the new officers!

If you would like to reach the FICRA Board, please email or you may email them indiviually at

President: Jim Braden

Vice President: Jeffery Goodwin

Secretary: Patty Metzger

Treasurer: Mimi Miller

Director: Tony Moore

Director: Hal Goodell

Past President: Lynne Goodwin