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FICRA Board Special Meeting Minutes 6-21-2011

June 21, 2011

Attending:  Lynne Goodwin, Max Ostner, Judy Kanick, Jean Peterson, Tony Moore

President Lynne Goodwin called the meeting to order at 7:38.

Treasurer: The FICRA treasurer, Judy Kanick, has announced her resignation as soon as possible before June 30, 2011, and a new treasurer must be appointed.  Max nominated Mimi Miller as treasurer.  The nomination was seconded.  Lynne asked for other nominations.  There were none.  There was discussion of a concern about Mimi being out of town for six weeks.  It was determined that Lynne can pay bills and Mimi keep track of the account on line.  The vote was favorable.  Mimi was welcomed as the new treasurer.  Judy has the FICRA records on Quick Books.  Mimi will have to purchase the program for $250 to $300.

Rental Coordinator:  Lise Ohlson has resigned as rental coordinator for NCC.  Tony will be the key master, and Max will show the building and take care of rental agreements until a new rental coordinator is found.  Deborah Stephens who takes care of renting the chapel will be asked if she is interested.  The 15% fee was discussed.  It was agreed that we need a job description as we let people know of the opening.

Trustee:  Maggie Flanagan has resigned as trustee.  Her position on the board is open, and it is the board’s decision to appoint a new trustee.  We will let members know of the position, and hope that some will express an interest.  The goal is to appoint a replacement by the October meeting.

Website:  Max Ostner reported that John Ohlson is posting on the old website,, until July 1, and then it will become static, and changes cannot be made on it.  The new website will not be up until the end of July.  All business will go through Lynne via phone or email.  Lynne requested information from Tony  about the Museum and Chapel to include on the new website.

Lynne brought up the points that what the agreement between Larry Clarke and FICRA stated about the contents of the website, and what John Ohlson is claiming as his are not consistent.  John had agreed at the last FICRA meeting to meet  with Lynne to discuss the content of the website and how it was to be used by each, but this has not happened.  Tony will contact John to set up a meeting with Lynne to discuss the issue of content of the site.

FICRA would like to include pictures of Boy Scout Troop 27 on the website since FICRA sponsors the troop.  Crime Watch is a standing committee of FICRA, and should be on the website.

Tony has graciously donated the purchase price of the domain name,, to FICRA.  He bought the name from John Ohlson for $69.76.  Tony will contact John about the access of the new domain name.

Bridge sign:  Lynne stated that because of the increase in FICRA activities, the bridge sign is not as available for other island organizations as it once was, and this is a problem.  Lynne reviewed the rules for sign usage stating that FICRA activities have priorities.  Tony advocated for the ‘soft’ approach:  The sign is an ‘island’ sign operated by FICRA.  It was agreed that we need to share sign space with all island groups.  There will be a permanent reference to the website on the sign frame, leading all to the website for more information.

Documents:  Tony gave the original deed for the NCC from the Peninsula School District to Lynne along with one share in the FI Water Company and one share of Peninsula Light Company.  Lynne will put all the original documents in a safe deposit box at Sound Credit Union.

Activities committee:  Lynne announced that the activities committee has an ice cream social planned for Sunday, July 10, at NCC.  FICRA will buy the ice cream, there could be a donations basket.

Jean announced that she will likely not be at the July 7, meeting, prompting a discussion about quorums.  The present board consists of 5 people.  One will not be in attendance at the July meeting, and possibly another will not be in attendance, leaving a majority of 3.  Proxies can be left with the remaining officers if a vote is required and a challenge made.

Jean bought a card to send to Margaret Wickline-Peters at Merrill Gardens.  Lynne will send flowers from the board as well.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Peterson