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FICRA Board Meeting Minutes 6-2-2011

June 2, 2011

All board members were present.

President, Lynne Goodwin, opened the meeting at 7:40with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes were read in abbreviated form having been posted on the website.  They were approved as amended.

Lynne gave her president’s report on activities and meetings that have occurred and will occur during the month.  She reminded committees to get minutes of their meetings to the board a week before the meeting.  She requested all board members be involved in the FICRA Fair.  She requested a positive attitude by all.

Treasurer’s report:
FICRA –  $55,104.98
Trust          1880.65
Total       56,985.63

Crime Watch – $1102.30

Dues paid in May: 15.  Total for year: 267 (122 over last year)

Committee reports:

Crime Watch:
Stan Weston gave crime watch report.  Crime down.  Two bikes stolen from an open garage.  Boy near store was being chased by coyote.

Building:  Tony had 200 gallons of oil delivered.
Tom Purvis estimates that it will take $1400 to $1500 to catch water from down spouts in a tight-pipe and run across property to low part on north part of property.  It was moved by Max to start the project.  It was seconded and passed.
Jean Peterson reported on bids on cleaning the building by Jan-Pro and Tru-Cleen (Eddy Ryker) who cleans the Post Office once a month.  Tru-Cleen would charge $150 for once a month cleaning.  He will do an initial cleaning, a re-finishing of the kitchen floor, and clean the light fixtures for $300.00 then charge $150 per cleaning afterward.  The question was about money available for the recurring expense.  There was discussion of past practices.  One person with each activity would be in charge of seeing that the building is clean after using.  Judy checked with past professional cleaners used previously and thinks the charges are appropriate.  Max moved to sign a contract with Tru-Cleen.  It was seconded and passed.

Activities:  Karen Craven reported that she will be in charge of the bridge sign, and stressed that FICRA activities have priority over other organizations on the island.  Lynne stressed that she wants ficra portrayed in a positive way and balance sign usage with other organizations.
Emergency Preparedness talk on June 14.
Problem with keys for some people.  Suggested a lock box on the door with a key.  Lise reported that about 18 keys are out – seven with the board, art group, AA, Margaret Wickline, Stan Weston.  Lynne asked that new groups be issued keys.
Events to be planned each month:  August – astronomy; Sept – Boce Ball; Oct. – Octoberfest

Fundraising:  Max reported on ideas for fundraising

Bylaws:  Jim Braden has made packets (55 pages) for committee members who he will be meeting with soon

Playground:  Max reported that one toy has been fixed, another will be paid for by FICRA with reimbursement from PenMet

Nature Center:  Phillip Craven reported on the meeting with the board.  He said that at present the committee is an ad hoc committee with him as chair and Terry Mace as secretary.  He reported that the committee and board came to agreement on the Purpose and Scope document and requested approval by the board.  Monthly meetings are on the third Wed.; work parties are on the third Sat.
The NC was visited by a County Restoration Officer who lives on the island and gave good information on wetlands and county regulation.
John Ohlson moved to accept the Purpose and Scope of the Committee; the motion was seconded.  There was a question about ‘objectives’ in #6.  It was agreed to the addition of ‘as outlined above’ to the sentence.  It was moved, seconded and passed to accept the additional phrase.  It was voted to accept the document as amended.
Lynne officially appointed Phillip as chairman of the committee and requested that 2 board members be on the committee.  John and Maggie will be on the committee.
John reported that The Fox Island Nature Center as written on the newly accepted document will be the official name.
There was discussion regarding the make-up of the committee and the 2 board members.  Question as to whether they are voting members.  The committee chairman will communicate with the board.  Question about requiring 2 board members:  regulations require at least one board member on committee. Should they be ex officio members? Concern about having too many people on the committee.  Question concerning visitors at committee meetings.  Lynne suggested that the bylaws committee address these concerns by including guidelines in their recommendations.
Request to have meetings and work parties posted.

It was moved by Tony to make the Nature Center committee a standing committee.  It was seconded and passed.

FICRA FAIR:  Nan Feagin and Jill Christ will chair the fair.  Tony asked about liquor license which needs to be purchased 45 days prior to the event.  The cost is split between the chapel and FICRA.  Lynne has spoken with the FI Yacht Club rep, Steve Rykard about obtaining  license.  Jill asked for any and all to help and call her.

Rental Coordinator:  Max has composed a written agreement for the rental coordinator to have expectations in writing.  Max read the items on the contract, and changes some as per Lise’s recommendations.  Maggie moved that the board appoint the rental coordinator rather than the president.  The treasurer returns deposits to renters at the coordinator’s direction after her inspection. The rental coordinator determines amounts to be deducted from deposits for cleaning or damage.
Question:  Does a paying renter take priority over a scheduled activity?  Most activities are during the week; rentals are usually on weekends, so there hasn’t been a conflict.  If the situation arises perhaps the group could be asked to reschedule for the renter.  Discussion:  activity verse rental.  Discussion was tabled.  Lynne requested bylaws committee might look into this as well.
Suggestion:  Have a cleaning fee added to rental rates.  Max has suggested adding $10 to $20 for cleaning and garbage to hourly rentals.
Have a locked dumpster.  Discussion of pros and cons; mostly cons.

Exercise classes:  Angelina Jackson McMonagal would have classes on Tues. and Thurs. 9:00 and 4:00.  Overlaps with Mommie and Me group, but in different rooms.
Zumba instructor is interested but did not mention dates.
We need to revisit rental rates to allow for hourly rentals.  $25 per hour is the typical charge at other area facilities.  (John said it costs $35 per day to run the NCC.)  Discussion concerning who pays for the facility and who does not pay.  With 2 classes a day she would need 3 hours for the classes.
Lynne asked for negatives with exercise classes.  Only the music was brought up as a concern.
AA has used the building for years and pays a special rate.
Discussion on hourly rate and charges.
Lynne suggested allowing the use for a month and revisit the rental rates.  Try the month of June and July charging $25 per hour, as we develop our policies.  Suggestion to have a ‘session rate’ as opposed to the hourly rate.

Scholarship:  Judy announced the winner of the $500 scholarship to be presented at the FICRA fair is Chris Piotrowski.

Fox Island Phone Book:  Georgia Moore and George Weiss have been doing the phone books for 20 years.  Georgia requested 8 or 9 people to help contact people in the books in order to update information.

Communication: Kalli Ostner reported on the problems resulting with having 2 Facebook pages with FICRA associated with the title.  The board had requested that John take down his site.  He has linked the ‘Fox Island Ficra’ page through the website.  After discussion, Jean moved that there be only one Facebook page with the name ‘FICRA’, and that the president of FICRA be an administrator, and that it be a ‘page’ rather than a ‘group’.  The motion was seconded and passed.  John agreed to rename his Facebook ‘group’ page.

Website:  Max gave the background on the present website, the current problems involved, and the decision by Larry Clark to withdraw the name from FICRA.  Max proposed using name with the president of FICRA as administrator, or her appointed web administrator. The content of the present site will be transferred to the new site and reorganized and updated.  John Ohlson expressed his intention to not continue as webmaster.  He is concerned with the content and photos on the website which belong to him.  He would like to keep content on a website under another name, though the FICRA information can go on the new site which is owned by FICRA. John moved to allow content that does not pertain to FICRA on the present website on his new website because he wrote it and consider much of it, such as the pictures, as his. The motion was seconded. Tony requested more specifics before voting.   John will change the ownership of and from Dragonwyck. There was discussion to table the motion.  John would like to have a vote.  Web agreement states that the property of the website is FICRA’s, but John wants to use it on his new website.  John requested that we agree with his request, and he will not portray himself as FICRA, and he will negotiate with Lynne if necessary. The motion passed.
The website should be running by the next board meeting.  The transition will continue until  August 21 when the agreement with Larry Clark ends.

Next meeting is July 7.  John and Maggie requested to be excused from the next meeting.  Moved, seconded, passed.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Peterson