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FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes 
Thursday, April 13, 2023, 7:00PM 
Nichols Community Center, Fox Island, Washington 

2022-2023 Revised FICRA Trust Board
Arlyn LawrencePresident
Wes KingVice President
Candy WawroSecretary
Hal GoodellTreasurer
Craig McLaughlinDirector
Matt DejardinsAdvisor
Lindsey JensenAdvisor

FICRA Trust Board Minutes

April 13, 2023 7:00pm

Meeting called to order at 7:05pm.

Public Comments:  There was one public comment (Karen Craven) concerning the Easter Egg Hunt.  The speaker denoted that the Easter Egg Hunt began with a prayer and then the entire egg hunt was attributed to the volunteers from Puget Sound Foursquare Church.  The speaker referred to the fact that FICRA events are by Board Policy to be non-religious and non-political in their practice to promote a sense of community to those who practice or believe in other religions/politics. 

There was much discussion about who should lead FICRA events and that Puget Sound Foursquare Church, although a growing portion of our community, should not lead (nor take credit) for any FICRA event as was demonstrated in the annual FICRA Easter Egg Hunt.  It was also noted that the Church community has volunteered at several FICRA events, and their volunteerism is very much appreciated.  Those that volunteered did so in good faith.   FICRA Trust wishes that to continue.  However, at the Easter Egg Hunt several volunteers, not belonging to the Church, were left out of the recognition, homing in only on church participation, and not addressing FICRA’s long-standing tradition.  Lance Powers then began the egg hunt with a welcome and a prayer.  He further took his own initiative to raffle off prizes (purchased by FICRA Trust) giving the impression the church supplied them as well.  Although the welcome, prayer, leading the count off to the hunt, and the raffling off prizes was unsolicited and unscripted (and perhaps unintentional), correction is necessitated.  Arlyn noted that she will contact Lance Powers, lead paster of the Puget Sound Foursquare Church, and Gary Addeo, Fox Island Lead Paster, to reiterate FICRA protocol at FICRA sponsored events.

Approval of March 9, 2023 Minutes:  Hal made the motion to accept the March 9th minutes.  The motion was seconded by Craig.  A vote was taken and approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report (Hal Goodell):

Trust General Money Market

                Beginning Balance            $ 86,302.31

                Checks and Payments                   0.00

                Deposits and Credits           22,378.74

                Cleared Balance                $108,681.05

Trust Capital Money Market        

                Beginning Balance            $  37,448.04

                Checks and Payments            1,979.33

                Deposits and Credits                      0.00

                Cleared Balance                $   35,468.71

Trust Reserve Money Market

                Beginning Balance            $   42,802.47

                Checks and Payments                    0.00

                Deposits and Credits                      0.00

                Cleared Balance                 $    42,802.47

Trust Community Events/Activities Money Market

                Beginning Balance           $    62,100.96

                Checks and Payments                     0.00

                Deposits and Credits                        0.00

                Cleared Balance                $     62,100.96

Trust Emergency Prep. Restricted Money Market

                Beginning Balance            $     21,591.59

                Checks and Payments                      0.00

                Deposits and Credits                        0.00

                Cleared Balance                $     21,591.59

Trust Emergency Patrol Restricted Money Market

                Beginning Balance            $      19,384.66

                Checks and Payments                       0.00

                Deposits and Credits                         0.00

                Cleared Balance                $      19,384.66

Trust Money Market – Other

                Beginning Balance            $                0.00

                Checks and Payments                   399.41

                Deposits and Credits                     399.41 (Interest)

                Cleared Balance                $                 0.00

Sum of QB Sub Money Markets  $     290,029.44

30-Month Flex Certificate

                Beginning Balance            $     100,896.79

                Checks and Payments                         0.00

                Deposits and Credits                        0.00

                Cleared Balance                $   101,237.85

Current Membership for 2022-23 as of 4/12/2023 is 369

Election Meeting for 2023-24 (conducted by the Nominating Committee):  Presentation of the candidates was made by Wes King.  Three candidates were presented to the Board for consideration.  They were Jacob Paukert, owner of Fox Island MetalWorks, Rebecca Becal (new to Fox Island), and Matthew Berry.  Jacob told the Board that he was born and raised on Fox Island, owns a business on the island, is married and has one child.  Rebecca mentioned that she is a recent transfer from New Orleans and is looking to add to her new community.  Matthew Berry also lives on the island with his family and is interested in doing more for his community.  Wes further introduced the candidates for the Audit Committee.  They are Diane Abney, Jennifer Beard, Joan Broughton and Jean Wallace.  All are incumbent members.  Only Joan Broughton was in attendance.  Joan has worked with both Hal and Jim Braden on revising the Trust Bylaws with the incorporation of FICRA Events into the FICRA Trust.  That work is nearing completion.

Standing Committee Reports and Actions (Jim Braden, Project Manager): 

                Buildings & Grounds:  For Major projects, please refer to the Capital Expenditures Report that has active and proposed (mostly capital) projects with priorities indicated in the red “Priority” column.  There is a second page to that report that has completed projects listed.  Jim also presented a copy of the Reserve Study Report.  Also, the awning for the north deck was installed April 12th.  We have contracted with TruGreen to apply weed and feed on the sports field.  The improving weather should permit us to do the final design and fix for the emergency exit from the basement.  The sports field donation tiles are here.  We are looking to secure a tile craftsperson (professional, to ensure surviving outdoor weather extremes).  Jim also provided a copy of the Project Test Form when new projects are suggested.  A prudent cost analysis and FICRA value/liability/consequences should be heavily weighed when proposing new projects.

                Nature Center (Ed Burrough):  The nature center is in pretty good shape.  Now with spring happening, things are growing anew, so we keep up our efforts to keep the trails passable as nature always wants to fill in the open spaces.  They continue to trim trails, resuming mowing of the entry area and the roadside along 9th Avenue and continuing the chore of transporting our pile of wood chips to needy areas of the trail are their priorities currently.  They did note that they are seeing more contacts with our new Facebook page and getting some good comments.  They believe this will increase the usage of the Nature Center as the year progresses.

                Emergency Preparedness (EP):  EP is anxious for the overhaul of the FICRA website to help upgrade neighborhood preparation and response.  Emergency Response exercises are in the planning stage for this Spring.  We had basically no crime issues on Fox Island for March.  It has been another very good year for our management of crime.  The radio station KGHP is questionable for our emergency communication for the long term.

                Fox Island Amateur Radio Club (FIARC):  The FIARC is now considered a part of the emergency Preparedness.  The FIARC will be participating in the PEP-C safety fair at Gig Harbor High School on April 22nd.

                Other Items:  The BSA Scouting – The Eagle Project by Aidan Winger of the “Little Library” stand for the NCC is complete except for a sign.  The Holden Hubbs and Reed Rea play area revamp (dual Eagle Scout projects) have new bedding in place and are working to complete some paint retouching.

                Bylaws:  A draft has been sent to the Board members.

                Bridge Communication – An article is being drafted for Fox Island residents.  Jim will explain how he is using FICRA in that regard.

                Fox Island Website:  We are zoning in on upgrades to the website.

                Basement cleanup, cabinets, and sign storage:  Two large cabinets were installed in the basement to hold various sports equipment and other things.  We are still waiting on the shelfs for those cabinets.  We continue to clear out unwanted or unused items such as a variety of signs collected over the years.  Other organizations have been contacted to ensure the remaining signs are still useful and needed.

                Garage rental:  the vacated garage space has been rented and contracted for one year.  A dehumidifier has been installed to assist in a dry space during inclement wet weather.

FICRA Events and Activities: (Candy Wawro) “That Irish Guy” concert is booked for April 29th from 7-9:00 pm.  The “Shipwrecks and Ghosts of Puget Sound” history talk was moved to May 22nd at the request of the presenter.  The “Murder Mystery Event” is scheduled for May 13th.  We have not been successful at getting the required ticketing information on our website.  Howard Stapleton mentioned that he could not put all three events on at one time.  Hopefully, after the 4/29 concert we will have it up and running.  Lastly, we are hosting a “Beginning Quilting” class on Sunday, May 7th, from 2:00-6:00pm and the second class in the series on May 21.  The cost for the two classes is $75.  The class came about to help our present Quilters group grow.  It was one of our quilters who gave Candy the contact for a nationally recognized instructor who lives in Gig Harbor.  Line dancing continues Sunday afternoons, but number have dwindled.  Perhaps it has just “done its time” as the weather gets nicer.

Old Business:  Website Update (Craig McLaughlin):  Howard Stapleton, Craig McLaughlin, Jim Braden, and Candy Wawro sat in on four interviews with website developers.  Howard was immensely valuable with his knowledge on technical issues.  We have not chosen any vendor that “Wowed” us.  The search continues.

New Business:  Bylaw review and set notice period – due to the lateness of this meeting, this will be rescheduled.  The Bridge article and FICRA reference – Jim Braden mentioned that one identity should represent the entire island to facilitate the collection and dissemination of information to islanders with Pierce County.  Jim, as a former civil engineer, has assisted in the building of bridges in his career and understands the engineering involved as well as the permitting processes.  He will represent the FICRA Trust in this endeavor moving forward.

A motion was made by Wes King to call the meeting completed.  The motion was seconded by Candy.  A unanimous vote was taken, motion carried.  Time was 9:14 pm.