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FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes 
Thursday, June 9, 2022, 8:00PM 
Nichols Community Center, Fox Island, Washington 

2022-2023 FICRA Trust Board
Arlyn LawrencePresident
Wes KingVice President
Candy WawroSecretary
Hal GoodellTreasurer
Craig McLaughlinDirector

FICRA Trust Minutes

June 9, 2022 – 7:45 pm

Attendees: Arlyn Lawrence (President), Weston King (Vice-President), Hal Goodell (Treasurer), Candy Wawro (Secretary), Craig McLaughlin (Director)

Public Comments: A question was asked in the audience if agendas are posted.  Arlyn responded in the affirmative.

Approval of May 2022 Minutes:  Arlyn asked for a motion to approve the May minutes.  Craig made a motion to approve the May 2022 minutes.  The motion was seconded by Wes.  A vote was taken and approved without opposition.

Treasurer’s Report (Hal Goodell):

Trust Checking Beginning Balance:                            $  46,143.04

                Checks and Payments:                                ($  14,010.55)

                Deposits:                                                             $    3,574.00

Trust Checking Ending Balance                                  $  35,706.49

Trust Savings Beginning Balance                                $       633.24

                Deposits:                                                             $          40.98

Trust Savings Ending Balance                                     $        674.22

Trust PayPal Beginning Balance                                  $    1,670.20

                Deposits                                                              $     1,890.00

                Fees                                                                      $        (67.94)

Trust PayPal Ending Balance                                       $     3,492.26

Trust Capital Checking Beginning Balance             $    24,178.13

                Checks and Payments                                 $   (19,650.17)

                Deposits and Credits                                       $       2,619.05

Trust Capital Checking Ending Balance                 $       7,147.01

Trust Reserve Checking Beginning Balance           $           319.98

                Checks and Payments                                    $      (1,477.65)

                Deposits and Credits                                       $       1,477.65

Trust Reserve Checking Ending Balance                $          319.98

Trust Money Market Beginning Balance                $   292,559.09

                Checks and Payments                                    $       (6,469.41)

                Deposits and Credits                                       $        8,387.17

Trust Money Market Ending Balance                      $   294,476.85*

*Includes Trust General Money Market (177,892.76), Trust Capital Money Market ($31,911.97), Trust Reserve Money Market ($43,052.48), Trust Emergency Prep. Restricted Money Market ($21,591.59), Trust Citizens’ Patrol Restricted Money Market ($20,028.05).

FICRA Report (Miguel Martinez): The resolution passed to dissolve FICRA and become a standing committee under the FICRA Trust.  The following needs to be completed: the filing of a final tax return, the submitting tax clearance certificate to the State of Washington that all obligations have been paid, the transferring of all existing assets to the Trust (including the financial transfer of the bank funds, the closing of the accounts and the changing of signatures at the bank), the notification to creditors, if any, of the dissolution, and the writing of a letter to the Washington State Attorney General of the intent to dissolve.  Miguel also reminded the Trust Board of the Summer Solstice activity being planned for June 18th

A motion was made by Arlyn to dissolve FICRA with the above conditions made. Motion was seconded by Craig McLaughlin.  A vote was taken with no opposition.  It was suggested that Matt and Lindsey join the FICRA Trust Board for one year upon amending the number of positions to the present Trust Board. Jim Braden said the present Bylaws were put into place in 2011 and should all be reviewed at this time. Craig McLaughlin will work with Jim Braden to review the present Bylaws and amend the number of positions.  Once Bylaws are given a thorough review, a vote will be taken in July to add positions and appoint new members at the above suggestion if still applicable.  Also suggested was a revised mission statement to include the FICRA mission and the addition of a director being added as a liaison to one or more of the standing committees.  Currently, Jim Braden reports on the Citizens’ Patrol, Emergency Prep, the Nature Center, Scouting activities and buildings and grounds.   

Standing Committee Reports and Actions:

                Finance Committee: None

Building and Grounds (Jim Braden): The Capital Expenditures Report has active and proposed (mostly Capital) projects with priorities indicated in red priority column.  The status of each project is indicated on the last column of the report. This month’s highlight is Phase 1 of the irrigation system (gazebo) is complete.  The west wall windows are complete except for minor paint touchup on the outside by Chosen Wood Windows. The shades are, finally, totally installed.  Two more A/C contractors have submitted bids. We have one bid on restoring the front door.  Bids will be summarized and submitted to the Board for approval.  The mowing contract is complete.  A concrete slab is installed behind home plate to receive recognition tiles for Sports Field donors (thanks to Chris Hansen, concrete professional). We are now getting bids on engraved tiles.

We have also repaired the lathe and plaster walls in the classrooms and the auditorium.  The walls in the hallways and kitchen have already been completed.  We have completed the paint in those rooms as well (thanks to Candy and Steve Wawro).

Nature Center (Jim Braden): Work parties are active keeping invasive plants under control. The committee is working with Candy on getting some advertising out inviting folks to visit the Nature Center and become involved.

Citizens’ Patrol (Jim Braden): The Citizens’ Patrol will have a recommendation for the Board to approve sending to our insurance broker to ensure coverage for the folks involved in the new procedures. We will send that to the Board for consideration when it is ready. The consolidation of FICRA and the Trust will impact the insurance (lesser cost with one organization) and the Citizens’ Patrol risk can be addressed again with that. The hiring of Sheriff Deputy for select extra patrols is still above normal for us.  We’ve had zero problems with crime on Fox Island, but areas across the bridge are being hit hard with crime.  Jim Braden and Ray Kittelberger are independently working on the crime situation on a larger scale.

Emergency Preparedness (EP) (Jim Braden):  We have yet to verify, for sure, the Cascadia Rising II event timing – supposedly in the Fall of 2022. The Emergency Preparedness group is trying to to get Community Emergency Response Training started so folks should keep on the lookout for that.  We are still working to mail a paper newsletter to all Fox Island residents with the focus on informing those who don’t yet have a Block Coordinator of what they should be doing to prepare for and execute emergency response (written but getting advice on presentation to help ensure folks open and read it).

Fox Island Amateur Radio club (FIARC) (Jim Braden):  The repeater is in service and is being used regularly on the Sunday radio nets. Some new communication processes are being evaluated as alternative and supplemental methods of communication for our Emergency Response.

Technical Training:  Although Howard Stapleton is no longer on the Trust Board, he has agreed to continue to provide technical assistance with our website, etc.

New Business:

                Craig McLaughlin reported that the contract is secured with the Trust for the Labor Day concert with the Brothers Four on September 5th.  They will be utilizing the side decking as a stage.  They do require a dressing and rehearsal space as part of the contract.  The North classroom works well as it has a door to the staging area.  The question is do we seal off the entire building for them prior to concert to give them privacy? Also, do we have an intro band.  Cheryl Pence to check on some band availability.  Given an intro band, we will take a break before the Brothers Four begins their concert.

                Candy Wawro suggested we need some sprucing up of the playground area as some of the pieces have sun faded and needed paint.  She also suggested meeting with consultants on adding additional pieces or remodeling the pieces we currently have.  She commented that the playground surface needs to be upgraded and will check on options for improvement and report back to the board in July.  It was suggested that we could use the Party with a Purpose option for funding those improvements.

                Hal Goodell reported on the FICRA Fair updates.  Notices have gone out to vendors and liquor permits have been requested.  Cheryl Pense made a mention that the $1,500 budget for music is not adequate to provide music all day.  A motion was made by Hal and seconded by Craig to up the budgeted amount to $5,000 to secure music for the Fair.  A vote was taken with no opposition.  Motion carried.  Hal also suggested that the Grand Marshal(s) be the Fox Island Garden Club as they have given numerous hours keeping the facility grounds in top condition. Wes made a motion to ask the Garden Club to be Grand Marshal(s) for the FICRA Fair.  Hal seconded the motion.  A vote was taken without opposition.  Motion carried.

                Wes King asked about incorporating the tree farm off of 11th under the Trust (approximately 40 acres).  More research needs to be conducted as to ownership, price, and purpose for Trust .

                More technical expertise needed to add/delete to our website now that Howard Stapleton is no longer on the Trust Board. Howard volunteered a tutoring session which needs to be scheduled.

Arlyn asked for a motion to adjourn. Wes made the motion and Craig seconded.  Vote taken without opposition.  Motion carried. 

Adjourn 9:17 pm