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FICRA Annual Meeting & Elections Minutes 3-11-2021

Thursday, March 11th, 2021, 6:45PM

2021-2022 Nominating Committee
Gina Olson, Chair
Jim Braden
Miguel Martinez
Howard Stapleton

Miguel Martinez opened the FICRA Annual Meeting at 6:45pm and introduced Gina Olson, 2021 Nominating Committee Chair, to conduct the election process.

Gina Olson presented the following slate of candidates for the FICRA Board:

Lance Powers as President, Lindsey Jensen as Vice President, Candy Wawro as Secretary, Hal Goodell as Treasurer, Aileen Jones as Director, and Weston King as Director. In accordance with the FICRA Bylaws, the immediate past president of the FICRA Board automatically fills a 7th Board position.  The Past President for 2021-2022 is filled by Miguel Martinez.

Gina Olson presented the following slate of candidates for the FICRA Audit Committee:

Diane Abney, Jennifer Beard, and Joan Broughton as committee members.

Gina asked the candidates to introduce themselves, which they did.  She then asked all present at the meeting if there were any further nominations.  Jean Wallace was subsequently added to the list of candidates for the Audit Committee by floor nomination.

The final slate of candidates for the election consisted of:

2021-2022 FICRA Board Candidates
President: Lance Powers
Vice President: Lindsey Jensen
Secretary: Candy Wawro
Treasurer: Hal Goodell
Director: Aileen Jones
Director: Weston King
Past President: Miguel Martinez

2021-2022 FICRA and FICRA Trust Audit Committee Candidates
Diane Abney, Jennifer Beard, Joan Broughton and Jean Wallace

As only one candidate was nominated for each open position, Gina requested that the candidates be elected by affirmation.  FICRA members in attendance (15) unanimously affirmed ALL nominations as listed above.

Gina then asked some of the current Board members and volunteers to introduce themselves, which they did.  She also announced that the FICRA Trust Board Election will taking place at 6:30PM on 4/8/2021 with the following nominees: Hal Goodell, Gina Olson, Karen Kretschmer, Arlyn Lawrence and Howard Stapleton.

Gina closed the meeting at 7:23pm.