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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Board Attendees:  Howard Stapleton, President; Naomi Grant, Vice-President; Gina Olson, Secretary; Hal Goodell, Treasurer; Jim Braden, Director.

Meeting called to order at:  7:38 PM

Minutes from the September, 2019 Trust Board Meeting were approved.

President’s Report:  Howard asks all volunteers to sign in to properly document volunteer hours. He also thanks everyone for their continued contributions to the NCC. No other report at this time.

Consent Calendar Items:  None

Treasurer’s Report: Hal Goodell (limited report today due to HD crash, data recovery actively in process)

Trust Checking account: Sep 1 Balance: $117,653.67, Sep 30 Balance: $114,905.67

Trust Capital Checking: Sep 1 Balance: $4,083.69, Sep 30 Balance: $4,083.69

Trust Reserve Checking: Sep 1 Balance: $1,541.00, Sep 30 Balance: $1,541.00

Trust Money Market:  Sep 1 Balance: $33,741.04, Sep 30 Balance: $33,764.64

Trust Savings: Sep 1 Balance: $193.97, Sep 30 Balance $193.98

Trust PayPal: Sep 1 Balance: $  , Sep 30 Balance $ 

Standing Committee Reports:

  • Nature Center:  Ed Burrough, excused.  Minutes are available on the web site.  Jim reports that there was a presentation from the County last Sunday on Noxious Weeds.  There are pamphlets available for interested residents.  Working on making access to this information available through our Facebook and Flash media.
  • Finance Committee:  Jim: no report.
  • Audit Committee:  No meeting until data from Treasurer is available.
  • Emergency Preparedness (EP), Citizens’ Patrol (CP), and the radio club (FIARC):  Jim reports FIEP Leadership met last Monday for 2 hrs. Things are looking good but at a crossroads.  Team leader reported on status, challenges, and plans for going forward. Jim reports the communication team is actively pursuing new equipment and approaches for emergency communication.  They still do once weekly radio net.
  • Building & Grounds Committee:  Jim reports the grounds are looking great. Tor Olson has been doing an excellent job mowing.  Jim secured an agronomist to come out to evaluate the quality of soil in Sports Field.  He says there are a few processes that will be explored to see if the grass can come in fuller. Also irrigation options are going to be explored around the practicality of cost and water availability.

Unfinished Business: Capital Expenditures Board Resolution, prepared by Howard, is set for approval.  It is posted on the web. It basically approves the following as proposed by Jim (document attached): $50,000 for the NCC window replacement, $18,000 for painting the NCC exterior, $5000 to reactivate second exit stairway from the basement, and $500 for soil study on sport field, and $500 for irrigation around the NCC building and gazebo. Painting expense is above what would be expected due to “lead paint” issues. Some projects will not be approved without the grant money acquired.   Motion to approve made by Jim, seconded by Gina, and unanimously approved by board.  Tony recalls that in the past the Chapel has had Pierce County contribute funds to improvements on historical sites.  Jim to pursue that.

Fall Clean up: Low attendance, totals were 8-10 people. There was clearing of blackberry from around par course sites, and weeding, of garden beds and around the outside of the track.

Howard would like to know if anyone would be interested in hosting a second clean up, and if some of the men from men’s coffee might work on projects after coffee hour.  No response.

Naomi reports that planning for the “Party with a Purpose” theme “Roaring 20s”is underway.  Chaired by Lisa, and assisted by Naomi.  New residents Jill Peters and Janice Larsen volunteered to assist.  Registration costs to be determined.  Possible additional cost will give “happy hour” extra drink, extra raffle, Charleston lessons and appetizers.  Jim Borgen declined.  Nelson Jay is available. Kathy Smith will coordinate, and provide bartenders.  Naomi is looking for Caterer for food. She has requested a person to commit to decorating. Another person is needed to coordinate the silent auction.

New Business: Howard is looking to create a policy to help guide the future use of the NCC (e.g. varying rental costs). A policy should exist to help guide future use and cost. He would also like to have policy for exchanges of cleaning labor. More discussion on this is needed. Jim suggests we trial possibilities and see how it works out. A meeting to be held on Wed Oct 23rd.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.  The next meeting is November 14, 2019.

Respectfully submitted by Gina Olson, Secretary.