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Thursday, July 11, 2019

Board Attendees:  Naomi Grant, Jim Braden, Hal Goodell, Gina Olson and Howard Stapleton.

The meeting was called to order at 8:16PM.

Minutes:  Minutes from the June 2019 meeting were approved.

President’s Report

Howard noted that July is Citizen’s Patrol/Safety Awareness month and expressed the Board’s thanks to the women and men who are members of the Citizens’ Patrol.  These folks spend countless hours, with support from a Pierce County Deputy, patrolling and observing activities on the island to ensure our safety.  We all owe them a big thanks for their dedication.  We hope that all residents will support our Citizens’ Patrol by joining their ranks and/or making a contribution to the FICRA Building Trust’s Citizens’ Patrol Program.

Howard provided a brief overview of recent events with the Fox Island Chapel Preservation Society (Chapel on Echo Bay) and expressed concerns that the Nichols Community Center could face similar issues.  One possible outcome is that historical assets that are now so much a part of the Fox Island Community could eventually be lost as the demographics change.  While there are goals built into the community planning processes that are intended to preserve community character and encourage the preservation of lands, sites and structures of historical significance, there is no clear path for how this preservation will happen.  Most historic buildings on the Island that are available for public use require fundraising events and facility rentals to sustain their operations.  These types of use can be at odds with the surrounding residential neighborhoods.  The Building Trust has also spent considerable effort and funds to improve the sports field, which is all about outdoor use.  It would seem prudent to look at our options now to ensure that the NCC will be part of Fox Island for the next generation.

Board Action: After discussion, the Board unanimously passed a motion authorizing Howard Stapleton and Jim Braden to research applicable zoning/permitting for the NCC, including discussions with Pierce County.

Consent Calendar Items:  None.

Treasurer’s Report:  Hal Goodell provided the report

Trust Checking account: Jun 1 Balance: $115,405.61, Jun 30 Balance: $109,926.74

Trust Capital Checking: Jun 1 Balance: $4,083.69, Jun 30 Balance: $4,083.69

Trust Reserve Checking: Jun 1 Balance: $1,541.00, Jun 30 Balance: $1,541.00

Trust Money Market:  Jun 1 Balance: $33,636.71, Jun 30 Balance: $33,692.38

Trust Savings: Jun 1 Balance: $154.38, Jun 30 Balance $154.39

Trust PayPal: Jun 1 Balance: $3,475.00, Jun 30 Balance $3,149.11

Payments were made from Trust Checking to Citizen Patrol for items approved at the last Board meeting.   The line item “In‑kind Donations” appearing on the FICRA Trust Balance Sheet is from donated items.  Hal will be consulting with Gisela Paz to determine the proper way to do this.  Hal will also be making minor adjustments to the P&L for Party with a Purpose (PWP) and Citizen’s Patrol fuel reimbursement.  Jim reminded that the Trust checking balance is high but that a large portion of that will be allocated to the Capital Projects checking account for projects for which the money was raised.  Those funds will also be put into better interest yielding accounts.  The amount required for NCC window replacement (some $46,000) will be transferred from Trust Checking to Capital Projects Checking as an example.

Standing Committee Reports:

  • Nature Center:  Ed Burrough, excused. Nature Center Minutes will be posted on-line.
  • Finance:  No report.
  • Audit:  Tony Moore reported that meetings have been scheduled with Joan Broughton and Hal for July 15th and July 17th to finish up the 2017/2018 audit.
  • Emergency Preparedness, Citizens’ Patrol and FIARC:  Jim reported that A.P. Templet has returned from an extended trip. He and Ray Kittelberger are helping with Citizens’ Patrol notices. Ray reported that there were no significant issues on the 4th of July. Ray reported that they are looking at plans for a first aid station at the Fox Island Fair this year which would also provide demonstrations to prepare islanders in the use of emergency supplies. He is also exploring obtaining a donation of “emergency tote bags” for cars that Pen Light is discontinuing as possible raffle items for the fair. Jim reported that the Barkers have signed over the ownership of the emergency supply trailer to FICRA Trust.  Our Directors and Officers (D&O) liability insurance currently covers both FICRA and FICRA Building Trust, but Jim is working on clarifying language to determine if it will cover the medical supplies. Hal reported that FIARC met on Saturday and they are planning a booth for the Fair. They are working on building a new antennae. New members are excited to be a part of club and future plans.
  • Building & Grounds:  Jim reported that the Boy Scouts Par Course stations are completed and have been tested by a couple Board members to be sound.  An Eagle Scout will be doing signs and another is interested in completing irrigation around the building. Jim has requested a quote for an umbrella coverage from our carrier that will be discussed at a later date.

Unfinished Business:  

  • FICRA Fair: Hal reports that Sue Spencer will not be doing the Raffle room this year. Hannah Jay has proposed to do a Bingo Room instead this year.  There is a bingo machine and supplies in the attic that she can use. Music performances have all been scheduled and booth applications are coming in. Jim advocated that we arrange for a shuttle service rather than parking on the grass and facilitate less on-street parking. Gina is on schedule with preparation of the FICRA Fair shirts.

New Business:  

  • August 2019 Board Meeting: The Board agreed that we would not hold a Trust Board Meeting in August 2019.
  • 2019 All Island Garage Sale: Howard referred to the discussion document (attached) included in the Agenda for background.  With the Museum site under construction (new barn structure) this year, the Fox Island Historical Society would like to use the NCC as their host site for the annual event.  They intend to use outside areas only, with the restrooms available for public use as in prior years.  The Museum will be selling hot dogs at the NCC site.  Citizens’ Patrol does not plan to sell maps this year, but the Museum has agreed to print the maps and make them available for sale at the Museum, NCC and Alliance Church.  The FICRA Trust Board agreed that the Trust would continue to promote the event and provide online registration, and the Museum would not be charged for use of the NCC.  Revenue from Home Site sales ($570 last year) will go to the FICRA Building Trust in lieu of any use fee.  Jim indicated that he would assist in putting out the signs that direct people to the NCC and map sales.

The meeting adjourned at 9:37pm.  The next meeting is September 12, 2019. Respectfully submitted by Gina Olson, Secretary.