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Thursday, May 9, 2019

Board Attendees:  Naomi Grant, Jim Braden, Gina Olson and Howard Stapleton in attendance. Hal Goodell is excused.

The Trust Board meeting was convened at 7:55 PM by Howard. 

Minutes:  Theminutes from the April 11, 2019 Trust Board Meeting were approved.

President’s Report:  Howard requested that all volunteers sign up /log in volunteer hours.  There is an outstanding question of who should approve the minutes from the Trust Annual Meeting and Election that was held on April 11th.  After discussion, the consensus is that they should be approved by the new Board members in attendance at the meeting.  This should be done at the next Board meeting.

Consent Calendar Items:  None.

Treasurer’s Report:  Jim Braden provided the report on behalf of Hal Goodell

Trust Checking account: Apr 1 Balance: $123,031.61, Apr 30 Balance: $114,021.44

Trust Capital Checking: Mar1 Balance: $4,083.69, Apr 30 Balance: $4,083.69

Trust Reserve Checking: Apr 1 Balance: $1,541.00, Apr 30 Balance: $1,541.00

Trust Money Market:  Mar1 Balance: $33,608.52, Apr 30 Balance: $33,636.14

Trust Savings: Apr 1 Balance: $137.11, Apr 30 Balance $137.12

Trust PayPal: Apr 1 Balance: $2,810.16, Apr 30 Balance $2,980.09

Jim is working to clear up the Capital Expenditures with the Capital and Reserve Checking balances, as some of it is in the Money Market account. Tony feels in order to Audit, he needs to see a bank statement to confirm that that numbers are matching up.  Board members would like to confirm with Hal if all of the accounts are being reconciled every month and when deposits are recorded in QuickBooks (after they clear the bank).  In addition, how are the Trust and Capital Checking balances reconciled?  Jim would like to know more details of what the PayPal register is comprised of and will discuss this with Hal.  Jim noted that Ray Kittelberger has looked through the financials and found nothing to be in error.

Standing Committee Reports:

  • Nature Center:  Ed Burrough, excused. Nature Center Minutes are posted on-line.
  • Finance Committee:  Jim stated there is no new report.
  • Citizen Patrol:  Jim reports no significant events.  Howard witnessed a CP volunteer assisting a motorist who had ran out of fuel on Island Blvd.  Jim states there will be an extra patrol scheduled for the Pierce County Sheriff for the upcoming Memorial Day weekend.
  • Emergency Planning:  Jim reports that AP Templet is the new Neighborhood Block Coordinator lead.  EP needs 110 neighborhood coordinators.  Binders have been provided to 60 coordinators so far and there are another 5-6 who still need to be set up. Those on board are very positive and active in the neighborhoods and Jim reports that this is very rewarding.  They have had many successes, and next steps will be identified in a meeting scheduled for the upcoming Wednesday.
  • Building Committee:  Jim reports that the 4th/final Par Course station has been completed for the Field Track.  The chips were put down yesterday.  The back field was fertilized by Jim and Gina about 2 weeks ago. Watering is now in process.  A Fox Island Alliance Church Youth group will be doing volunteer service project at the NCC grounds on May 30th.
  • Audit Committee:  Tony Moore reported that Leslie Murphy will be the Committee Chair. He notes that some events and vacations are conflicting with scheduling the next meeting. They intend to audit each year separately and are working on streamlining the process. Jim complimented them for doing an outstanding job, but recommended that an outside Audit be considered for better transparency in future. Howard stated that this only should be considered after the fees/costs are known.  Jim also reported that the latest information appears to be that the IRS penalty related to a filing penalty has been forgiven.  FICRA will be using a new CPA in future.
  • Fox Island Amateur Radio Club:  Jim reports that FIARC is doing well. There are currently 30 members.  They are doing a radio test weekly at 7pm on Sunday evenings.  There are others also visiting our net, like FEMA representatives, who are very supportive.

Unfinished Business:  

  • Vote on Amended and Restated Bylaws: The Board discussed the proposed changes to the Bylaws originally posted to the website in April and discussed in May.  The consensus is that changes to the Bylaws should be presented by the Board at a noticed meeting at least 15 days prior to a vote and that amendments/changes be approved by a majority of Trust members in attendance.  Howard will prepare and post a final version of the Amended and Restated Bylaws so that a vote can be scheduled for the June Trust Board Meeting.

An amendment to the FICRA Building Trust Bylaws was posted for review. The Board was planning to vote on it tonight, but decided to provide more time to ensure notification requirements are met and that interested people have time to review the proposed changes.  The proposed Amendment will be voted on at next month’s meeting.

New Business:  Jim requested an Executive Session of the Board.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05pm.  The next meeting is June 13, 2019.

Respectfully submitted by Gina Olson, Secretary.