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Mar 14, 2019

Board Attendees: Tony Moore, Jim Braden, Ray Kittelberger, Gina Olson, and Hal Goodell in attendance. 

Meeting opened by Jim Braden at 7:55 PM immediately after the FICRA Board Elections Meeting conclusion.

Minutes:  The Minutes from Jan 2019 and Feb 2019 meeting minutes (yet to be posted) proposed for approval.  Motion to approve, seconded, and unanimously accepted as addended (installing a dollar figure for the CP auto signs).

President’s report: None

Consent Calendar Items:

Amendment suggestions to the Ficra Building Trust ByLaws have been sent to all board members in order to include the Ham Radio Club into the Ficra Trust Organization.  The other changes are mostly syntax. Any proposed addendum, requires a 15 day notice, and therefore tonight is the reading, and it will be published, then voted on at the next meeting.

Kristin Moriarty is moving, and will no longer be our rental coordinator.  Christine Griffin will be taking over, and seems to be very comfortable with all responsibilities already.

Board approved  the Consent Calendar: (First reading of Bylaws amendment, the terms of the Christine Griffin contract, and a $100 appreciation award for Kristen Moriarty).

Treasurers Report: Hal Goodell

Trust Checking account:—————————————-

Feb 1 Balance: $108,593.19 Feb 28 End Balance: $123,601.60

Trust Capital Checking:——————————————

Feb 1 Balance: $6,344.03 Feb 28 End Balance: $5,265.03

Trust Reserve Checking: —————————————-

Feb 1 Balance: $33,480.17 Feb 28 End Balance: $33,480.17

Trust Money Market:———————————————-

Feb 1 Balance: $1,644.14 Feb 28 End Balance: $1,645.20

Trust Savings: ——————————————————

Feb 1 Balance: $112.09 Feb 28 End Balance $137.10

Trust PayPal: ——————————————————–

Feb 1 Balance: $8,027.63 Feb 28 End Balance $2,179.91

Hal says that money has been transferred from Reserve Checking to Trust Money Market. He has moved money from Paypal into the Trust. A couple rental payments have cleared so this will also be moved soon. He would like to open up 2 additional Money market accounts to maximize the potential interest earned. Jim adds that the large balance on the Checking has been allocated from the PWP to specific improvements, like the parking lot, the windows and the irrigation system. The IRS has sent a letter saying that they need 60 more days to make a decision.  Hal says that he will continue to work with the CPA who was responsible for the missed filing.

Discussion was made regarding the projects yet to be completed, like the irrigation, and window replacements.  Please See the Capital Expenditures Doc, and the FICRA Building Trust Reserve Study Doc that are part of the Treasurer Report.

Ray recommends more information on YTD budget for Citizen Patrol. Hal reports it is complicated, but it should be noted. 

Standing Committee Reports:

Nature Center: Ed Burrough, excused. Nature Center Minutes posted on-line. They are doing well! NC minutes will be posted.

Finance Committee: Jim reports no new report.  Budget has been completed and approved. Further accounting evaluation to be done in the next year. Ray suggests we should have written policy and procedures in a manual. It is helpful when members leave and new ones start. Jim and Ray will start writing a Policy /procedures manual.

Citizen Patrol: No report, however PC Deputy continues to watch the boat ramp. There are no longer monthly crime reports from the Sheriffs Department, but Ray will ask for annual crime report for FI.

Emergency Planning: Ray reports the FI team participated in the PEP-C Fair. AP Templet has taken over Block Capt Coordinator. A Block Capt binder has been assembled, and this will be distributed to each BC for use as preparation and response for neighborhoods. Jim emphasizes that in order to remain non-liable, we have disclaimers in binder reminding folks that the Trust’s Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Response program is: 1. Not a government agency, 2. Does not direct any persons to act in an emergency, 3. Is a volunteer effort that makes assistance and facilities available for those that need help in an emergency.

Building Committee:

Audit Committee: No report. Will be auditing 2017 and 2018.

Nominating Committee: Jim reports Trust election is April 11th.  Candidates for the Trust Board are: Howard Stapleton, Naomi Grant, Hal Goodell, Gina Olson, and Jim Braden.

Fox Island Amateur Radio Club. Hal reports new classes are on March 23rd and 24th. Test is $15, and manual is $20 to study ahead of time, and the manual is available for purchase on Amazon.  There is an activity in April, 2 day seminar, on EP and communications. They had a great meeting last week and there were some good ideas proposed.  FIMWA may be able to accommodate a wire antennae on a water tower, the highest structure on the island.

The snow storm was used as an opportunity to practice their communications. 

Unfinished Business:

Kristin Moriarty was thanked for her service and will be presented with thank you gift for all the tremendous work she has done as our rental coordinator.  She is resigning to take a position in MA and will be moving soon.

Ray Kittelberger reports that the FICRA senior program has the opportunity to get a Van from Pierce County for transportation.  He and Dave will be collecting more information, but he would like the board to consider if the Trust would be willing to take ownership and provide fuel and maintenance for it.  He feels it might also be helpful for Emergency preparedness.  More info to be presented, and this to be considered in future.

New Business:

1. The FICRA Fair T Shirt Committee has met and is in planning stages for the Fair 2019.  Deb Conlin, Vanessa Lindsay, and Gina Olson are in planning, with this year’s artist to be Elle Karrel, as commissioned by Deb Conlin.  Design will be presented when available for preview.

Next meeting is on April 11, 2019

Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 PM.  

Respectfully Submitted by Gina Olson