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Dec 13, 2018

Board Attendees: Tony Moore, Ray Kittelberger, Gina Olson, and Hal Goodell in attendance. Jim Braden, excused.

Meeting opened by Ray Kittleberger at 8:12 PM immediately after the FICRA Meeting conclusion.

Minutes:  The Minutes from Nov meeting minutes proposed for approval. Motioned, seconded, and unanimously accepted.

President’s report: Ray reports for Jim new resident welcome packets are at the Post Office. Despite all the winter rains, Jim says the basement is dry. The security cameras are going to be installed by year end.

Consent Calendar Items: The Par Course has 3 of the 4 stations completed by Eagle Scouts. The Scouts who completed them were self-funded so the donation approval for these by the Trust was not needed as the Trust is the beneficiary of any extra funding. There is yet one more donation proposal of $250 for completion for the fourth station.. This has been motioned by Ray, seconded by Gina, and unanimously approved. A further donation may be proposed for the Eagle Scout project on signs for the Par Course.

Treasurers Report: Hal Goodell

Trust Checking account:Nov 1 Balance: $81,913.69 Nov 30 End Balance: $80,540.18

Trust Capital Checking: Nov 1 Balance: $1,785.71 Nov 30 End Balance: $6,588.55

Trust Reserve Checking: Nov 1 Balance: $27,230.17 Nov 30 End Balance: $27,230.17

Trust Money Market:Nov1 Balance: $1,643.17 Nov 30 End Balance: $1,643.58

Trust Savings: Nov 1 Balance: $112.09 Nov 30 End Balance $112.09

Trust PayPal: Nov 1 Balance: $9,167.34 Nov 30 End Balance $5,083.57

Hal has done a proforma worksheet for the 2019 budget to assist the Finance Committee in making the budget presentation at the January 10th meeting.  Ray will contact the CP and EP teams for their input.  Ray will also provide capitalization and depreciation of fixed assets advice to the Finance Committee for the budget.

Hal reports that he contacted CPA Linda for information about 990 tax filing. He also has received a letter from IRS dated Oct 1st, reporting that we had not filed 2017, and we have incurred a $3,650 late filing fee. Linda has contacted the IRS on our behalf, reporting she is responsible for the filing, and sent a letter asking for a reduction of penalty, and she will be responsible.

Committee Reports:

Nature Center: Ed Burrough excused. Nature Center meeting minutes are posted to the website.

Finance Committee:  The 2019 budget proposal will be presented to the Board at the January 10th , 2019Trust Board meeting.

Citizen Patrol (CP): Ray Kittelberger reports a quiet month. The deputy has been on the island. There was one break in, into the NCC garage rental, but nothing was removed. Additional security will be added.

Emergency Planning (EP): Doug is working on a training video for Fox Island Emergency Preparedness Planning. The focus is to teach potential future block captains, by mock scenario, and recorded discussion, showing one way they can operate in this role in an emergency. The script is written, but more planning still to come. The District contact, Kathy Weymiller, reports that the PSD emergency pick up form is not changed, but it has been implied, they are contacting Fox Island parents of students in PSD to list an off-island emergency person to pick up their child.

Building Committee: Ray reports Jim is working with a person to replace signs on the NCC grounds and post new ones at the new Par Stations, and have them all be uniform in appearance.

Audit Committee: Tony reports that Abby Scofield, Tony Moore, Joan Broughton, and new volunteer Jennifer Beard are the audit committee members. There is a plan to meet in Feb-March and review 2017 and 2018 in combination.

Nominating Committee: Ray reports more planning still needed.

Fox Island Amateur Radio Club. Hal says there is another new member class scheduled for March 23-24th.

Unfinished Business: Party With a Purpose is in planning. The first meeting was yesterday. They are still in need of a lead for the food service and a lead for a portion of the live auction. Odyssey Club logo still to be finalized for the flier/advertising.

New Business: Donation to Eagle Scout: donation approved above. New Property Signs: addressed above.

Next meeting is on Jan 10, 2018 Meeting Adjourned at 8:55 PM.  

Respectfully Submitted by Gina Olson