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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Hal Goodell, Chad Gottschalk, Naomi Grant, Miguel Martinez, Rob Moore and Howard Stapleton were in attendance.

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Howard Stapleton.

Minutes from the May 10, 2018 FICRA Board Meeting were approved with no changes.  Jim Braden recommended that both FICRA and the FICRA Trust should endeavor to send out draft minutes not long after the meeting dates so that members will have ample opportunity to read them.

Public Comment:  None

President’s Report:  Howard again thanked volunteers for the many hours spent planning and staffing events.  FICRA would not be able to offer activities without this support.

Treasurer’s Report: The financial and membership information for the month of May, 2018 were reported by Hal Goodell at the FICRA Building Trust Meeting preceding this meeting:

  • FICRA Checking Beginning balance  $18,606.36       Ending balance      $18,975.81
  • FICRA Money Market Beginning balance    18,671.78       Ending balance        18,675.74
  • FICRA PayPal Beginning balance         68       Ending balance                 0.00
  • Membership 366 for 2017-2018 as of 6/12/18, 138 from 2016-17 not renewed

Hal stated that quarterly balance sheet reports are now part of the Treasurer’s Report.  Howard asked if the membership revenue received to date was normal for this time of year.  Hal indicated that it was typical and that more revenue typically comes in the later part of the year.  Naomi asked how the reimbursement process works when volunteers incur expenses for events and if prior authorization is required.  Hal responded that approved budget items and expenses already discussed by the Board don’t typically require additional authorization.  The process is to complete a request form and submit it to the Treasurer.  Jim indicated he would send the form to Board Members.

Unfinished Business:

  • Transfer of Funds from FICRA Net Assets to 2018 Budget – The Board amended the language and approved Resolution 2018-001 (revised document attached) increasing the approved 2018 FICRA Budget for expenses for Other Recreational Events by $2,500. The motion to approve the amended Resolution was made by Miguel, seconded by Naomi and unanimously approved.
  • Online Membership Search –Howard asked the Board to decide how often the online information used for membership status should be updated. The Board consensus is that the information updates should occur at the middle (15th) and end of each month.

Committee Reports:

  • Social Activities – Miguel and Chad provided status on the Summer Solstice event coming up June 24th 1pm-4pm. Things are on schedule and the current priority is to get signs out for the event and specifically the planned shuttle service.  Tents will be available for shade (and rain) protection.  Jim will be following up with the Alliance Church on their youth assistance with tent setup, parking control and a potential booth.  Jim will also follow up with the UCC church on their interest in a booth.  Tony Moore will contact George Jones regarding the use of Museum tables.  Andrew at Zogs has agreed to provide 25 T-Shirts for the planned kickball contest.  Event setup is planned for 10AM on Sunday, 6/24.  Chad reported that they are also considering a 5K run as a fundraiser event for later in the year.  The event could start at the Fishing Pier and end at the NCC.
  • Membership – Naomi reported that the Committee met and discussed many items, including a December paper newsletter, sending invoices/reminders out to existing members towards year-end, letters and calling processes, collecting data from Solstice and Fair membership tables, membership cards, and additional processes for scrubbing membership data. She distributed copies of meeting notes to attendees.

New Business

  • 2018 FICRA Directory – Jim is doing the majority of work cleaning the data for this year’s directory with assistance from Howard. George Weis has provided extensive information from prior year directories.  Jim has approximately 20 updates to the existing directory and we are asking for more changes to be provided to Jim or through the website. Judy Wilson will again be pursuing advertising.  Jim will also be drafting an opening statement on the mission of the Trust and FICRA for inclusion in the Directory, and for general communication to Fox Island residents. The statement will stress opportunities for youth, events for individuals and families, forums for education (voting, bridge status, etc.) and how these opportunities are funded by the FICRA membership.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 14, 2018.

Respectfully submitted by Howard Stapleton and Jim Braden for Chad Gottschalk.
