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May 10, 2017 


Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Ray Kittelberger, Gina Olson, and Hal Goodell in attendance.

Meeting opened by Jim Braden at 7:04 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance


Minutes:  The Apr 14, 2017 meeting minutes unanimously approved. (pending typo corrections by Jim)


President’s report:

Jay Matsen from BSA is here.  He is a volunteer unit commissioner, acting as a liaison between troops and charter.  He recognized the 3 units we sponsor, Troop 27, Pack 27 and Crew 27. He thanks us for our sponsoring support, including the location provide for their meetings.  He presented a renewed charter agreement for the year. Jim Braden reported that the group has confident leadership under Don Schwendemen.  They have expressed sincere eagerness to provide service projects for us in the near future. The boy scouts were valuable help for the recent Plant Sale, and we anticipate their support with parking for the Ficra Fair. Scouts will be collecting food for the fish food bank. The Trust is making a space available in the garage for the Scouts to store readily used equipment.


Consent Calendar Items: 

1.Motion approved for the new policy for Pets.  Basically they are to renew On-Leash Policy, and encourage owners to pick up after their dogs/pets. The Board is to monitor compliance and adjust the policy, if needed.

2.Update to the Mowing and Lawn Care agreement/contract.  Current contract is $120 per job.  Proposed contract changes pay to $17.50/hour each for both individuals working.  Motion unanimously approved.

  1. Insurance is going to be added to replace the potential loss of contents in the NCC.  Jim to photograph the /contents.  The insurance rate will increase by $350/ year for an added $20,000 in coverage via Taylor Thomas. Motion made, seconded and unanimously approved.


Treasurers Report: Hal Goodell

Trust Checking account:

Apr 1 Balance: $56,218.83 Apr 30 End Balance: $64,178.38

Trust Capital Checking:

Apr 1 Balance: $8,325.12  Apr 30 End Balance: $8,325.12

Trust Reserve Checking: 

Apr 1 Balance: $20,480.17 Apr 31 End Balance: $27,230.17

Trust Money Market:

Apr 1 Balance: $1,641.24    Apr 30 End Balance: $1,641.51

Trust Savings: 

Apr 1 Balance: $100.93 Apr 30 End Balance $100.93

Trust PayPal: 

Apr 1 Balance: $8,462.50 Apr 30 End Balance $8,535.03


Plant sale was successful. Total $7,585.00 in income, but expenses and division between Sand&Soil, Garden Club and FICRA yet to be deducted.

Discussion will be made soon regarding moving larger balance funds into greater interest bearing accounts.


Committee Reports: 

Finance Committee: No report.

Citizen Patrol: Ray Kittelberger reports a quiet month. Deputy McDonald kept an eye on the Plant Sale plants the night before.  The Deputy is keeping an eye on the Boat Launch, and speaking with school administrators to warn youth to refrain from gathering at the boat launch. He continues to perform community policing.  CP has been operating at a loss of $1600 to date which was expected.  Donations usually catch up in summer /Fair. To determine if they will continue with a hotdog stand at FAIR and the All Island Garage Sale.

Emergency Planning: Ray reports that tomorrow at 11 am key leaders will be meeting to discuss our role at the Summer Solstice Event.  Booths are planned. No food or games, information, only, by EP. June 24th Date.

Building Committee: Jim reports, no new report. Painting bids continue to be investigated.  Electrical completion to garage will be done to meet extension on the permit granted. 

Nature Center: Ed Burrough reports this coming Sat is “Holly Blitz.”  He has promise of young kids support. Miguels” daughter Natalie Martinez states Key Club requires 144 hrs of volunteer time. Miguel’s daughter proposed her classmates come to help.  

Audit Committee: Tony reports that Hal has been working very hard to complete the “year end” between treasurer hand-off, there was no year end net.  It has finally been rectified and it means that the 2016 Audit is now ready to be closed. They will be working on 2017 next.


Unfinished Business:  

Capital Projects development. Finance committee continues to work on this.

Letterhead for FICRA/Trust correspondence. A few new images are being considered.

BSA storage in garage as reported above.

WIFI may be needed in the NCC. Jim will be working with George and Howard. This may be a benefit to rentals as well as security.

Jim reported that we were turned down by the Milgard Foundation for helping with the restoration/replacement of the NCC windows.  No other inquiries working at this time.


New Business:

1.FICRA Shirt Committee received 3 art submissions for the summer 2018 shirt design contest.  The winning design selected is by Carolyn Braden. Come early to the fair for your FICRA shirt!


Next meeting: June 14, 2018


Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM


Respectfully submitted by Gina Olson
