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Fox Island Nature Center Committee Meeting Minutes

2 February 2017


Attendees:  Ed Burrough, Philip Craven, Nan Feagin, Tom Mann, and Terry Mace.


The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m.


Old Business:


  • Ed reviewed committee activities in January.  We cleared logs and branched from trails, swept debris from the bridge, spread wood chips onto trails, dug out blackberries in the stream area, installed a plastic box for Nature Center brochures, and ordered native plants for a March delivery.
  • Philip reported that there was no new news on the re-zoning noted in the December 2016 minutes.


New Business


  • We discussed plans for promoting the kid’s photo exhibition for 2017.  We will have announcements in the FICRA Flash with photos and get announcements to home school groups on the island and the United Church.
  • We discussed ideas of how to get more island residents to use the Nature Center.  If Tahoma Audubon would share names of island residents who are also Audubon members, we could possibly entice them to use the area for their birding.  We will continue this discussion.
  • We discussed the possibility a summer beach walk.  Philip will bring a tide calendar to the next meeting to decide on a date.
  • During our next work party we will continue removing blackberries from the stream area.  Nan will bring more roofing material to install on boardwalks.  We will also continue distributing chips on wet areas of the trails.


Next work party – Saturday, February 18, at 9:00 a.m.

Next FINCC meeting – Thursday March 2 at 7:00 p.m. at Nichols Center

March work party – Saturday, March 18 at 9:00a.m.


About a native plant:


The Small-flowered Bulrush, a type of sedge, grows from a rhizome to as tall as 1.5m.  Its many strap-like leaves are somewhat flat and 10 to 15mm wide.  Its flowers grow in clusters at the ends of spreading stalks.  The Small-flowered Bulrush is common in wet areas, like swamps, stream sides, and wet ditches.  Native Americans used the leaves for lightweight baskets and as trim on hide clothing, as well as under and over food in steaming pits.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
