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January 12, 2017


Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Howard Stapleton, Mimi Miller, and Hal Goodell.  Bob Bowser and Uwe Krohn, excused.


Minutes from the December 6, 2016 meeting approved.

President’s Report: No items.


Consent Calendar: No items.


Treasure’s Report: 


FICRA  Checking: 11-30 Bal: $42,206.93  12-31 Balance:$37,814.47

Money Market  11-30 Balance: $18,629.03 11-30 Balance: $18,630.61

PayPal Balance: 11-30 $107.95 11-30 Balance: $155.89

Membership for 2017 is at 301.  Un-renewed membership from 2015-16 is 187.


The budget for 2017 was presented for the scheduled approval at the February 9th Board meeting.  There will be an adjustment to the presented budget based on comments in the meeting (moving the student speaker contest award total to $2,000).  The adjusted 2017 Budget will be sent to all Board members well ahead of the February meeting.


Committee Reports: 

Social Activities Committee: Jim addressed the issue of getting more activities going at the NCC.  We have the projector now that would accommodate movies.  Howard suggested doing a quick facebook/e-mail survey to see what residents would like to take part in.  We will send out options like movies, dancing, “open mic”, with the survey.

Membership Committee: Jim will contact Bob for the update on membership development.

Publicity Committee: Jim Braden reports that Lisa Stapleton continues to improve the communication processes.  This committee will send the survey questions out.

Special Committees: No reports.

Unfinished Business: 

The student speaker contest parameters are set.  The public notice will go out the week of January 11.  The event is scheduled for April 11, 2017.


New Business: 


Bridge Update: Jim is continuing to pursue relationships with Representative Caldier and Senator Angel to press for the bridge.  He has talked to County Engineer Kraig Shaner who says the next step is a survey of area residents by a professional survey firm to learn concerns on a new bridge design (bridge height being one of those).


Adjourned at 8:50 PM.


Next Meeting is February 9, 2017.



Respectfully submitted by Jim Braden for Denise Parrish, Secretary
