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Fox Island Nature Center Committee Meeting Minutes

1 December 2016


Attendees:  Ed Burrough, Philip Craven, Thomas Mann, Nan Feagin, and Terry Mace.


The meeting was called to order at 9:05 p.m. after a delightful petit repas.


Old Business:


  • Ed reviewed the work accomplishments in November.  We removed sections of downed trees, dug out yet more Himalaya Blackberries, and added steps to the upper loop trail.
  • The Committee discussed ideas for plant identification signs.  Ed brought two examples of laminated plant signs with the plant’s name, where it grows, an interesting fact about the plant and a number for a possible plant identification brochure.  We discussed two means of displaying the signs, either hung directly on the plant or affixed to a post near the plant.  We also discussed Philip’s concerns about the trail names.
  • Ed asked what additional work was needed on the upper loop trail.  We agreed that we needed chicken wire on all steps and that we should monitor the newly installed steps during the winter.


New Business


  • Philip reported that Bill Sawyer had told him that the Nature Center was on a list of properties to be rezoned from ARL to R10.  Philip will investigate further and report to the FICRA Board that we are looking into rezoning pro and cons because of the county rezoning proposals.  Ed has found that the Nature Center’s use code in the assessor’s property description is “open space” and it is currently taxed at approximately $288 per year.  Prior to the open space designation the tax was in excess of $1060.
  • Ed suggested that we put down another tarp in the reed canary grass area adjacent to the first tarp to expand our efforts to discourage its growth.  We will install a tarp between the existing tarp and the boardwalk and consider plants that we could install to shade out the grass.
  • Ed reviewed the plants to order from the Pierce County Conservation District.  These include cottonwood for the reed canary grass area, paper birch, cascara, maidenhair fern, flowering current, and serviceberry.  Ed will ask the Conservation District for suggestions of a fast growing shade swamp plant.
  • Ed has been asked to prepare a document to include in the new resident package.  We agreed that the description that Ed wrote for the Fox Island Living magazine was the appropriate document.  Ed will forward it to FICRA.


Next work party – December 17 at 9:00 a.m.

Next FINCC meeting – January 5 at 7:00 p.m. at Nichols Center

January work party – January 21 at 9:00a.m.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
