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May 12, 2016


Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Hal Goodell, Uwe Krohn, Bob Bowser, Mimi Miller and Denise Parrish.  Howard Stapleton, excused.


Minutes from the April 14, 2016 meeting, unanimously approved.


President’s Report:  Jim Braden – no report.


Consent Calendar: None


Treasure’s Report: Mimi Miller


FICRA Checking  4-30 Register Balance:$32,255.70

Money Market  4-30 Balance: $18,618.12

PayPal 4-30  Balance: $23.97


Current Membership 2015-16: 402    Past Due Members Total: 110


Committee Reports

Social Committee report: 

Jim made a case for having the proceeds of the Plant Sale go to the FICRA Building Trust.  It was moved (Hal/Bob) and unanimously passed that the beneficiary of the Plant Sale should be the FICRA Building Trust.


Membership Committee: Bob Bowser.  It was suggested that we have better signage for the roadside membership booth so we don’t miss the walkups.


Publicity: Jim Braden reports our publicity seems to be keeping up with the events and news.  Jim asked everyone to not be bashful in recommending items for the newsletters, etc. as he is struggling to stay ahead of getting these to Lisa in time for publication.


Student Speaker Contest Committee:   Ray reported that we had no candidates apply this year.  He is wondering if we want to continue the contest award effort.  If we do, we need to investigate how to stimulate interest in our program.  Maybe asking busy Juniors and Seniors to apply and also prepare a speech is too much.  Another thought is to consider doing the program earlier, say February or March when the students are so busy.


New Business: 

Casper Baby Pants is scheduled for Sept 17th.  Jim will work with Laura Genton, Little Foxes group chair, to help coordinate the details, including advertising.


Though the proceeds have been redirected to the Trust, Hal presented the results of the Plant Sale saying that it set a new record in net receipts.  Much hard work went into the plant digs and the treatment of the plants was good as evidenced by the many unsolicited comments on the plants being very healthy.  Hal complimented John Reese on his work and will write a thank-you letter to John.


The Plant Sale committee will have a post-mortem and include discussion on their basic objective of the Plant Sale to be sure they are on the intended track.


The Trust will, off line, approve being the recipient of the Plant Sale.


Motion approved to Adjourn at 9:05 PM.


Next Meeting is June 9, 2016.  


Respectfully prepared by Denise  Parrish, Secretary
