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November 12, 2015


Board Attendees: Tony Moore, Jim Braden, Hal Goodell and for the Emergency Preparation Committee: Ray Kittelberger. Gina Olson excused.

Meeting opened by Jim Braden at 7:04 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Volunteers asked to sign in for the record.


Minutes:  The October 8, 2015 meeting minutes were approved. Moore/Goodell


President’s report: Jim Braden presented the restored kitchen indicating that all that remains for it to be put into service is for the final electrical inspection which was requested November 9th.


Consent Calendar:

Approved the $1,500 for materials for the Emergency Prep Communications Room.  Moore/Goodell



Treasurers Report: Hal Goodell

Trust Capital Checking: (new account established)

Oct. 1 Balance: $200. Oct. 31 Balance: $18,370.05

Trust Reserve Checking: (new account established)

Oct. 1 Balance: $200 Oct. 31 Balance: $10,750.00

Trust Checking account:

Oct. 1 Balance: $50,348.36     Oct. 31 Balance: $20,171.72

Money Market:

Oct. 1 Balance: $12,461.14     Oct. 31 Balance: $1,911.28

Trust PayPal: 

Oct. 1 Balance: $270.37 Sept 30 End Balance $1,940.20


The full summary report is on file. There is, also, a detailed Capital report on the Ficra Website.


Committee Reports: 

1.Crime Watch: Stan Weston/Bob Bowser

Crime on Fox Island is just about nil.  No speeding tickets reported.   The Sheriff’s deputy that we hire states that Fox Island’s crime situation is an “exception”.  It was suggested by Stan that the Board consider stepping up the deputy’s hours with the holiday package delivery increasing.  The Crimewatch Committee will make a recommendation.  There is $2,200 left in the Crimewatch budget for the remainder of the year.


  1. Emergency Planning: Ray Kittleberger reports that Julie Sorenson has made a significant donation to the Emergency Prep effort. She has been on the committee when her presence allows. Julie has also donated the toy box used in the South classroom.


  1. Building Committee: Jean Peterson reports that the kitchen is done but for Jim securing the final electrical permit and a few utensils needing to be placed. Some of the drawers will have locks to allow FICRA to keep their materials secure.


  1. Nature Center: No report (minutes posted on FICRA web-site).


Special Committees: None


Audit Committee: Nothing new to report.


Unfinished Business:  

  1. Video Cameras: One is set and monitoring! Vehicles are now identifiable for review if any further suspicious activity is noted.
  2. Planning Calendar: Jim will establish a date for the Board members to meet with Howard to be schooled on using the calendar.

School House Rock, Jan Auction “Party with a Purpose”  The committee is working to get sponsor money.  They met yesterday.  They want help with securing sponsors, so anyone who has a contact with potential donors should advise Lisa.  Jim volunteered to approach Tom Taylor, Pen Light, and last year’s anonymous donor.




New Business:

Planning Meeting: The FICRA/Trust planning meeting was held October 21st.  The main subjects of discussion were: confirming the mission and vision of FICRA and the Trust, reviewing the finances of the two organizations to ensure the proper balance of revenues and expenses between the two, reviewing the structure of the two organizations to ensure best use of volunteers, and preparation for the upcoming elections.  The outcomes have been posted on the web-site.


Ray made a presentation on the student speaker contest for 2016 stating that starting now, to get closer to the cycle for scholarships at the High School, might be a good idea.  First question: do we want to do this again this next year.  The board indicated they do wish to go ahead.  The board will pursue the details between now and approve the process at the December meeting.  It was agreed that this would be a good subject for a membership meeting next Spring.


The Finance Committee will convene a meeting with the Trust and FICRA Boards to establish the basic elements of the 2016 Budget.


Next Board meeting is 7 PM, December 10, 2015


Meeting Adjourned at 8:28 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by Jim Braden for Gina Olson, Secretary
