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November 12, 2015


Board Attendees: Uwe Krohn, Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Hal Goodell, Howard Stapleton and Bob Bowser , Gina Olson excused.


Uwe opened the meeting at 8:29 pm.

Minutes from the Oct. 8, 2015 meeting approved.


President’s Report:

Uwe suggested we dress up the bulletin board at the store to do a better job of catching people’s attention as it is not an automatic walk-by on the way into the store.  Uwe will contact Kalli to do a big picture of the NCC as an eye-catcher.  Jim stated that we need to update our brochure with new pictures.


Uwe states he had invited our State Representative, Michelle Caldier, to attend the December monthly Ficra Meeting but Caldier’s representative has called saying she is unavailable.  Uwe will check to see if another of our government representatives would be available.

Consent Calendar: Approved the allocation of $900 toward purchase of FICRA hoodies.


Treasure’s Report: Hal Goodell


FICRA  10-01 Checkbook: Bal: $32,408.72  13-31 Balance:$31,813.34

Money Market  10-01 Balance: $18,607.26     10-31 Balance: $18,608.84

PayPal Balance: 10-01 $23.97 10-31  Balance: $539.21


Current Membership: 326, and past due members 156 on list not yet renewed


Committee Reports:


Special Committee report: 

Christmas tree lightning: More volunteers needed for set up on the Friday before (outdoor lights) and the Sunday for inside.  Contact Uwe/Gisela.


Social Activities Committee:  Jean Peterson resigned from the lead of this position.  The Christmas Tree lighting is on track as stated above.  The Open House is on for Sunday, November 15th (2-4 PM) and the String Recital is on for November 17th at 7 PM.


Membership Committee: Bob Bowser. He plans to make another push after Thanksgiving but before Christmas.


Publicity: Jim Braden reports Lisa Stapleton is continuing to keep the website and Ficra Eflash fresh and relevant. Jim reminds everyone that all articles or notes to be published in the Electronic Flash publication are needed by the 20th of each month, the 27th is the last call, the final edit takes place and is returned to who sent it by the 29th, and the published draft will be sent out to Fox Islanders on the 1st of the month.


Unfinished Business: None


New Business: Bob  Bowser asked the Board to consider having ballots sent to members for elections.  The Board elected to table this discussion until a later date.


Motion approved to Adjourn at 9:30 PM.


Next Meeting is December 10, 2015.  


Respectfully submitted by Jim Braden, Director, for Tony Moore, secretary
