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Aug 13, 2015


Board Attendees: Tony Moore, Jim Braden, Gina Olson, Hal Goodell and Ray Kittelberger

Meeting opened by Jim Braden at 7:04 PM.

Minutes:  The July 2015 meeting minutes were approved.


President’s report: Jim Braden

Document of reserve and capital expenditure statement to be posted on the website. Jim is asking for any comments on the summary statement to be submitted to him. See printed letter.


John Ohlson is still active in scouting, now at a higher level, and is viewed by Jim to be a valuable person to aid in broadcast of information. Working together as a community is the essence of our charter.


Consent Calendar: Approval of Electrical Expenditures proposal. Needs follow up and update on things already spent prior to the fair. Recognize there are 3-4 projects sharing the electrical work that has been done so far.  There are bids for each element from S&E electrical. Some work has already been done (Phase 1 of installing the subpanel at the bottom of the basement stairs and power to the FICRA Fair electrical outlets at the food court area).  Kitchen remodel will require more electrical upgrades.  Another circuit or two will run to NE corner of basement for the Emergency Preparation Communication room. There is another circuit needed for possibly an AC unit to make temperatures in NCC more tolerable during summer/heat (future subject).  Jim suggested an allocation of funds for the basement electrical improvements: 50% kitchen, 20% Fair, and the remaining 30% to Emergency Prep (10%), Water heater (10%) and 10% to future needs.  The Board passed a motion in principle to do this and Jim will provide details to the Board by e-mail for future approval.


Another phase is running electrical to the Garage and increase rental to competitive rates as it is a good income source for the Trust.  $100/per month is current rate and with power $200 would be competitive for a total annual revenue of $4,800.


Capital items that are non-budgeted need to be approved as such and then highlighted f to guide the next year’s plans.  Any grant money for the Emergency Prep (EP) effort could be applied to the electrical, too.


Treasurers Report: Hal Goodell

Checking account:

July 1 Balance: $51,736.06  July 31 Balance: $51,798.81

Money Market:

July 1 Balance: $12,857.92  July 31 Balance: $12,859.01

Trust PayPal:

July 1 Balance: $581.70 July 31 End Balance $349.74


Hal says that a transaction fee with PayPAL is 2.79% and when the deposit is refunded, the $0.30 transaction fee is not refunded. Hal to consult with Gisela.


Committee Reports: 

  1. Crime Watch: Stan Weston

There was not much to report.  The difference is that the Sheriff has been making more daytime patrols.  Most violations were speeding.  A theft reported on 7th Ave, regarding theft of a delivered package. There were 2 fraudulent reports, credit card theft and check fraud. Posts on FB reporting Sheriff giving tickets is supportive.  Mike Gordon would like to post the signs made for the fair at the FI Store bulletin board which state Crime Watch (CW) program costs $7 per year/ per household” and more information regarding budget of CW.  The CW budget is $10,000/year and cost of patrols is the main controlling factor.  Stan’s contact states that $55/hr is minimum and more than the $35/hr CW rate has been paid elsewhere for many years.  This increase seems appropriate.  Some residents would like to see more patrols. Home checks are helping to keep CW “in view” of those watching the island.  This also forces a random pattern of patrol which is more effective per Mike.  A motion was approved to go to the $55/hr rate.


  1. Emergency Planning (EP): Ray Kittleberger

New EP Plan posted put on Web.  Pen Light donated 12 emergency kits that were raffled and auctioned off every hour at the fair.  Pierce County Citizens Corp is putting together a trailer of emergency supplies.  EP hopes this will be for our use in the future.


  1. Building Committee: Carolyn Braden, excused.  Jean Peterson, excused.

Jim reports that kitchen project is now in final details of planning. Counter changes were needed to adequately support the period sink.  The schedule is still for the work to be done mid-September through October.


  1. Nature Center: Ed Burrough.  Exhibit of kids photography at the Fair was great!  5 kids submitted photos, There is a suggestion to put on the photography class and advertise earlier in the year for more “bloom” pics.  Invasive plan removal confirmed by specialist to be a task with no final end date, as it is almost impossible to completely remove invasive blackberry.  Ed reports that his committee will continue to try. “Fair was a lot of fun! “


Special Committees: 

  1. Ficra Fair Report:  Jim referred to the minutes of the August 11 Fair Review Meeting which washanded out.  The purpose of the meeting was to recap details, successes and challenges.  Hal says the fair was a success and vendors did well.

Dave McHugh has been acknowledged for giving great ideas over the last 2-3 years that are slowly being incorporated with great results.  Many vendors have pre-registered for next year too. Hal says that a few more “key” volunteers are needed to help alleviate the burden of details on the Ficra Fair Chair.  Cheryl Nelson organized the Music, Carolyn Braden managed the FICRA booth, George set up the Microphone and sound system.  Fox Island Deli stored the kegs.  Red Hook donated the kegs.  Someone is needed to announce items as needed, also to manage the parking and  garbage detail.  Murray Disposal donated a dumpster. Scouts did a tremendous job of helping with preparation, parking, and take down. Great thanks to all who helped.  Jim will write letters to thank those who contributed.

Financially the Fair was a success. Final numbers yet to be detailed. After fees: $14,117.00 approx income.  119 renewed memberships with several new members. More previous members have returned, too. The Kazoo Parade was a great success.  The national anthem was superbly sung by Ms Tweet. Hal has agreed to chair the fair again next year!


  1. Audit Committee: Meeting of Audit team is needed. Jim says that Sept may be a better time after the All Island Garage Sale.  There are items that are going well, and other items yet needed to be agreed on.  Evening meeting preferred.


Unfinished Business:  

  1. Video Cameras: Still in process.
  2. Directory: Was completed and available at the Fair. The process was not streamlined, but corrections were made. There are more corrections needed, which Jim will add to his copy as the master.  George Weis put a tremendous effort into this including finding a Printing Company in Seattle for cost savings.
  3. Planning Calendar and Website Development. A planning exercise needs to be conducted where we sit down and have Howard help us learn how to utilize the planning calendar. Critical dates and timeline are what need to be included in the planning calendar.


New Business:

Mid Year Planning meeting to be convened in Sept after the All Island Garage Sale.


All Island Garage Sale is Sept 12th. Applications will be available by Aug 1st. Copies of locations to be printed, available at store, Ads run 1 week before in the Tribune. Last year not enough advertising.  Need ad in Aug, maps at the Post office, Museum and Store. Only a couple of applications so far, this is still in development stage. 60-70 sites are hoped for. No “official” signs at each site this year. Need more $ allocated to advertising.  Shoppers have questioned why so late in the year.  They would prefer a May date, rather than in Sept. Board members agreed that September is right time.

A Volunteer is still needed to chair the Marti Gras Fundraiser. Jean Peterson is willing to help and give guidance. Hal suggests that a meeting be scheduled to call together all the participants from last year to start the planning process, rather than “wait” for a volunteer to chair.


Next meeting is on Sept 10, 2015


Meeting Adjourned at 8:27 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by Gina Olson, Secretary
