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Aug 13, 2015


Board Attendees: Uwe Krohn, Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Hal Goodell, Gina Olson, Howard Stapleton and Bob Bowser  


Uwe opened the meeting at 8:27 pm. 

Minutes from the July 9, 2015 meeting approved.  


President’s Report:  Uwe Krohn compliments Hal for successfully chairing the Fair this year once again and sends out thanks to the major contributors including the FI Yacht Club, the Church, the Boy Scouts,  the Nature Center and Garden Clubs.  He also sends more personal thanks to those “unseen” hands that helped including Charlie Christ, age 7, for painting the front steps of the NCC.  Thanks to George Weis for the Directory, and all the time spent by him and Jim on corrections.  A special thanks to Peter Harvey for striping the grass, to Crime Watch who had Daniel Mitchel keeping watch overnight at the fairgrounds, and to Gina Olson for the Fair T-shirts.  He thanked Gary Hart from the Men’s coffee group and the Scouts for helping set up the tents, and George Metzger for the music.  A thank you to Loren Steward who helped clean up, Julie Johnson cleaning after close, Carolyn & crew for Ficra booth and for Gisela for her accounting skills managing the till.  Thanks to Bill and Sue Spencer and Jim who moved the last items from the NCC to the garage to get the NCC ready for the next day’s rental. Thank you to Kent Holder for sharing/driving his tractor in the parade, MS Tweet for the National Anthem and Ken & Doug for the color guard presenting of the flags. “Worlds shortest parade” has gotten a little longer with the Kazoos added.  Jim thanked Uwe for his ideas and commitment to FICRA. Uwe presented a slide show of photos from the Fair. 

Uwe would like to start a new traditional Kids 4th of July Parade and Ice Cream social including option for riding bikes!   Uwe is encouraged by the addition of new volunteers. 


Consent Calendar: No items.


Treasure’s Report: Hal Goodell 


FICRA  07-01 Checkbook: Bal: $27,186.27  07-31 Balance:$25,555.63

Money Market 7-01 Balance: $18,602.57 7-31 Balance: $18,604.15

PayPal Balance: 7-01 $119.85 7-31 Balance: $191.76


Current Membership: 243 and past due members 207 on list not yet renewed  


Committee Reports:


Membership Committee: Bob Bowser. No report more than noted current membership info. 


Publicity: Jim Braden reports Lisa Stapleton is continuing to do a tremendous job at keeping the website and Ficra Flash fresh and relevant.  Emphasis should be to help her by getting information to her on the schedule she requests.


Directory: Jim reports that the directory correction/update process needs to happen earlier.  George is ready to work on 2016 now. 


FICRA Fair Shirts: Gina Olson reports shirt sales were good overall. Special thanks to Claudia, Kelly and Jennifer for helping with sales.  New design and style was well received. Of 201 items ordered 169 were sold for total revenue of approx $3,400 and a small profit of $126.00. She will chair T-shirt committee for fair next year.  An advertisement for design ideas is to be publicized. 


Motion approved to Adjourn at 8:55 PM.


Next Meeting is Sept 10, 2015.  


Respectfully submitted by Gina Olson, Director