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July 9, 2015


Board Attendees: Uwe Krohn, Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Hal Goodell, Gina Olson, and Howard Stapleton. Bob Bowser, excused.


Uwe opened the meeting at 8:10 pm with a greeting.

Minutes from the June 11, 2015 meeting approved.


President’s Report:  Uwe Krohn has planned a new event for the FICRA Fair.  It is a “Marching band” of preschoolers for which will be each given a kazoo, He thinks it will be fun, and a great way to include kids.

Rennie Walker is unable to host Kickball Friday nights for this summer.  Hopefully it can be started again next summer or hosted by another volunteer.

Consent Calendar: No items.


Treasure’s Report: Hal Goodell


FICRA  06-01 Checkbook: Bal: $28,816.13  06-30 Balance:$25,501.18

Money Market  6-01 Balance: $18,601.04 6-30 Balance: $18,602.57

PayPal Balance: 6-01 $95.58 6-30  Balance: $119.85

Current Membership: 345 from 2014-15  (45 paid for 2015-16).  Total Members: 390


Hal has an amendment proposal, regarding dispersement of income from plant sale.   Currently income of all three organizations is listed as FICRA income, and the amounts distributed to SandNSoil and Garden Club are listed as expenses. Gisela suggested that because income is not all for FICRA, gross can be listed, but Ficra income from plant sale (which is only 1/3 of total amount) should be revised to only show only this.  Expenses should be $0.  Hal will put this proposal in writing for the board.


Committee Reports: 

Social Activities: Jean Peterson excused.


Membership Committee: Bob Bowser, excused. Uwe reports that efforts will focused on Membership for 2015-16 since July 31 is year end for 2014/2015 dues year.  Bob has been working hard and has done a great job increasing membership this year.  He has initiated reduced fees for late entry in membership for 2015.   Rejoining of previous members is sign of his efforts working well.


Publicity: Jim Braden reports Lisa Stapleton is continuing to do a tremendous job at keeping the website and Ficra Flash fresh and relevant.  She will be sending the July Flash soon.


Unfinished Business: 

Approval to the New Bylaws. Motion to approve, seconded, all approved.


Gina reports FICRA Fair shirt order is nearing completion.  She has been working with Harbor Graphics, created a design, and studied cost, style, and numbers sold from previous years to achieve currently a bid for 201 items to include men’s, women’s, youth and baby clothing, at a total cost of $3,143.22.  This is approx $600. over the budgeted amount.  Board and members attending meeting discussed shirt style, design and cost and approved her to make purchase with current bid from Harbor Graphics.  It was recommended that “2015” and the word “FAIR” be removed from the shirt design, and add “Washington”.  She will do this.  Hal to make deposit.  Recommend simpler design for next year.



New Business: 


Jim reports that George Weis continues to design and manage the new Directory.  His daughter helps too.  He has asked Hal for new member information, which has been sent to Howard and George on a spreadsheet.  There are a few additions.  Judy Hackett is managing the Advertising aspect in the directory, sending out notices and working on deadlines.


Motion approved to Adjourn at 9:15 PM.


Next Meeting is Aug 13, 2015.  


Respectfully submitted by Gina Olson, Secretary
