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June 11, 2015


Board Attendees: Tony Moore, Jim Braden, Gina Olson, Hal Goodell and Ray Kittelberger.

Meeting opened by Jim Braden at 8:25 PM.


President’s report: Jim Braden

The Grand Marshal for the FICRA Fair is designed to represent a person or couple who have volunteered, as a form of recognition.  Hal suggests that it might also be a person of interest. There are many good candidates. Selection should be by next board meeting.


Presentation of Treasurer’s report has been a topic of discussion.  Ray believes it should be a summary.  The Reserve Report and the Capital intentions. There has been a new sump pump and drain line installed. There are window sills that are rotting and repairs are needed. FIcra Trust has Capital, but income is needed in the future to continue maintaining the building. Howard suggests that an article be written and it can be posted with links to updates.


John Ohlson is the lead person for Scout units numbered 27, and has been signing off to a new scout master.  He and Jim have discussed Scouts activity and cooperating on posting information on each other’s sites.


Rentals are going well.  No need to sign on with Wedding coordinator services.


Electrical Bid in for power out to the FAIR food booth areas.


Howard has been discussing a standardization of terms, and taking the material which is important and making a digital record of these items.  Deeds, Bylaws, etc.  Once it is logged, there has to be a standard of terms so that it continues to be easily found/accessed.  All board members are asked to go into the email and understand it as best as he can. First step is to get a Gmail account, and 2. email Howard to get access to the document.


Nan Fagin has done a mountain of work for FICRA over the years, and recently moved off the island.  The Board would like to recognize her in some way.  She would love to have a row of trees outside the west wall of the NCC.  Tree type, cost and logistics to be investigated by Jim.  Gina suggests pin oak.


Minutes:  The May 15, 2015 minutes were approved.


Consent Calendar:  No items.


Treasurers Report: Hal Goodell

Checking account:

May 1 Balance: $45,888.46  May 31 Balance: $49,931.79

Money Market:

May 1 Balance: $12,855.77   May 31 Balance: $12,856.86

Gisela and Hal are continuing to use and refine the Quick Books record keeping.


Crime Watch: Stan Weston excused.

Ray reports 3 vehicle break-in crimes. May 2015 was the safest month in regards to crime of all time.

PC Deputy continues to make regular patrols, and speeding continues to be of concern. Many speeding violations have been ticketed. A suggestion made to use the bridge sign to alert FI drivers to slow down may help prevent violation/ticketing.  July is Crime Watch Awareness month.  A flier is set to go out stating facts about Crime Watch program, and forum for Speeding concerns in planning.


Emergency Planning: Jim reported that the minutes for last meeting are printed and sent to Emergency Planning Team.  Bob Bowser is spear-heading the EP neighborhood process.  Pierce County’s Pegge Lovell-Ford is encouraging training  “BC”s ( the block captains). 1000 brochures that say OK and HELP to be distributed to neighbors that can be posted on the house window during an emergency to advise BC’s of status. Meeting with the Yacht club about 1 month ago.  A flotilla of boats to be organized. Five people from the Yacht Club have signed onto the EP team. Joan would like to see info in the eFlash about BCs and their responsibilities – and a letter pre-printed on letter head would seem more professional. Bob making a welcome packet from PC.


Building Committee: Jean Peterson, and Carolyn Braden excused. Jim: Focus has been on the kitchen.  They have been meeting with contractors.  Goal is for project to happen in Fall.


Nature Center: Photo exhibition for kids photography is going forward with Dodi Skiffington.  This is not a contest.  Ages 6-12 year olds.  Info to be in the eFlash and mailing.  When you are at the Nature Center and look at the little things, there is an opportunity to relax and great things to see.  Continuous maintenance of trails is happening.  No poison oak, a few stinging nettles.  Take your family and enjoy.


Audit Committee: Gisela provided Audit Report.  Financially, FICRA Trust and FICRA have been separated.  Books audited are in good order. There are 8 suggestions and recommendations.  Hal and Gisela are working together to make the finances more transparent. Recommendation is that we meet at a set date to further discuss it and review the detailed report. Summary and Detailed report to be emailed to the board.


Unfinished Business:  Video Cameras: Jim reported that it is a work in progress


Furnace study: Jim states this is on the back burner.


Basement water control: Work in progress, and sump has been dug.


New Business:

Planning Calendar Development: Howard states that he will post on planning calendar Google Calendar and in the FICRA PLANNING Calendar.  Annual events to be posted on there.  Milestone events are on there now.  In the future, the activities that lead up to the events can add other dates, meetings, etc.


Keyless lock is on hold pending review of its practicality for FICRA/TRUST use.


Board Members with the Trust approved the ByLaws amendments as submitted.


Student Scholarship for Emergency Preparedness is not getting much response.  There is a suggestion if there is no response to have the scholarship re-marketed next fall at the schools and make the scholarship $1000 or have two $500 scholarships.


Next meeting is on July 9, 2015


Meeting Adjourned at 9:35 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by Gina Olson, Secretary
